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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. How does a Coloccini cross the road? He doesn't, he just stands there at a Zebra crossing for weeks on end pissing everyone off.,
  2. When though? Incase you haven't noticed the season is about to start. And you have to admit the hold up is suspicious.
  3. Kimbo

    Tiago on loan?

    Just out of interest, who actually "overrates" Milner? A lot of people on here would quite happily get rid, and those that do rate him far from make him out to be Christiano Ronaldo. Villa fans.
  4. I've given up on this being completed any time soon, it might roll on until the end of the window.
  5. It won't be Kaka. It will either be Robinho arriving, Lampard leaving, or something totally inane and anti-climatic.
  6. Brilliant, i could do that, would i get away with it if i called myself "Mr Cunt"?
  7. That's not journalism, it's just insulting.
  8. Kimbo

    Players in public

    I don't think he's as fat as you're making out.
  9. Kimbo

    Players in public

    I would worry if Viduka started looking like a greyhound, like the rest of the squad. Big or not he isn't going to get any faster, and his strength(and weight, people don't like him leaning on them) is his main asset these days.
  10. Looks like Berbatov to Man U is on.
  11. Well Man City fans seem to think he wants to join them, ditto the Mackems(as if), and Everton. All will become clear soon.
  12. Why are people talking about Fernandez? Have we been linked?
  13. While playing in an 8 man defence.
  14. Hmm, i wonder what the S could stand for. Maybe it means "signing", maybe he was giving us a hint that a new signing is imminent!!
  15. Kev, Don't you expect Coloccini to start? I dont think there is anyone called Coloccini in our squad atm, so i doubt anyone called that could play. Valid point.
  16. Some are going for some really lightweight midfields. In a 433 i think 2 of the midfielders have to know how to defend and get stuck in.
  17. Funnily enough not everyone thinks Taylor is shite, personally i don't think there is much between him and Faye, but i'm adging towards the latter at the moment.
  18. ----------------Given---------------- Beye--Coloccini--Faye--Enrique ---------------Guthrie-------------- ---Jonas-----------------Barton--- ----------------Owen---------------- ---------Martins----Viduka---------
  19. http://www.boxnews.com.ua/photos/331/Lennox%20Lewis12.jpg http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/4984/dreadszi9.png
  20. Am I correct in thinking Caulkin isn't responsible for the headline writing? I would have thought someone else does that, aye. For the record http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2008/aug/11/newcastleunited.premierleague1?gusrc=rss&feed=football I think that should say... "Newcastle leave MEDIA in the dark over new signings" They're clearly pissed off at the lack of info being given to them.
  21. Strange that he would cost £7m seeing as they spent £10m on him a year ago and he is their captain.
  22. We lack creativity and goals in midfield. Simple.
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