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Everything posted by huss9

  1. RAFA KNOWS. Leave it to him. Finally we can just worry about getting to the game, which pre match pub for a pint, which trainers we're gonna wear. we can safely leave all player problems to rafa - no need to worry.
  2. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    ha ha ha. exactly.
  3. LB, creative midielder, striker. the very least we still need. who is out there that we could realistically attract to fill these positions now that funds are in place. are the likes of will hughes good enough. not really seen much of him.
  4. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    juniorSTM back from south korea?
  5. hope we also get a decent turn out for the vitesse game. would really get the players going in preparation for the season.
  6. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    Ooh look at me, look at me. I live on the same estate as Lee Charnley. Pathetic. that's nowt. The Guardian's Louise "mackem" Taylor lives just up the street.
  7. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    cunts got his swagger back. walking his dogs with his mrs and bairns on our estate last night. NEVER seen him do that before.
  8. an increasing number in the stands though with 3 of my little halfies tagging along this year (all 4 for the vitesse game).
  9. my 11 yr old has a wonga-free shirt thats aged 12-13 on the lable
  10. not sure but they are quite small fitting. my kids bought their strips 1 or 2 sizes bigger than their age.
  11. safc should be fucking delighted. getting paid milions to lose the cunt. they should have been scouting a new manager as soon as woy left the england job.
  12. and where are the national media? should be all over this. should be hell on.
  13. desperate for a creative central midfielder.
  14. what the fuck has this guy ever actually achieved as player or a manager.
  15. Possibly, but I thought the most delusional bit I took from that was the suggestion that you guys rate him at 35M . we dont rate him at £35m, that's what we want for him.
  16. need to change the titile to Moussa 10 out of 10 Sissoko
  17. really didnt know where to post this so will may be post it in the championship planning thread also. just needs to be said that we really need our fans to show a bit of humility this season. i'm gonna start taking my kids to away matches. we really show ourselves up with the "s*** ground, s*** fans" and "your support is f***ing s***" chants. absolutley hate them and they need to stamped out. people shouldnt join in and we need to sing over them to drown them out. hate it.
  18. really didnt know where to post this so will may be post it in the gallowgate flags thread also. just needs to be said that we really need our fans to show a bit of humility this season. i'm gonna start taking my kids to away matches. we really show ourselves up with the "shit ground, shit fans" and your support is fucking shit" chants. absolutley hate them and they need to stamped out. peple shouldnt join in and we need to sing over them to drown them out. hate it.
  19. next game at SJP less than 2 weeks away. cant wait.
  20. they have anyone who we could REALISTICALLY ask for in part exchange?
  21. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    captain fistpumps had fooled him into thinking his quality equalled his passion.
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