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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. I do hate it how people keep pointing at our defence and not our midfield as the main area to improve. All that tells me is that they didn't watch us last season and have only looked at the stats. Lack of goals = strikers needed, goals let in = defenders needed, it's not as simple as that.
  2. There was article on the back page tonight with quotes from Taylor the article was written by Lee Ryder & no Olly. Edgar was quoted in the paper. Alan Oliver has been on holiday for about 10 days now. Cheers. Any chance you can tell us what he's wearing?
  3. Interesting that you would comment on that and not the appearance statistics that i was referring to. For a winger he starts a good number of games.
  4. http://www.football-lineups.com/footballer/1657/ Those aren't the stats of a bit part player to me.
  5. There is an element of luck here and there. Sendings off, pens, last minute injuries etc. But the ones who tend to come top are the ones that are always on the FF site, always checking up on their team.
  6. Why would we approach them if they hadn't approached us first to show they're interested? It makes no sense.
  7. Where is the evidence? Even if this story was true it would tell me he DOESN'T want to sell, because no one would pay that price for the club.
  8. He has started nearly every Mallorca league game over the past 3 years, how is he not a sure starter?
  9. This isn't like with Barton, Duff, Smith, Viduka, and Geremi. Taylor could easily be sold on, we aren't lumbered with him, so i don't see why so many people are complaining.
  10. Fair enough, he was probably offered a position as Beye's back up.
  11. They make it sound like he's desperate to sell. IF someone has come in and he has quoted them £420m, then that clearly means he DOESN'T want to sell. No finance company would get ripped off like that.
  12. Should have gone for Kieran Richardson instead.
  13. No. There's no excuse for carrying on hitting someone after they've gone down, unless they've raped you or something like that.
  14. http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/sport/football/article-1031233/Dabo-launches-vitriolic-attack-cowardly-Barton-calls-Newcastle-sack-him.html?ITO=1490 "English clubs teach you lots of lessons, but in this case they truly lack ethics and morals. 'Newcastle have invested a lot in this guy, and they do not want to lose a lot of money. The club does not care a damn about the law - and it shocks me." Why doesn't Dabo shut the fuck up and wait to see what the club does? Big jesse. How does the club not care what the law is? Are we legally obliged to sack him?
  15. Neil Lennon's face disagrees. Shearer didn't go for him repeatedly like Barton to Dabo and that kid, did he? Anyway if he did that all the time i'm pretty sure people would have a major problem. How many chances is Barton supposed to get? The cigar in the eye, the taxi incident, running someone over, Dabo, the kid outside McDonalds, who would honestly trust him to not get in trouble again?
  16. I can't remember Shearer or Keane beating the shit out of people as they lay on the floor. It's not a good comparison.
  17. Keith Gillespie was a grown man that, by all accounts, was begging for it. Shearer didn't continue to hit him after he had knocked him down. Shearer didn't go around getting pissed and in fights all the time. He was a model professional 99% of the time. Barton has beaten the s*** out of a 16 year old outside McDonalds, and continued to lay into Dabo as he lay semi conscious on the ground. It's not double standards because they're two very different cases. I hope that bit is tongue in cheek. Nope. Gillespie was in his 20s while the kid on the video was exactly that, a kid. So presumably if it had of been an older bloke Barton did it to, like say Dabo......................... You make it sound like i'm condoning what Shearer did, i'm not, i'm just saying it's a different incident and not as bad. Shearer punched Gillespie, Barton knocked both Dabo and the kid to the ground and carried on laying into them, that makes it alot worse in my eyes.
  18. The guy does it again and again and again though. If it is an isolated incident you can forgive or forget it. The cigar in the eye, the taxi driver, and now that you mention it he did run someone over and broke their leg a few years ago. He has shown no signs of changing as he's got older.
  19. Keith Gillespie was a grown man that, by all accounts, was begging for it. Shearer didn't continue to hit him after he had knocked him down. Shearer didn't go around getting pissed and in fights all the time. He was a model professional 99% of the time. Barton has beaten the s*** out of a 16 year old outside McDonalds, and continued to lay into Dabo as he lay semi conscious on the ground. It's not double standards because they're two very different cases. I hope that bit is tongue in cheek. Nope. Gillespie was in his 20s while the kid on the video was exactly that, a kid.
  20. Keith Gillespie was a grown man that, by all accounts, was begging for it. Shearer didn't continue to hit him after he had knocked him down. Shearer didn't go around getting pissed and in fights all the time. He was a model professional 99% of the time. Barton has beaten the shit out of a 16 year old outside McDonalds, and continued to lay into Dabo as he lay semi conscious on the ground. It's not double standards because they're two very different cases.
  21. I'm sure he's the one pulling the guy away? If only.
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