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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. It would be good to have a CM in the squad whose 1st instinct is to provide a while to the centre backs. Doesn’t mean we have to play them all the time but there are times and have been a few this season alone when it would’ve been handy.
  2. Lotus

    Lewis Hall

    I remember seeing Burn having a few dodgy games last season and I was wondering for ages why Targett wasn’t getting on the pitch. Then he did and within about 5 minutes I could see why Eddie was picking Burn ahead of him. I guess if Hall isn’t playing, the reality is that he’s just not up to it yet. It’s something I have to tell myself. EH will know when a player can effectively contribute.
  3. The traditional 10 role does seem to be dead in Europe at least, not sure about elsewhere. I agree we need the kind of player who can play make in advanced areas. As someone else said, an Odegaard type who has the engine for the midfield but has the eye for line breaking passing or a wide player who can cut inside, receive in tight spaces or just make space and then release other players. A player with vision and technique.
  4. Lotus

    Emil Krafth

    We are a less potent attacking threat without Trippier. For sure though, when results were pretty much assured (win or loss) we could’ve been giving players like Trippier 15-20 minutes off and have had able deputies like Kraft covering.
  5. When I watched MoTD I felt the Jimenez challenge was more a red than I did live. Was pretty reckless.
  6. I think the hardest I’ve seen Miggy hit a ball was yesterday and it was with his right ? Hit a defender and bounced out. Think maybe Burn’s goal was the result cause Bruno picked up the rebound.
  7. Actually think that could be a problem for Tonali if and when we see him. He was a big deal in Milan and rightly so but our CMs have quite a diverse skill set and some very very good players and athletes amongst them. Bruno has talent but it’s his attitude and desire which are so stand out. Can you have 2 of those in the middle? Obvs I hope so and hope it works like a treat…
  8. Yeah, I saw it. He did it once iirc and a Fulham player picked it up. He normally just passes with his right. Just an observation. Longstaff who’s not nearly as good a passer can and does use both feet. It can be handy like…
  9. I really don’t believe he jumped with the intention of arsing him in the face ?
  10. He’s very one footed. Great with it though. I’m now kinda glad he’s slow as f**k because he if he had any fast twitch fibres at all he’d have definitely pulled them by now the way charges about.
  11. Can see why Jimenez saw red but it was one of those where I really don’t think he meant it. I’ve seen it rugby too (was also a red fwiw) but once the player has jumped you just can’t change your trajectory. Felt a bit for him but, as said dems the rules.
  12. Lotus

    Lewis Hall

    I’ve been a big advocate for him. I think he may have the best left foot in the squad. But I thought he looked a little lost when he came on. Not all his fault as he wasn’t involved much by the others when open. Once or twice I thought defensively he looked a little less than good. But also some a couple of great passes, one in particular, couldn’t see anyone else on the left doing that… Very tough to judge him. Very talented ball player. Just trying to see what it is EH doesn’t yet fancy in him. I’m very much hoping getting him games will allow him to feel part of it all and he then raises his level til the point he’s always in the conversation.
  13. Think we need the left foot of Hall here. I'd be surprised if it happened, like.
  14. Lotus

    Miguel Almirón

    He looks knackered to me. His head movement when running gets more and more exaggerated as he flags.
  15. Lotus

    Lewis Miley

    Think Miley’s physique and one touch passing accuracy will lend itself to seeing him playing deepest of our midfield 3 once he gets to grips with the tactical nous necessary.
  16. Lotus

    Alexander Isak

    He looks like a CF playing on the left. He only offers a fraction of what Gordon does there. But, if he’s got a knock and his fitness is suboptimal then he will look bang ordinary.
  17. Regardless of our style or ethos we have to develop the tactical discipline of when to be compact and when to go for it. As others have said, the onus was on Milan, we didn’t have to force anything. The way we lost our shape was quite surprising. Not sure what happened yesterday, can’t really blame inexperience as it was Schar’s run that put us in trouble. Still, it’s over now. Hard to say how well we’ll respond. I would normally think we will bounce back but the disappointment, the sheer adrenaline dump of it all coupled with the exhaustion and mental fatigue and the ridiculous fixture list might mean December will be a month of mixed results and performances. I must say, as gutted as I am I’m still not as despondent as I’ve been with bad results in the past. I have absolutely no doubt we’re moving in the right direction. It won’t be a linear progression but the overall trend is definitely upwards. It’s nice to think that no matter how sad I am now, the club will be better placed next year and even better equipped the year after. It certainly takes the edge off.
  18. Lotus


    JL was great. Very happy to see him trying to make a difference in the box too (from CM). It adds so much more to our game when he can try to make direct influence in either box rather than just between the 2.
  19. Thought Antony was also good when he came on. Has he turned a corner? Sounds like players might be acting out and ETH is having to discipline them regardless of their importance. Maybe they’re going over his head to complain about stuff, etc. Obvs I’m not gutted about this, personally ? Can understand your frustrations though.
  20. I just think he’s suffering from being at a big club that’s failing. So much expectation on everyone but there’s nothing a few talented individuals can do on their own to right the ship.
  21. I know Bruno Fernandes is not well liked here but he has a very good engine and a fantastic range of passing.
  22. Lotus

    Alexander Isak

    Watching him last night, it reminded me of a Simeone tactic. Where the forwards (was a front 2 then, I think) save their legs for any attacking play and the midfield has to work its bollox off ? Understand we’re looking after Isak due to our circumstances but I did wonder a good few weeks ago if this might come up. Still, probably just a case of him being knackered, fragile and our only hope…
  23. Lotus

    Miguel Almirón

    Had a bad feeling he picked up a knock or a strain last night….
  24. Lotus


    JL must’ve given their keeper the eyes. He’s dives to his left quite early . Nice bit of composure if so.
  25. I was teasing and tbh it was a cheap shot? Enzo is a very good player. He looks out of sorts atm because that club is all over the place. I wish we had them both!
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