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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Image of the week

    every single one is a fucking winner. where to start?
  2. cant come out and say the diamond was his idea if it wasnt. cant come out and say it was jones' cos makes him look clueless. cant say him and jones thought of it together as it takes the credit away from him. "i know - i'll be enigmatic mysterious and funny."
  3. yup. he's dug himself a hole.
  4. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    they are so thick!!!! if they add up how much he'll be getting paid till the end of the season, they'd have let him go on a free. really stupid.
  5. from today's chronicle when asked about the 4312 against everton When asked about formations, Bruce, speaking over a Zoom conference with poor sound, said: "You are talking about us tactically? "I will let you guess. I will keep you (the media) confused with it." which probably translates as though "graham hasnt explained it to me yet, so i'll get back to you once i've asked him." he really doesnt help himself does he?
  6. unless he's in a Wales shirt. which is a complete opposite to Giggs.
  7. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    dunno but a couple of different articles mentioned a fall out some time in the last few weeks.
  8. I mean how can you tell the difference? that'll always be brendan rodgers to me.
  9. got a naughty streak like shearer too.
  10. Is that you Graeme? Really enjoyed your tactics today.
  11. just seen highlights of villa game. southampton robbed of a goal, but should also have a penalty for handball in the first half.
  12. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    class. pass it on to Lukey edwards.
  13. huss9


    how the fuck did he still end up in the squad today?
  14. huss9


    Am I missing something? Why is she talking to a young kid in anyway? fuck me. incredible. i'm going to watch it again.
  15. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    just goes to show the level of hatred for Bruce.
  16. would have made a great wingman too. so unselfish - think he's got the most assists this season as well.
  17. huss9

    Graeme Jones

  18. https://darylgouilard.medium.com/luton-town-the-contrast-in-their-xg-and-xga-under-graeme-jones-bfef9b2bb6fd wilson playing slightly wider seems to be a Jones tactic. Bruce had mentioned that they'd changed the positioning of the striker in post match bollox.
  19. did he forget the high pressing under Rafa? it's like the bacon-licker invented it
  20. Pickford's positioning on the second goal was woeful. still a great finish, mind.
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