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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. I don't think we should let them play in England, even if they did start at the bottom. Why should they? Simply because they're succesful in their own league and have a big fan base? No way. Doesn't matter how good or big they are, they aren't english.
  2. Anybody know how much the smogs charge to their reserve games? Thinking of going to the riverside when we play down there on tuesday. I wonder if we'll have enough fans to warrant a seperate section, as we have at the SOS, or will we have to sit among the mutants?
  3. I think it's missing the point to call it an insignificant loan signing. It wouldn't matter if they'd brought in Ronaldo/Messi. The point is, he was brought in against the managers wishes. A point of principle.
  4. All very well, IF we get promotion. So long as he makes sure we do, then gets out of this place sharpish. Obviously i'm not too sure the latter would happen.
  5. The way i see it, the people running our club have been proven to be incompetent, devious liars. I'm pleased KK was proved right, though i'm confused by his proclaiming his love for the club, while at the same time claiming an amount of compo that could've potentially ruined us. It's as good an outcome as i could have hoped for i suppose. KK proved right to leave, but walking away with a relatively small amount. Would have prefered that 2 million to stay within the club, but it shouldn't be enough to have a massive financial impact.
  6. Aye, it's nice to be winning, but it's tarnished because we are'nt winning at the top level. Being in the 2nd division/championship is something we just have to put up with, hopefully for not too long before promotion. Playing at the top is the goal all clubs should be aiming for. As pointed out previously, you shouldn't want to hang around the lower leagues just because you're more likely to win more games. Let's get up, and out of this wilderness this season.
  7. If KK walks away with a canny wad, surely administration would be the last resort. Ashley would lose out financially. Worst case scenario would be further departures in January. I'm not clued up on administration, but would have thought we'd have to exploit all available means of bringing income into the club first. If KK does win and walk away with millions, then it's as a result of a massive Ashley own goal in forcing him out in the 1st place. That's not much consolation when the club's millions worse off. We, the fans are just stuck in the middle of all this unfortunately.
  8. I hope no club take him on after this. Just typical of the modern day player, absolutely no morals or loyalty. He's surely in breach of his 5 year contract. There was talk of trying to get him to change his mind and stay. Would Notts County still want someone with his attitude?
  9. In the seaon when we blew the title,95-96, Man utd regularly won 1-0, with a 90 something minute winner. They've got previous at this sort of thing.
  10. I'm hoping for that to be the case, but i'm hanging fire before booking trains etc. I don't think sky have announced their fixtures for that time of year yet.
  11. Bah! missed it. Watched MOTD with very little interest instead, when i should have been watching it.
  12. Granted, Given could have done off sooner, but i still hope he ends up winning nowt. Owens just a little rat. I've nowt against Bellamy. I think he was happy here, but was forced out by Souness on a power trip.
  13. Boro! Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch, except the Mackems of course.
  14. A bit harsh that, picking holes in one of our best seasons of modern times. The man saved us from relegation to the old 3rd division, into Europe, and to within a whisker of the premier league title, yet that's regarded by you as failure. Question his walk-outs by all means, but i think it's unfair to suggest that he didn't provide us with decent sides on the pitch.
  15. I'm sure this isn't the road KK set out to take when he accepted the managers job. I believe he just wanted a fair chance to do the job. However, him feeling he had no choice other than to leave, why shouldn't he fight for what he feels he deserves? He has to look after himself and his family foremost. That's what any of us would do. That said, obviously i don't want any money going out of my football club. My ideal outcome would be for it to be proved that he had to work under poor conditions, but to be given very little in compo. I suppose i can't have it both ways. Just wish he had been given a chance in the 1st place, and it didn't come to this.
  16. Excellent win. I expected a much harder game. Remember, this was being seen as our biggest test so far, and i felt we won fairly comfortably. If we're doing as well come January, the club must try and build on that in the tranfer window.
  17. He permanantly looks knackered and breathless, often almost opts out of the game to draw breath, bent over, hands on his knees. Used the ball well when he had it however. Good headed goal. Oh, and his legs are like pipe-cleaners.
  18. Think i'll go if the weather's half decent. Will go to the correct venue this time. Official site says it's at 1st team training ground.
  19. It's annoying because people spend good money on travel/accomodation etc for nothing, rather than not being able to get to the game.
  20. The only ones that are relatively safe from being moved are the games that have already set a date/time for TV, even then there's no gaurantees. This change has scuppered my Sat night in Blackpool, although i did get a refund from travelodge. Not happy though.
  21. Went to the match last night with mixed views, thinking cup games could be a drain on our squad, but at 3-1 down i started thinking how much the media would have made of it, had the game ended like that. Thankfully we came good and didn't give them any ammunission.
  22. This is the aspect that I cannot get my head around. Agreed. How anyone can seriously think Ashley was right and Keegan wrong after all Ashley has put us through since, is beyond me. Good luck Kevin. Maybe you're better off in that job than trying to provide a successful team for some of the short-sighted, ungrateful people on here.
  23. I got a little confused with venues yesterday. Parked up at the academy buildings, off Coach Lane, then was told by a club staff member that they were playing at Darsley Park. Silly me. Canny game, but left ourselves too much to do after gifting 2 goals. Who's the big toon centre-half? Quite an imposing build for his age.
  24. Don't mean to confuse anyone with the directions to the academy game, but if you came out of Four lane Ends metro, would you not turn left onto Whitley Road, past the Black Bull pub, then right onto Coach Lane? If you're unsure, i think the No'1 bus goes from Four Lane ends, down Coach Lane.
  25. Scoreboard82


    Excellent attendance. Let the whole world laugh at our problems, but no way can they criticise us, the fans. I know Ashley is doing his best do sicken us, but let's keep it up. Good away support tonight, but a lot of fans of other clubs in the division see Newcastle as their big day out.
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