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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Apparently only 6ft if that makes a difference.
  2. Lotus

    Chris Hughton

    He's obviously not a natural character for it or he'd have tried it earlier rather than coaching all the time. As he's new to it you have to accept the fact he will make mistakes. Unfortunately at our expense. Hopefully he'll learn quickly and adapt.
  3. It's only 3 months though isn't it? And Simpson's is until January.
  4. Lotus

    Gay Mackems,....

    The deeper you get into that site (Landover Baptist) the funnier it gets. It caught me out at first but actually, there is some real comic genius in there. I've bookmarked it!
  5. Lotus

    Gay Mackems,....

    Aye, it is definitely sound reasoning to criticise American and religious culture based on a parody site. In my very next post i say i got it wrong. Was it that hard to read the next post?
  6. Lotus

    Gay Mackems,....

    I wasn't sure i believed you but this thread: http://www.landoverbaptist.net/showthread.php?t=19458 makes me think your'e right.
  7. Lotus

    Gay Mackems,....

    America has got to be as fundamentalist a country as any other in Middle East, shirley?
  8. Lotus

    Potential loanees

    It's weird. Like, ALL of McKays players seem to unhappy.
  9. This post below is exceptional, in all honesty, this kid must be 'mentally challenged' or something and i mean that sincerely. No offense to you all, but it seem you\\\'re all fixated on that Manc Utd geordie with the cornrows which might I add add difference to having short back and sides. I think corn-rows are cool. I wish I had them. If anyone actually visits his site, you\\\'ll notice he\\\'s had his corn-rows taken out ages ago, check his webcam section. Oh and by the way corn-rows are not just for the black race, I have mates that have also had them and they are white caucasion men, which are Newcastle supporters and they are big fellas, perhaps you care to take the mick out them for their hair and weight? No? Because you know that they would hunt you down and kick the living crap out of you. Who\'s to say that Lee could be doing that right now? You all seem to be picking on this kid for his hair and his weight which is stupid. Just because he supports a different team, whether or whether not he\\\'s a gloryhunter is not in question, you all seem obcessed with Lee. May I suggest closing or locking this thread because we\\\'ve already been over the gloryhunting matters, yes they are scum, the end, goodbye, goodnight, ciao. etc etc. Let this topic rest, it\\\'s been well over 3 weeks and I can tell Lee has moved on because he hasn\\\'t responded to the barrage of slanderous comments you have all made and so should all of you. Ciao bambino.
  10. The players have a lot time and space in this division, especially in midfield. Our lot, as bad as they were last year are still used to being closed down faster so they're appreciating the time to get their heads up a look for a pass.
  11. ....................Harper..................... Simpson..Saylor..Colo..........Ricky .....Barton.....Smith....Guthrie....... ....Ranger....Carroll....Loven......... Might be useful. Carroll's got plenty to aim at for flick ons if we go long ball, bit of pace for counter attack as well. Swap one the front 3 for Nolan if we want to stifle the game later on. Our total lack of a RW is a real pisser imo. Because of our lack of natural width i think whatever formation we go out with it will be pretty fluid, no one who's going to start is going to hog the touchline. Whoever's there will drift in by instinct alone.
  12. Lotus

    Fabio Zamblera

    Eu! Have you googled it?
  13. That's easy tbh. We need someone at least half as good as Beye.
  14. We really have to win as many games early on as possible because as the season goes on we'll drop to the level of the sh*t we'll be playing so i can't see us making any late charges. You could see against WBA that we looked a little sharper than them (mostly), our players, sh*t though they are, are used to the pace of the prem where as the WBA players have spent more time in the CCC. If we don't get on a roll we'll drop to their level before Xmas and then just fizzle out due to a small squad with no additions.
  15. Nah, we should just sell him and buy a better player for the same or less money. It's easy, all the clubs do it that's all their squads are getting better and better every season how many better defenders will sign for us? I think you've missed his point.
  16. Lotus

    Jonas Gutierrez

    And yet he still managed to be more useful than Shola, R Taylor and Nolan and looked decidely more capable than Colo who had a few moments of looking like a lost kitten. He didn't end losing the ball every time, you've been watching someone else or you've got a bollock ache about him for some other reason. He was barely average on Saturday but still better then the other 4. As uninterested as he may be right now, we'll be a much weaker team without him.
  17. Tbh, i would be blindly hoping that Jonas or Duff would occasionally make a run beyond Carrol hoping for a flick on. I see your point though. I think Nolan is of no use in the middle personally, near the box or nowhere for me like.
  18. Lotus

    RIP sale thread.

    Don't bite mate, if you've heard something and you think it's reliable then everyone should be willing to share it without fear of getting flamed. Someone who reckons he knows an ITK told me there was a South African who was going to buy the club but as this bloke has been right about NOTHING in the past i chose to not post here. Apart from just then.
  19. Hard one to call i reckon, not many options. I think Nolan, though he doesn't contribute much anywhere else on the pitch, might be of some use in the final 3rd. At this level anyway. He's big and strong too which may be important for set pieces at both ends. So maybe: ..................GK..................... Raylor..Saylor..Colo...Ricky .........Smith...Barton....... Jonas......Nolan........Duff ...............Carrol............... Carrol seemed to win plenty of flick ons and he's strong enough to hold the ball up. Jonas and Duff are quicker than AC and KN so we have a wide option and i reckon Nolan would take up a better postion in the box than Shola should a cross actually come in for a change. If we had anyone proven to be better than Shola i'd play them with Carroll, drop Nolan for Barton and stick to 4-4-2.
  20. Lotus

    RIP sale thread.

    Portsmouth's takeover seems protracted too. The identity of their prospective new owner is well known but the process still hasn't been concluded. Maybe taking over a club is not a quick process, normally.
  21. Very good, mate. Shame i can't send it to my mates....without knowing this board's history, it'll be lost on them. Should send it to TT, it's a shame NE5 isn't about, i reckon he'd laugh.
  22. Hear so much about Ibrahimovich but every time i see him (big CL game) he looks like a load of hype. Totally vanished against Manu like where as you could never say that Eto'o did.
  23. Lets analyse this apology of a statement a bit then. 1) "mistakes were made". Notice it's not "I made mistakes" or "we made mistakes", just that mistakes were made. No admission of blame there. Thank goodness he's noticed something's gone wrong though! 2) "during this and previous seasons". Still blaming the old board two years after they ceased to have any influence on matters. At least he's consistent. 3) Most importantly, what mistakes does he think were made? There's nothing in this statement to give a clue as to what he thinks the mistakes were. Everyone seems to assume he thinks the mistakes that were made are the same ones we think were made (and not all of us agree on what they were). Maybe he thinks the mistakes made were simply not making a bit of money on Owen last Summer and spending too much on Loloccini and Xisco, he could have just got a cheaper defender and given Ameobi a new contract earlier instead? Maybe it's just that he wishes he'd sold the club for the amounts he got offered off the various potential buyers last year? I don't see how you can start believing things are going to change for the better when you don't even know what he believes the mistakes made were. This apology is as bland and non-committal as it could be. Good PR, but nothing more. Absolutely nothing to pin any hopes on that the right lessons have been learned. Point taken but given that he apologies it infers that at least some of those mistakes were his, otherwise he'd feel no need to say sorry. Just to clarify by own position, his words are empty. He's shown himself incapable for 2 years, that's a lot of time to realise he's going wrong and change direction. He's still yet to do something inspiring, appointing Shearer is an obvious choice but hardly inspired thinking.
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