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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Think fans of all the clubs in that east midlands region, Derby, Leicester, forest have a high percentage of a**eholes among their support. Just from my experience that is.
  2. leaving from under the leazes at full time there was the fairly usual sing off over the barriers. Mainly younguns on our part, but a group of 20 or so hoolie looking derby fans had went out in the opposite direction to that of most the away fans. Just behind the NE corner, where leazes meets the east stand. They were generally mouthing off and challenging people to have a go. Time I got to the strawberry there was a police van with lights and sirens going, trying to get through the crowds. Guessed they were trying to get up there.
  3. Tricky situation here. A lot of peoples 1st DD payments for next season will be taken in march. That means if you decide you've had enough when/if rafa walks in the summer it's possible that 4 or 5 months worth of payments will have to be written off.
  4. Last home game needs to be a repeat of last seasons v spurs where it was 90 mins of rafa love. Constantly singing his name and reminding him of how much he's loved and wanted by us the fans. Maybe even a chant of "If Rafa goes, so do we".
  5. Think my days as a fan are numbered tbh. Obviously you expect ups and downs but so many downs with this lot. Even when things seem rosy you're always waiting for it to go wrong. Even if we go up there's every chance Ashley will give Rafa, a proven manager who offered hope, no option but to leave. It's football and you have to put some perspective on it, but it just makes me miserable for so much of the time. Find my self coming home from SJP after a s**t result and envying shoppers etc who just don't care.
  6. Aye, Wilson caught my eye on those highlights too. Looks very tricky.
  7. pains me to say it but might as well scrap the cups. If no one wants to be in them then don't have them. It's not just us who threw a "team" together today and made wholesale changes. Most clubs in the top 2 divisions do it. Cups are just an inconvenience these days. Not my sentiments but that's obviously what they are to managers.
  8. The disbelief on the faces of the derby fans behind that goal was excellent. Comedy goal. Contender for one of those own goals and bloopers programmes of the future.
  9. Not taking anything for granted, this is NUFC after all, but most confident i've been for a while after generally good results this weekend. Even Brighton lost a key man to suspension when Glen Murray got sent off during their win.
  10. that lot man. It's like they're oblivious to the plight they're in. I'm just praying they're so skint that relegation makes them go bust.
  11. Strangely you never see a "night we beat Barcelona/juventus" thread on there. Imagine being so s**t and your club providing so little that the only thing to celebrate is anything negative that happens to your local rivals?
  12. And there was about 30k fans missing in the home tie. We might not have many there tonight but we're not the ones with a self praising thread. .
  13. Proper ground Griffin park. I can understand the need for new grounds but must they really be so bland, featureless and sterile? Love the Griffin pub steggy. Spent a large chunk of my weekend in there. Very hospitable. Every steward I encountered and the turnstile operater said enjoy the game. Great weekend despite the scary 2nd half.
  14. cheers steggy. Have used the novotel next to the ground as a base for other London games and will be staying there this weekend. Looking forward to it, well not the actual game because my confidence has drained in recent weeks. Had a few drinks in the Griffin in recent times and the owner, austrian I think, is very friendly. Never tried the high street pubs but may do this time.
  15. makems away next if they beat Shrewsbury.
  16. Don't think they'd sell unless he wants out. It would be suicidal to let him go. Good to think of them fearing that this might happen though.
  17. Not if it goes to a replay. Hence my wish. I'm booked saturday too. A replay so that Brentford remains on the Saturday wouldn't be the end of the world but this situation has put a dampener on tomorrows draw. I should be looking forward to it. Hopefully we'll sail through the 3rd round and Brentford draw instead. Going to go down to Brentford anyway. Can't get any hotel money back. If we don't play that Saturday i'll take in a game somewhere i've not been to. Crawley v Hartlepool looks favourite. An hour away from Brentford with decent train links. Agree Brentford drawing even better. The Hartlepool game is a decent shout. I'm in London Fri-Sun. My plan B should we not play Brentford that Saturday has been given a little boost. http://www.crawleytownfc.com/news/article/2016-17/crawley-town-3454542.aspx
  18. I was actually verbally challenged and abused for not clapping by someone resembling the milky bar kid last season. I pointed out that i'd already done it for the whole of the previous season and that even one of the victims own family have said it's unnecessary. I can't wait for that clock to change at the end of it all in each home game. Was a tragedy. I sympathise and have shown my respect but enough's enough.
