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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Bottom one reminds me of Johan Cruyff.
  2. In the case of this Brentford game, i'm assuming the match tickets will be out before we know which day the game will be played. How do you stand if you buy a ticket then can't make it on that day? Monday in my case. Can you return it to the club and get your money back? I've decided i'm going for the Friday and Saturday night anyway. It's a break in London. If we don't play Saturday i've got the option of ticking off a new ground. The glamour of Barnet v Doncaster, Wimbledon v Oxford. Hartlepool are at Crawley, which isn't too hard to get too from Brentford it seems.
  3. What sort of arrangement is that for Brentford ffs? Have used the Novotel next to Griffin Park a couple of times for other London games and took the gamble of booking it for that Saturday in Jan. Really like the hotel and thought it would be nice to stay when we're playing next door for a change. Obviously now backfired. Of course it MAY still be on Saturday but now, like others i'm gonna have a week at most to sort out transport. Worse still, the match tickets will be out before we play our cup ties. You'll have to buy a ticket not knowing when the game will be. Absolute farce! Can we not get on to the FSA or someone about this?
  4. This is NUFC. Will look brilliant at times then awful the next just like last week. Daft defeats like the Wolves one will see us finish close but end up 3rd/4th then lose to some nothing club from a nothing place in the play offs. Hope i'm wrong but this is the pessimism this club has drilled into me over the years.
  5. Similar thing happening in Scotland with the challenge cup, now named the Irn Bru cup. Used to be just the teams outside the SPL but this season each SPL club had an u20's 'colts' team in it. Thankfully they've all been eliminated. In the next round there's even four teams from N Ireland and Wales coming into it. Crusaders,Linfield,Bala Town and New Saints. Absolute farce and a forerunner to getting Celtic/Rangers B teams into the lower divisions in Scotland. Having said that it's a chance to tick off obscure new grounds. Had a soft spot for St Mirren for years and watched them at Albion Rovers last Saturday. Ties are played on international weekends so nowt happening down here.
  6. Definitely seen a change in Stray Mackem over the last couple of pages. Mind you, as he points out our owner is really bad yet he's still managed to bring in a top manager. SM is understandably angry.
  7. Excellent work by gallowgate flags. Fantastic display. Reminded me of why i love my club despite the constant let downs on the pitch. Those who stole them should be ashamed of themselves. Probably too much to ask but just bring them back next game and leave them at SJP. If not, they deserve all the condemnation coming to them.
  8. I think last night being described as a wake up call is a fair comment, some of out players looked as if they just had to turn up and they would go home with the points. Agree with micks point. That result was just a reminder to all that there is actually work to be done this season. I really wish Sky etc wouldn't interview our fans. Nothing wrong with optimism but let's have some caution with it. It may turn out to be the case and i hope so, but claims we're going to walk the league and then take the premier league by storm next season are just asking for national ridicule.
  9. Same here for me and my daughter. Both existing season ticket holders. Haven't moved seats and we weren't expecting a new card for either of us. Puzzled and fully expecting one of us to be denied entry to the 1st home game next Saturday. No doubt resulting in having to mess about visiting the box office to get them them to sort it out, potentially missing KO.
  10. No. Been wondering about that. Direct debit payment didn't change on my last payment date, just last week,. 1st of July.
  11. Aye. It's above the vehicle access bit. Decent height to see the games from.
  12. RTG man. Thread after thread about nufc. Comments about shearer, they'll never have a player of such stature in their ranks. They're struggling with the fact that we've accepted relegation and are actually now quite positive, although I agree when they say we shouldn't count our chickens. They're getting a reminder of what potential lies up the road with the ticket sales for a championship season. They're a nothing club who achieve nothing themselves and whose only pleasure is any nufc related negativity. They're only known in relation to Newcastle. They're like some of these so called 'reality' tv stars who are only 'famous' and make it on to shows for their relation to an actual star. Angie Bowie in big brother, callum best and bianca gascoigne in the jungle for example.
  13. Very apt gesture from Borini there. Reminds me of the safc stance of "Sssh, we'll not admit Johnsons a peado until he saves us from relegation". Strip's awful btw.
  14. we're on the price freeze thing by DD. Checked bank the other day and our payment on 1st June hadn't gone down. Think nufc.com said the club would issue letters about refunds/reductions. Expecting a small refund or remaining payments to drop soon.
  15. Some momentous occasions reeled off in that season ticket video eh? Airport attempt just reinforces the fact that it's all about us with safc. Oh and I was thinking, that adam Johnson prison team could be called tor-peado HM prison whichever he's in.
  16. Just that they have to include FTM on any flag/banner says a lot about them. It's all about us.
  17. Ironically, i'm sure when we blew the title in 95/96 we had a home game with spurs to end. Think we had to win and the mancs lose at the smogs. That day day we still had feint hope of success. Could be same again Sunday.
  18. Aye. Probably the least painful way to go down would be with the mackems winning tonight. I've got to hope Everton beat them of course but i've a feeling that would give us false hope because we probably wouldn't take advantage on the last day when a draw or watford win in their game is perfectly feasible.
  19. I heard the radio newcastle news earlier and they said sunderland were advising fans to arrive early for the Everton game as they're expecting a big crowd. That says a lot. Big crowds are obviously unusual down there. Something new that they're not used to and therefore they have to be advised on how to act in such a rare event. Had a few workplace mackems trying to take the p*ss but their time will come. They can't continue to flirt with relegation annually. It'll catch up with them soon.
  20. Could do with Delli Alli being banned for the rest of the season.
  21. Thing is after our norwich loss I'd resigned myself to us being relegated. It's just the Newcastle way to give us hope only for the rug to be pulled from under us in the last few games. They've just programmed me to expect the worst outcome after all these years .
  22. not trying to detract from our desperate situation but Norwich look miles better than us? 1 point from their last possible 21 having conceded stacks of goals. We're useless away from home but if we can't beat Norwich and villa away we deserve to go down. They really should be 2 of the 4/5 wins needed but not sure we'll beat those 2 even.
  23. Wonder what sort of boots he wore? 'Predator?'
  24. As there was no toon game yesterday i got the train up and watched St Mirren (been my favourite Scottish side for years). Shared a carriage with 'Macca'. Anyone remember him? He's a blind lad who used to ring the local phone ins regularly and talk about his teams, Sunderland and Hibs. Hibs were playing a league cup semi in Edinburgh yesterday. I had to endure a lot of SAFC related talk between him and his mate but i admire his love of the game. I can see what's going on at Newcastle games and i sometimes find it hard to get interested. He was talking about listening to games etc.
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