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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Came into his own the longer the game went on. Not uncoincidentally, when Hayden's arrival meant he didn't have to worry himself so much with what ginger Jack was up to. This is the key factor for me, I think playing along side Captain Ginger bollocks has really affected his game.
  2. That is phenomenal, honestly I know it's so cliqued to bang on about crowds, but where in the world would you get numbers like that for a season in the 2nd tier ? I, for one, think we should start multiple threads about "Our fans" and how magnificent they are, possibly after every match.
  3. Mattoon


    Let's hope these do a Blackpool now, good riddance.
  4. Mattoon


    Amounderness Way, yeah it's a killer that one ? Fleetwood is very much "a local town, for local people!" So Sunderland fans should fit in quite well.
  5. Mattoon


    Fwiw I'm from Fleetwood and live in Blackpool now for all my sins. Yes Blackpool is a shit hole, I live about 4 miles from the town centre so it's not so bad. Fleetwood is a pain in the arse to get to, a train will get you to Blackpool but then Fleetwood is an hour by Tram or by Bus. The bus will drop you right outside Highbury, the Tram is a bit of a walk.
  6. whos that supposed to look like? It's Cronaldo on acid
  7. That's the most irritating narrative of bullshittery I have ever had the misfortune to read. It's about time he fucked off to irrelevance.
  8. Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?
  9. Mattoon


    They've got Boro, West ham (safe and wont give a fuck), Bournemouth (same), Hull (biggy), Swansea (last home game if they need a win)......just realised I've gave them 15 points and I don't think that'll be enough.......don't think they'll get them either, I was being nice. Even smoking a crack pipe while doing the maths sees them going down, it's all good.
  10. Mattoon


    Right now, it's hard to see where even the next win is going to come from. They look like us before Rafa took over, but worse, somehow!
  11. Mattoon


    I know they've done it before, too many times but there's no fight in them this time, the players look forlorn, the manager doesn't care and the fans have had enough, they don't have us for an inspiring win to kick start a spree. Gone and forgotten, finally!
  12. Mattoon

    Florian Thauvin

    He never wanted to come in the first place, engineered a move back home, no thanks, move on!
  13. Mattoon


    I've just had a read through that thread having heard the news and tbf there's quite a few level headed responses on there. However, that Dangernonce is something else, even going as far as to call someone a "Mag" for berating Johnson's actions!? Oh yeah and that one poster who claims Johnson should sue the Daily Mail for calling him a Paedophile as he "technically isn't one". SMH.
  14. Every good story needs a villain to hate, he's the ultimate hate figure. It's like removing Cersei from Game of Thrones, you just can't do it.
  15. Island heed doing his best to fuck us over even after leaving
  16. That would be interesting to find out Went through attendances on my dinner the other day, we were the biggest contributer with about 6 highest attendances, Leeds contributed to a few as did Norwich and one or two others. It wasn't as much a landslide as I thought it'd be, I'll put the numbers up tomorrow if anyone is actually interested?
  17. Yeah, but I wonder what Crumpy REALLY thinks about us going up.
  18. Mattoon


    Division 3 surely? North. Am I missing something with the Fleetwood thing? Sunderland and others laughed that we played against Burton who were a few years ago a non-league team. Fleetwood a few years ago were a non-league team like Burton and are in a promotion place in League 1, meaning as things stand Sunderland would play Fleetwood next season. Right, got ya Fleetwood's rise has been one to behold, except for last year when they nearly got relegated but survived because Blackpool (local rivals) were just that little bit shitter. Again, I hope this happens, not just because it's karma but because I have a vested interest in Fleetwood beating them.
  19. Mattoon


    Division 3 surely? North. Am I missing something with the Fleetwood thing?
  20. Mattoon


    please please My hometown team, it'll be amazing to watch them beat the dirty Mackems
  21. Nee way we're not going up as Champions now, only we can beat us now.
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