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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Sad news. He went everwhere with this club and like john alder was one of the most recognisable faces in our support. As has been mentioned he passed having seen very little reward for his dedication. He obviously loved his hobby and the toon though. RIP Cliffy.
  2. That takes me back. We had 'Shoot' covering the North East with a main game on a Sunday. Even Hartlepool and Darlington were chosen sometimes. When i think of the toon on Shoot i'm getting images of Peter Withe in a Bukta shirt in front of a half built leazes end. Feeling very nostalgic now.
  3. Sick of these hard luck stories. Need to get points. A much more slender defeat than expected yesterday but ultimately no points. Results elsewhere were awful. Need to turn things around quickly or else.
  4. even the top managers play their chances down with a 'there are no easy games' type speech so I think you're being a bit harsh. I'd rather he did that than say we've just got to turn up.
  5. Newcastle are/were a big club, Birmingham aren't, that's the point though. That's away as well, they were at home. Are you saying that our fans wouldn't gloat if Chelsea went down this season and we had them last game of the season? Or if a team like Spurs, Everton or Villa went down? I think it's totally naive to think that our home fans wouldn't like. Our fans are spiteful by default to the extent that they boo most ex-players purely because they're ex-players. we might gloat if a big club went down but going to the effort of taking bed sheets im not so sure. They were numerous that day too. Way OTT. Let's make sure we stay clear of the drop 1st but a bottom 3 including villa and the mackems would be fantastic.
  6. that's exactly the sort of outcome this crazy club are capable of. Hope they prove me wrong this time.
  7. When you think about it, a point a game will normally keep you up with 38 points. Yesterdays win leaves us almost matching points per games played. Not very ambitious I know but a win every 3 games on average keeps you up.
  8. Great and unexpected win. So pleased to upset the odds and all the pundits who along with the rest of the country watched in anticipation of our humiliation. F**k you merson especially for your comment yesterday. This club never cease to amaze. Frustrating how they turn the effort on and off for certain games though. It'll make a nice change to wake up happy on a Monday morning.
  9. my ears may have decieved me and it may just have been me being paranoid about the media hate for us, but I thought he said if we open this game up it'll be a cricket score then added "I hope" at the end of it. Shouldn't criticise anybody in a job while he can't do his properly. A tv presenter who can't pronounce the simplest of names and is generally inarticulate.
  10. Ask a mackem below the age of 40 what their best footballing memories are and i bet many of them involve anything negative that has happened to NUFC. Probably something like this. To name a few and in no particular order: A) The times the mags have been relegated. (B) The times we've beat the mags. © The time the mags let a 12 point lead slip and failed to win the premiership. (D) The time Mike Ashley renamed the ground the Sports Direct Arena. I can think of very few highs in 4 decades that aren't NUFC related. A few promotion seasons, should they have been down there in the 1st place? A couple of respectable 7th place finishes maybe?
  11. Was on a flight back from Spain as the game played out, so didn't expect to hear the score 'til we landed. Then an announcement from the cockpit tells us we're 2-0 down with 10 mins left. Loads of mackems punching the air in front of me. Truly awful. Terror at 30,000 feet. Just beat them in March and hopefully they'll be on their way to the championship by then. Hopefully not with us in tow.
  12. Was on a flight back from Spain as the game played out, so didn't expect to hear the score 'til we landed. Then an announcement from the cockpit tells us we're 2-0 down with 10 mins left. Loads of mackems punching the air in front of me. Truly awful. Terror at 30,000 feet. Just beat them in March and hopefully they'll be on their way to the championship by then. Hopefully not with us in tow.
  13. Toon fans were shouting for him to be sent off after he gave away a late free kick. Got ironic cheers at certain things he done too. Morgan got a good reception from the toon fans which he seemed to appreciate. The PA bloke went way OTT with his tribute speech towards him at the start. Made out he was such a good bloke. "He invented penecilan, was the brains behind band aid, discovered America, has rescued numerous kids from a burning orphanage" etc. The same PA man did commend the toon fans on their good turnout so i'll excuse him.
  14. St Mirren home kit. Good old simple black and white stripes. http://www.saintmirren.net/pages/?p=44798
  15. Great pic. Loved those high floodlight pylons too. St James' looked fantastic whenever i approached it as a kid. Those lights beaming. Feeling very nostalgic now.
  16. As it stands i'm away abroad on hol on the 1st derby day. I'm assuming it'll get put back to Sunday so i should either be flying home as it happens and news will filter through as i stand waiting for cases, or if it's a 4pm KO i'll be dumping my case and heading for the pub. At least another s**t result won't affect my mood on holiday.
  17. Me. I go to all home games and have had a season ticket since 1982. Before I got a mortgage, a wife, 2 kids and 2 dogs I used to go to about 75% to 80% of away's as well but not travelled away for a long time now. I can't afford it but even if I could I don't think I could be arsed with the travelling anymore. Aye got to get away from the wife eh? Well, everything that is happening to this club is thanks to you, scab. Keep giving money to the troll in charge and make sure you wipe his jizz from your chin after you renew, scab. Bit OTT that. I can understand why people no longer go and i regularly question myself for continuing to renew. But it's down to personal choice when all said and done. You've chosen not to go. Well done. You're making a stand, but please don't abuse others for choosing otherwise. Criticise by all means.
  18. Now the pressure of the end of last season has been lifted, i quite fancy a friendly somewhere new, even in the UK.
  19. All home league games and maybe half a dozen away games per season. Although i did boycott the Spurs (h) game and was too hungover to attend the Arsenal (h) game last season so not quite all.
  20. Too true. We were around SJP last night and loads of them were freely wandering about carrying pint glasses. Any football fan doing likewise would have been swooped upon by the police sharpish. Walking back to the car a sandbag landed yards away from us, thrown from the back of a council van by some p*ss*d up blokes who were also shouting abuse at passing females. Could say it was sandbags at 10 paces but it's annoying to think of the double standards in how football and rugby fans are viewed. Having said that, 12 sets of football fans in the same city on a weekend would result in carnage.
  21. Seen the piece on the Tyne Tees late news tonight about their search for a new manager. They showed some T-shirts with "Great escape 2" on. Can you believe they actually print T-shirts to celebrate staying up? Not as a one off either but 2 years in a row. Meanwhile, listening to 'Total sport' tonight, a mackem caller recited Allardyces numerous mid table finishes with various clubs and said he'd be happy with similar mid table placings for the next 10 seasons. Small time c**ts!
  22. A few clearly rattled hypocrites on there it seems. "Who gives a s**t what the mags say or think?" Well many of the posters on there for a start. We "Nick it on the last day of the season" and that's our big achievement. What exactly have SAFC ever achieved since 1973 other than winning derbies and annual relegation scraps?
  23. Watching SSN today i've noticed the difference between how SAFC and other clubs operate. There's the case of Danny Simpson at Leicester. Can't play while he has a charge against him, unlike Adam Johnson who can. Then Tim Sherwood says a club like Villa shouldn't be celebrating survival. Be relieved yes but not celebrate. Quite right too IMO, and that's the way i would look upon us staying up on Sunday. Survival is success for SAFC. They do nowt themselves and their only pleasure is our pain.
  24. Is it not Sunday yet? Get it over with man, whatever happens. Feel like i'm heading towards a level crossing. The barriers are down and the train's coming but my brakes don't work. Not often i'm pleased to be at work but it's probably the only thing that distracts me from all this s**t.
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