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Everything posted by huss9

  1. its not the goals he's scored, but more some of the chances he has missed.
  2. it wasn't a tackle, it was a stamp.
  3. not just shit but also very little effort. colback is even shitter but you do get occasional glimpses of effort.
  4. think ranieri may fancy him as Leicester are gonna struggle to attract top players if with champions league football.
  5. he's already won everything and has a fantastic reputation. sometimes its more about the challenge and the emotional connection.
  6. think he's gonna be a target for the Italian clubs. they cant compete financially for the top players so will target the like of sissoko who aren't quite good enough for the top tier of European football.
  7. I wouldn't take young kids anywhere near a Leeds v Newcastle game unless Leeds have changed. not sure about that. seemed ok last time I was there (4-3 solano winner).
  8. its quite clear that if he doesn't stay it will be Ashley's decision. you've got a top manager telling you basically that he's yours as long as the basics are in place. no way can Ashley PR his way out of this one like they tried to do with keegan.
  9. need that striker in. priority.
  10. huss9

    Rolando Aarons

    him and mbabu both need re-signing.
  11. Leeds away will be mental yup. leeds away. already promised my kids an unforgettable trip to eland rd next season.
  12. he's a dick. both my boys (10 and 8) play football and thought it was hilarious the way he was staring out the ref. they started to copy it and were getting in each other's face. had to tell them it was unacceptable behaviour by mitrovic.. next thing, he's nearly broken an opponents leg. no matter what people say, these players are role models and kids do imitate them. the rolling around and feigning injury is already common place even in under 8's football.
  13. overlooked again today. thought he deserved at least a cameo, if not a start.
  14. officially it'll be about 50k as its on tickets sold, not bums on seats.
  15. why the fuck play the likes of janmaat,wijnaldum and sissoko instead of mbabu, perez, etc. just got in from the Greggs charity cancer run with the kids, and am even more glad we've decided not to go today.
  16. saying rafa got us relegated is akin to saying carver saved us from relegation last season
  17. pointless playing him. wont be here next season. same with wijnaldum.
  18. add mbabu to that list, and perez if he can be persuaded.
  19. its gonna be more dependent on Ashley than it is Rafa whether he stays.
  20. huss9

    Adam Armstrong

    http://replygif.net/i/116.gif whats wrong?
  21. huss9

    Adam Armstrong

    Armstrong got a decent leap on him? not seen him score many headers.
  22. huss9

    Adam Armstrong

    is he about the same height as aguero?
  23. Probably be ripped apart for this but we could do a lot worse than Dwight Gayle for our attempted promotion charge. that's about the level we are talking. better than Nugent, Rhodes etc.
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