  19. Just to add to the Brentford farce nufc.com are now saying: "Our visit to Brentford is currently a Sky live game on Monday January 16th, but wouldn't be played if either ourselves or the Bees were in Third Round replay action that week (they entertain non-league opponents in shape of Eastleigh or FC Halifax). NB: We're unable to confirm or deny the rumour doing the rounds that were the Brentford game to move from Monday 16th it wouldn't go back to Saturday 14th as previously announced and would be played later in the season on a date yet to be agreed)". WTF? Just clarify the ifs and buts. If it's not going to revert back to the Saturday then at least we wouldn't have to buy a match ticket in advance for a game that we couldn't attend. On the Monday in my case. Trains booked, hotel booked for Fri and Sat. Crawley v Hartlepool here i come.
  20. Not if it goes to a replay. Hence my wish. I'm booked saturday too. A replay so that Brentford remains on the Saturday wouldn't be the end of the world but this situation has put a dampener on tomorrows draw. I should be looking forward to it. Hopefully we'll sail through the 3rd round and Brentford draw instead. Going to go down to Brentford anyway. Can't get any hotel money back. If we don't play that Saturday i'll take in a game somewhere i've not been to. Crawley v Hartlepool looks favourite. An hour away from Brentford with decent train links. Agree Brentford drawing even better. The Hartlepool game is a decent shout. I'm in London Fri-Sun. Aye. Fri-Sun for us too. We're in the Novotel right next to Griffin Park. Stayed there for other London games in the past and liked it. Thought it would be really handy if we ever played Brentford and now sky are doing their best to wreck our plans. At least we're not getting the train down Sat morning. Think Boro fans will be going to Watford.
  21. Not if it goes to a replay. Hence my wish. I'm booked saturday too. A replay so that Brentford remains on the Saturday wouldn't be the end of the world but this situation has put a dampener on tomorrows draw. I should be looking forward to it. Hopefully we'll sail through the 3rd round and Brentford draw instead. Going to go down to Brentford anyway. Can't get any hotel money back. If we don't play that Saturday i'll take in a game somewhere i've not been to. Crawley v Hartlepool looks favourite. An hour away from Brentford with decent train links.
  22. Must have been David kellys birthday last week and nufc.com had the youtube footage of his late and vital winner v Portsmouth in 92. Had the hair on the back of my neck standing up. Gallowgate, a standing terrace then was absolutely bouncing. I was sure we were heading for the old 3rd div that year.
  23. Mick Lowes speech was the only good thing about that yesterday. Almost had to wipe away a tear. Pity his last game was so poor.
  24. Technically there's nothing to stop you buying a ticket for every game that goes to zero and if you don't attend, selling it on to family, friends, friends of friends etc. Fair enough we don't really want to be encouraging that, but if you feel you are somehow being stitched-up by an unfair system, maybe you need to play the game? FWIW, I don't think the number of fans is that buy a ticket for every game but don't go to that many is particularly high. I don't think it's high either. Once someone gets 100+ points they are more or less guaranteed a ticket so there's no need to apply just to build up points. The only gain is to do someone a favour by getting them a ticket.
  25. You have to remember that those fans have attended enough games, often unattractive and distant, over the years to put themselves in that position. Obviously young fans haven't been around long enough to do so and i sympathise with them. Knowing NUFC it's only a matter of time before we're struggling on the pitch again and away games will be a lot less popular so people will get their chance to build up points. After all it was only last season when you were often ridiculed/classed as some sort of scab by some on here for going to games.
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