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Segun Oluwaniyi

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Everything posted by Segun Oluwaniyi

  1. Shevhenko wasn't in the last three windows or whatever ridiculous parameter Parky set.
  2. I'd say Pavlyuchenko and Crouch have been really pretty good in all fairness. Unfair as it may be, Eduardo at Arsenal hasn't been a great signing.
  3. I reckon its partly his inability to manage a club side, and partly what fergie said awhile back. They're just old and don't care. Chelsea's problems started the day Roman bought Shevcenko and gave Ballack that huge contract. Look at the players they signed before: Cech, Essien, Droga, Mikel, Joe Cole, etc. Relatively young and hungry players, whose talent still had room to be developed. Couple that odd change in strategy with this seemingly care free and rather helpless manager, and you get this debacle. Honestly, quk, your team has incredible luck. United haven't been exceptional this year. It's just that no one else seems to want a PL title. Hopefully next year will be more interesting.
  4. Scolari has just done a terrible job. He's tried to change the mentality tha Mourinho instilled and in the process taken all the determination out of the team. The old Chelsea, you knew they were never dead. However, these days you may as well change your station when they go one down.
  5. Eboue is just a terrible player and an idiot. Remeber how fantastic he was during Arsenal's CL run? It's crazy how he has declined in the last few years. Especially considering he is in the Arsenal environment.
  6. Jack Wilshere. 17 (born in '92 I think) year old winger. Debuted in the CL this year.
  7. Considering what a good defender Tony Adams was, if he cannot inspire Sol Campbell and Distin to be freaking fantastic on the pitch then no-one can. No one would get Sol Campbell playing well. He's done. It was Harry who got Kanu, Sol, and James playing so well. All three of these players have suffered a drop in performance since Redknapp left.
  8. I wonder if someone could count how many times 'Arry blinked in that clip. It's incredible.
  9. Why anyone would want Stoke around again is just beyond me.
  10. Rather not see Tottenham go down really. They are an ambitious entertaining team usually. Always worth watching. I'd miss them if they were relegated. I'd say Stoke (They don't play football, and whatever sport they are playing is incredibly bad to watch), West Brom (Just not good enough), and Blackburn (I have a minor dislike for Sam Allardyce and Benni Mccarthy..only slight )
  11. I'm not so sure about Aguirre. I think he's underachieved with the vast amount of talent at Atletico and he was recently sacked for poor performance. Obvious improvement over Kinnear though. He also got banned by UEFA recently for calling Mathieu Valbeuna a "son of a whore", so I guess there would be continuity in the communication department.
  12. ahh...I've just seen some Civelli's bare arse druing the Marseille match. Good win for l'OM. 1-0 Thanks to a Chamakh own goal.
  13. Marseille v Bdx? Yeah...he seems to want to injure Valbuena (Who is probaly a foot taller than).
  14. Diawara is just scum. Definitely should have seen red!
  15. I wouldn't say he's the second best player in the world, but he's probaly the best defender (If you can even call him that). He definitely stagnated during his last year or so at Sevilla, so it is pleasing to see such a talent back on his top level. Chelsea should have just pumped out the extra 9 million or so to get him instead of that useless Boswinga.
  16. Huddlestone would be good if he ever pushed himself. He needs to work hard during his holiday. Needs to work out, needs to run. He needs to diet, improve his work ethic. However, I feel he's the kind of player that wil be perfectly conent to be a middling Premiership midfielder for the next ten years, making plenty of pounds. I don't think he has that desire to improve or edify himself in a football sense.
  17. I think it's a question of Viduka and who? up top. Chances of the mercurial Joe Kinnear putting out Lovenkrands and Martins are slim in my opinion.
  18. Its the equivilent of the english dipthong "ur" erm...it's actually spelled diphthong
  19. I think saying Oba is like Lovely is like saying Drogba is like Berbatov. They have very similar physical attributes, but they play completely different styles and can fill different roles in the team.
  20. Read the thread title mate. Yeah but is that really how you spell it? wiki has it Lovenkrands. It is.
  21. Pretty sure Shola rejected us. I guess he's still aiting for his England call up f***ing joke if he gets a cap like. The lad couldn't trap a bag of sand. Oh no! You stole Carlton Cole! We called him up for our last friendly. I can't believe either country really think Carlton Cole is going to help them. Stole from Nigeria?!? I think it was a case of Nigeria trying to steal Cole from England, as he was not eligible to play for Nigeria. It's not really stealing when the other party is willing to give it away. This was definitely a consensual call up.
  22. DOn't think Luke Young is the quality England want. However, he would be a very good player to have in a tournament due to his versatility.
  23. f***ing joke if he gets a cap like. The lad couldn't trap a bag of sand. Oh no! You stole Carlton Cole! We called him up for our last friendly. I can't believe either country really think Carlton Cole is going to help them.
  24. Would be brilliant if Arteta and Cahill are out. Yobo will come in for alienboy so not much difference there and Neville and Hibbert are s****. Seems Yobo is out of there team, and that Baines' emergence has allowed Lescott to play centre. So we should bid for Yobo then.
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