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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9


    not in particular , i just hadnt realised she was married to Fripp. they've got a strange youtube channel. and yes there is a lot of nipple on occasion.
  2. huss9


    seen her stuff with her hubby?
  3. huss9


    brilliant. you'll have to explain that one to the kids!
  4. we're probabaly the most hated team in the league - initially because we were "delusional" and now the arab money.
  5. i got in right before kick off. no flags in the gallowgate? saw a few in the leazes.
  6. his first 30-40 minutes werent great and he was giving the ball away and miscontrolling it... but that second half, man. deffo world cup squad contender.
  7. i know its a cliche and i usually hate it. but last night the crowd were like an extra man.
  8. huss9

    St James' Park

    i think people would just hold on to their ST's even ig=f they wernt going to go , just to sell them
  9. a couple of points Crowd really got to the everton players. been so positive since bruce left even after shitty results. Mehdad really fucking loves this club! and the look on jamie reubens face after the second. just lush to have some canny owners at last. Load of trouble on barack road after the game. seemed to be mainly scousers not being able to take taunting off a few teenagers - really unneccessary.
  10. thats what i mean. he scored early on for us. no pressure and confidence sky rocketed. he just seems to be feeling the pressure and the responsibilty this season.
  11. willocks as good a finisher as gayle but is really brittle psychologically.
  12. wow, that really is bad planning. its inexcusable we didnt get another pacy front man in. wood was a panic buy to get a striker in for the watford game, hence the gamble. but if the plan was that he would be our main striker for the rest of the season then we have royally fucked up. it is "hoped" we have wilson back for the end of the season - even that is in doubt. fucks sake.
  13. huss9

    Jesse Lingard

    manu board wouldnt loan to west ham as champions league place rivals. when it comes to us, they just want us relegated. whats a few million to them?
  14. no clear news about covid/injuries yet. we may be going in without wood., jow, and willock.
  15. how is willock's injury? he could do a job.
  16. huss9

    Jamal Lewis

    he's gonna regret this. think he might just be a little peeved and pissed off at the moment and refusing to leave. does the loan market to champo clubs shut tonight? could he still go out on loan abroad?
  17. less confident now we'll be facing a fit DCL and a midfield od Alli/VDB backedup by Gray and Townsend.
  18. huss9

    Joe Willock

    agree, we didnt get a mobile/pacy striker in or a goalscoring midfielder. we really need to push this kid further upfield with bruno behind him. best finisher in the squad bar wilson (based on last season, mind).
  19. 7/10 really needed a pacy striker or goalscoring midfielder. going another couple of months with wood as the main man, and gayle as a non-existent back up.
  20. i hadnt heard about this until my 17 year old daughter played the recording to me and showed me the pictures of the lass's injuries. my bairn was almost in tears. really upset. i had to sit my two boys (aged 14 and 15} down to reinforce that this kind of behaviour is completely unacceptable. tbh they were just as shaken with it all as my daughter.
  21. hopefully this is true - just to show how ruthless eddie can be.
  22. really need to get a striker in to make the most of this signing.
  23. huss9


    also loads of season ticket holders that havent gone to away games for years just sticking their tickets on twitter every week or selling to whoever.
  24. huss9


    just sounds fucking awful. mate and her family went down this afternoon and said it was frightening, especially on the concourses. flares going off inside and all sorts. we've got our share of coke-heads and i hope it never descends to this kind of behaviour.
  25. huss9

    Jesse Lingard

    he could just say no.
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