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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. He played extensive minutes in 06/07 because of Duff's (and our entire squad's) injury woes. Roeder played him on the left, the right, and the center. He was utter, utter, unmitigated shit. He played plenty of games again in 07/08. Allardyce played him at left back which is not admittedly his best position, but he was stunted going forward and useless defensively. He contributed nothing. Keegan played him briefly, but he had no part in our end of the season resurgence. This season he's been even worse at left back than he was in 07/08. He has contributed absolutely nothing to the club since his spell in 05/06. All of this has been accompanied by whining to the tabloids and asking for a transfer every single transfer window and falling out in some form with every manager that's been here. Is it really realistic to think that Roeder, Allardyce, Keegan, and Kinnear, who all see him in training, see him playing close-up, know him personally, and know far more about football than we ever will are all simply deluded idiots, and that the fans are the only ones who see his talent? I think he's simply of a case of potential going to waste because of bad attitude. I won't shed a tear when he leaves.
  2. I admire the fact he doesn't bitch and moan like Jose, he just accepts ref's in charge and that's it. Quick thought would anyone on here take Geovanni? He's only on a one year at Hull. Ummm... Yes?
  3. Isn't it only Spanish and French? Or were you counting Given in that.
  4. Dear me I can't believe I'm saying this, but Oba needs to come off for Ameobi.
  5. I honestly have no idea how or why that offside was given. But... who cares.
  6. looks like we're going to make this last till the 80th minute again so I can't stop watching.
  7. Change of thread title to "will JFK be permanent after Chelsea?"
  8. oldtype

    Jonas Gutierrez

    In some ways I'm not sure why Jonas has to be a winger. The way I see it, he's got the physicality, work rate, and distribution to play through the middle. And he doesn't seem to like running on the touchline and swinging in crosses anyway. Not necessarily the best of ideas to have our best player switch the position he's been playing for all his life.. But still, food for thought.
  9. Has Duff been taking classes on "how to become unpopular on the message boards?"
  10. needless to say, we have very little chance of attracting any players as long as the ownership situation remains unsettled and we haven't got a permanent manager.
  11. I wake up from a coma tomorrow. Turns out everything from the end of last season was just hallucination. Keegan never walked out, and he's getting along just fine with Ashley/Wise/Jimenez/Vertre. Chairman Chris Mort is doing a smashing job running the club. We're 7th on the table behind Villa and Everton. Jonas got player of the month for November after terrorizing Fulham and Wigan's defenses playing through the center of the pitch in Keegan's new 4-3-3. Nile Ranger is averaging a hat trick in the U18 and Reserve leagues, and KK has just gone on another rant about how Wenger is "tapping him up." We're on course to finish top half. The fans have never been more optimistic. It's a good time to be a Newcastle fan.
  12. In the end it just seems like the media making a big deal out of nothing, and not actually signs of some bigger changes coming at the club. Just another pointless rumor.
  13. Sack wise, appoint Shearer, and get on with things. This seems to be the best alternative if selling the club turns out to be impossible, and I honestly don't think there's a better managerial fit than Shearer that is realistically available for us. I would want him even if we had new owner(s) So, in other words,
  14. Oneywu has always been a mystery to me. He didn't seem spectacular when he was with us but always thought he might be worth another look, yet two years gone and no-one in a major European league has touched him. Is he that bad? The lad's fucking huge, you'd think a couple Premier league teams (*cough* Stoke... *cough*) would be willing to offer him a contract on that basis alone.
  15. How i wish we could just have an official announcement instead of all these cryptic statements from everyone who is in any way connected to the club.
  16. If you could have one player back that we sold in the past two transfer windows, (excluding the ones that are terrible/too old/Babayaro/Carr) who would it be? Scott Parker just been called up for England again. And while we can all agree that he has his limitations, (horrible distribution, those "stupid pirouette things", and of course, telling your own fans to f*** off) his hard-tackling all-action style seems like precisely what we're lacking in midfield right now. He'd also be a goal threat from midfield, something none of our current players seem to be capable of. God knows we'd at least all rather have him than Nicky Butt. Kieron Dyer is probably the best footballer on this list. Unfortunately, I think West Ham would be the ones wanting him back never mind us. Emre is probably similar to Dyer in that he's a good influence to the team whenever he plays. Good luck with that though. Then again, considering that we've "replaced" him with the even-less reliable Nacho, his presence is missed. Reliable central defenders are a commodity sorely lacking in our current squad, as we've been forced to recognize over the past couple of weeks. One can only wonder how many points we wouldn't have dropped if Abdoulaye Faye hadn't fallen out with Keegan. Oguchi Oneywu's physicality could also be an asset in our current backline, although I suppose if he was capable of playing in the Premiership he'd already be here by now. I think we'll all agree that the less said about Bramble or Rozhenal (can't even be bothered to spell his name right anymore,) the better. Finally, it's hard not to mention our twelve-million-pound man, James Milner. While his price tag certainly justifies his departure, he would have been a useful squad member and more often than not better than Duff.
  17. Wouldn't it be simpler for them to just order longer shorts or something?
  18. Chelsea are just playing so well right now, if Keegan was still here and we were cruising at top half, I'd still be worried about a massive beating. As it is? I just wish I could skip over the next week of my life.
  19. Jesus fucking Christ. The very existence of this match is extremely depressing. 6-0.
  20. Right, I'm sure he'd play our Brazilian international and former Lyon captain instead.
  21. We need ANOTHER scapegoat? Apparently Taylor, Butt, Duff, and Ameobi wasn't enough.
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