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Everything posted by huss9

  1. Of all the clubs that have been linked, that's one I could actually see working for both parties. They’d hate Rafa just as much as Puel Rafa would play the same football and would have them best of the rest like Puel. They seem to think they should be challenging for the league every season now that's absolutely outrageous and incorrect thing to say. its the kind of bullshit that gets thrown at us. Only the Big 6 are above them so where are they demanding they should be? you said challenging for the league EVERY season - none of my friends from leicester expect that at all. entertaining football. and yes - trying to be in the top six - not behind the likes of watford - with the pipe dream of maybe top 4 one day again. none of them ever expect to be challenging for the league again.
  2. It's class man. The sheep can have a go at him working his socks off but can't muster any energy to do anything about Ashley or sacrifice there afternoon away from the wife. Wankers man aye - moan, bitch and boo at the players - but not at ashley as it might affect the team and get us relegated.
  3. Think it would have been done by now if there was a willing person. haway man, amanda must know people.
  4. Of all the clubs that have been linked, that's one I could actually see working for both parties. They’d hate Rafa just as much as Puel Rafa would play the same football and would have them best of the rest like Puel. They seem to think they should be challenging for the league every season now that's absolutely outrageous and incorrect thing to say. its the kind of bullshit that gets thrown at us.
  5. i'd happily chip in a little cash bundle to anyone hoping to attack him as long as it couldnt be traced.
  6. Exactly mate Can the admin start kicking out the likes of 4 stars etc. To w*** over each other on Twitter instead What just to leave you and your like happy clapping and pretending there's a point to any of this? You need to wake up and get in the real world. Can the admin start banning happy clappers like this? Don’t even know what happy clappers are? You mean because I’m supporting the team? Instead of being a twat winding up fans in a pre match thread? Of course I want Ashley to go as much as the next man, Don’t want to see us relegated, Would like to see us win a cup Kill me now its not about supporting the team - its about supporting the club. the team will be gone, the club will always be here. i agree going today (ashley will be there too i've heard) without any kind of protests or anti-ashley chants is pointless. why go and cheer along? win lose or draw, ashley will aplaud and fuck off after the match in his helicopter. not a peep of bother. job done. last season i went as i was desperate to stay up, in the vain hope ashley would finally give rafa real money to spend. so what will be different this time if we help the team escape relegation? you want to have this same conversation in 6 months? last season proved staying up is pointless. WE NEED TO SAVE OUR CLUB - NOT THIS TEAM.
  7. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    his dad's david longstaff isnt he - the one that played for the steelers?
  8. dont know like. think they're getting in a couple of players and niasse may give them that something extra.
  9. Would rather not have owners like that tbh. why not? they've invested a load for the local community and the club? what type of owners do you want? not rich? not arabs?
  10. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    just a total disrespect for rafa and the shirt. who the fuck does he think he is?
  11. ffs, laying into the likes of yedlin, man. our whole squad is ether shit or average at best. if yedlin was any fucking good we wouldnt have been able to afford him in the first place.
  12. Bit of a contradiction there like !! He's paid to comment on football, not on football owners. derr! so why does he?
  13. think rafa should go full strength tuesday night. really need to fuck blackburn over and gain a little confidence.
  14. Sell up and fuck off then. Get your £250m back instead of constantly bleating about it you fucking tit. if only we could get THAT on a flag in the gallowgate.
  15. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    i think you do the fat cunt too much credit. he bids an amount that will be rejected out of hand. there's no genuine attempt here. see keegan court case etc.
  16. won't make a difference if he does. keegan took them to court and it all came out in the public domain. but neither the supafans nor the media remember.
  17. caller (Jonathon I think) on talksport tonight blaming rafa for the all the negativity around the team. also for not playing shelvey. fuck me do these people live on a hole? shelvey was and is still injured, rafa's been screwed over. even the FCB was telling the squad their aim for this season was 17th!!!
  18. as much as i love Rafa, getting rid of ashley is more important than keeping Rafa.
  19. its also about what he's done for the city. brought some dignity back the manager's role. united the fanbase. unfortunately ashley's manged to slowly start to undo the good rafa started. already split the fanbase.
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