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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. All he knows is winning. Christ, I can't believe I hate a kid. Until the day he dies, he'll probably never know the feeling of going into a game against opposition you know are vastly superior to you in every way. Cunt.
  2. I'm seriously contemplating just turning this off. Pathetic effort from Chelsea this.
  3. 1. We're going to win. 2. Our jargon for Chuck Norris. 3. Anything related to black people. I've yet to see 3. Whenever anything relevant to 3 comes around, KFC gets mentioned. Or swimming. You make us sound like a bunch of massive racists, Mike. In reality there's only a few of us who are massively racist. No one on here is a racist. Don't ever think I think that s***. We have fun with our differences. Everyone's a little bit racist man. Some of us just aren't afraid to admit it.
  4. Howard Webb denies Man U penalty shout!
  5. I'm guessing Luiz got a bollocking in the changing room and didn't take it very well.
  6. Johny Evans!?! Is Ferguson taking pity on Ancelotti or something?
  7. I wonder what Chelsea would say if Liverpool offered them a straight-swap of Carroll for Torres back.
  8. Funniest inadverdent wordplay of the year
  9. Watching the replays, right after the first goal you can clearly see Ancelotti yelling at David Luiz and Luiz just repeating "not me! not me! not me!" Says a lot about the atmosphere of that squad.
  10. See, that's the difference between him and basically every single other Korean winger produced in the past decade. All of them run around like maniacs for 90 minutes, he's actually amazing at playing football while doing it.
  11. Go away man, you've now inserted your pedantic-ness into not one, but two of my completely innocuous conversations.
  12. The corpse of Essien. Not Essien. He's just a shit really.
  13. "it" being where he was at his peak. Way to alter a definition to suit You defined it man, I didn't
  14. C'mon Howie, send somebody off. Make it more interesting.
  15. "it" being where he was at his peak.
  16. Everything I know about football I learned from FM, so I have to ask about work permits and all that. i dont think we'd be after players who arent capped, and both nations are highly ranked by fifa. Our most exciting young (U-20) prospects right now are mostly just on the fringes of the national squad, so they wouldn't fulfill the cap requirement. Same for the Japanese. We don't want any of South Korea's first-team regulars. At this point they're all already not good enough or not realistic. Be honest for a second. Would you want your most promising youngster playing for us? Learning from Shola? Being best buddies with Ranger
  17. Probably. He's probably my favorite non-NUFC, non-Korean player. Shame to think that he's past it now.
  18. Everything I know about football I learned from FM, so I have to ask about work permits and all that. i dont think we'd be after players who arent capped, and both nations are highly ranked by fifa. Our most exciting young (U-20) prospects right now are mostly just on the fringes of the national squad, so they wouldn't fulfill the cap requirement. Same for the Japanese. We don't want any of South Korea's first-team regulars. At this point they're all already not good enough or not realistic.
  19. Everything I know about football I learned from FM, so I have to ask about work permits and all that. There are definitely a few decent young Koreans we could pick up on the cheap, assuming we could get work permits for them. Don't buy any of the c***s from across the water though, they're probably radioactive. We need to fill the team with Koreans and Americans. Shit, that would remind me of work every time I saw us play.
  20. Everything I know about football I learned from FM, so I have to ask about work permits and all that. There are definitely a few decent young Koreans we could pick up on the cheap, assuming we could get work permits for them. Don't buy any of the cunts from across the water though, they're probably radioactive.
  21. "Big Game Park" man. He's never forgiven Fergie for leaving him out of that CL final.
  22. My entire country would have simultaneously came if Cech didn't stop that.
  23. Why do neither of our countries ever produce strikers. The only decent one we'd have come through in the past decade isn't even a natural goalscorer. I'm not even asking for Hernandez here, just anyone half decent who could occasionally stick the ball in the back of the net at international level will do. The main reason we crashed out of the 2006 WC was because we were missing Lee Dong-Gook due to injury. Lee Dong-Gook, that's what's passed for South Korea's best striker of the 2000s.
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