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Everything posted by huss9

  1. Nah, we didn't get within 2 meters of any of them.
  2. we dont know how other clubs have been affected by covid as they dont bleat on about it every chance they get.
  3. huss9

    In memoriam

    dundee utd's jim mclean RIP. To us of a certain age, this guy did great things and almost achieved the impossible. loved watching their euro adventures - that night at the nou camp!!!! and also just 90 minutes and a £50k bribe away from a european cup final.
  4. all the more shameful that "a fan of the club" is helping him out.
  5. at least some pressure and criticism now from the local press now, even the chron. think the local media have been stung by recent criticism on their twitter pages about giving bruce an easy ride. too late but still welcome.
  6. the quote about simply wanting to avoid relegation now needs be a headline on the back page of tomorrow's chron.
  7. what do players like Miggy, ASM, and Wilson do now? they've heard it direct from the pig's mouth - his aim is only to stave off relegation. no ambition beyond that.
  8. changed his mind then. the dishonest fuck. from claiming to be aiming for the top 10 at the beginning of the season, he now admits what we all know. he is a yes man with no ambition or an inch of self-respect. been told by ashley to come in and as long as we finish at least 17th, he'll be in a job. doesnt expect any more from Bruce, and now we know Bruce doesnt expect anything more from himself either. coward, loser, shameless, charlatan, pupper, no-balls, no relf-repsect... and so on. now i definitley hate him him more than pardew and kinnear - at least they pretended we had some ambition.
  9. dont have the brains to work out where to play them or how to build a team around them. SBR and Keegan would have had a field day.
  10. on twitter tonight Awful from #nufc there are no excuses, no mitigating circumstances. Simply not good enough in any way shape or form. The one source of genuine excitement in another tedious league campaign is over. Bruce must know he’s blown it. Will he be sacked? No. But he’s in a lot of bother
  11. tbf he's had fuck all to play off. guys a poacher and needs service. he's not a playmaker.
  12. fuck me - already feeling sorry for himself. sad pathetic cunt. "the bait" ffs.
  13. did pardew or sourness make a set of substitutions as idiotic as this guy did tonight. really beats pardew's efforts to get as many LB's on the pitch hands down. fucking thick cunt. if the local press dont go to town in him in the post match interview, they need to hang their heads in shame.
  14. what the fuck were the substitutions about? someone really has to ask him. take our 3 fastest players off, take our only mobile midfield threat off, take off the only winger who's threatened their goal, leave on 2 slow midlfielders who hadnt hit a decent pass all game.... just to get 4 strikers on the pitch - 4 strikers!!! with no one to supply them! the aim was obviously just to playhoofball and get a flukey goal off a ricochet or something. fucking amazing. not even with hindsight. texts/whatsapp/instagram messages going off the scale just after the subs.
  15. didnt someone see him fly off to france - surely they wouldnt have let him do that if it was covid or even if it was a muscle injury.
  16. hope thats true. if we lose to brentford, then i'm sure he'll be looking for an exit strategy. pardew's stoke moment.
  17. more bullshit from ryder. "During the game against Fulham, the social media argument that Bruce is not being questioned hard enough by the media reappeared after an awful first half. The theory is well-rehearsed by tweeters, only it's complete nonsense. Questions about tactics, awful stats and Newcastle's league position HAVE all been delivered via Zoom conferences this season and some Press conferences have been heated as Bruce defended his corner. Whether fans like Bruce's answers or not is another matter entirely."
  18. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    often its him being indecisive - but most of the time its down to the lack of quality and movement around him. still beats standing stationary deep in your own half for ages, looking to make a hollywood pass.
  19. I’m not sure we need Sheffield United finding some form. may put some pressure on Bruce, it's the only positive i can think of.
  20. bruce needs sacking - the players seem to have no idea what the system is and what the tactics are. persisting with joelinton... miggy on the wing.... shelvey standing motionless deep in his own half looking for a long ball to play....442....bruce needs out, now. at least a new manager would hopefully inject some enthusiasm into the squad. most of the players look miserable and clueless.
  21. bruce needs to get the club dvd's out and watch the last few months of rafa's reign.
  22. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    you can tell his confidences is shot. scared of making a mistake and seems to panic even the before the ball gets to him. may be still a player in there but he needs an arm round him and some one-on-one coaching.
  23. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    he's got a lot more energy than the rest. he can get up and down the pitch for the whole 90minutes. and most of all, he's not actually a winger. get him in his correct position.
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