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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. He did, but it split. (Leaky defence was always a problem in the Pardew family) But so is an impotent attack?
  2. Why did your dad not wear a condom?
  3. Looks like I'll be wasting my Sunday refreshing news feeds in blind hope.
  4. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Who looks like you, sounds like you and is also shacked up with a mrs Bimpy? What are the odds? I may shed a tear too when I stop being numb, lol. I think all chemists with an NE postcode must be out of Valium by now!
  5. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I don't think it could be classed as a knee jerk after 7 months of this crap, if my doctor had to wait 7 months for a knee jerk during a reflex test I'd be pronounced legally dead!
  6. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    That's the only saving grace right now, no news either way means that there's still opportunity for him to be binned /blindoptimism
  7. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I was ridiculed for bringing that up. Pardew was blameless in that situation apparently. Tbf most people at the time thought it was shitty how these two were forced on him and he was made to play them and yea Tevez is a premadonna but in hindsight it all sounds very familiar. A leopard doesn't change it's spots and Pardew is making the same mistakes again. It's clear as day reading that, the players seem to like him on a personal level and that has bought him time, but his match day decisions, line ups, tactics and substitutions are of a man way out of his depth. This will be his last job after this, punditry from here on out.
  8. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Why would they not come to us? Financially sound, a good squad of core players most teams outside the top 6 would be envious of and some in the top 6 would take off us. The right manager could do good things with our setup. Don't underestimate the pull our club has. The opportunity to be a living legend by bringing some much deserved silverware to the perennial underachievers, it's got to mean something still.
  9. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    As much as I hated the fact Hughton was replaced by this joker at the time I was willing to give him a chance as every dog has its day, and to be fair Hughton probably would never have got us to fifth but I also know he'd never have us sat 5 points above relegation and in free fall. The players don't respect Pardew any more, fuck knows what goes on at the training ground but we can't even do the basics anymore! It's clear the players are as sick of the 'tactics' as we are and with how stubborn, self centred and arrogant Pardew is, nothing will change. Ergo he's got no chance of winning the players back, especially after attacking them post match. If I was Colo/Cabaye I'd have been in MA's office last night demanding something change, time to throw Pardew under the bus.
  10. Keeping him here is just playing into the media hands, I thought the circus theme had been eradicated when we were relegated and promoted again. The media just love an NUFC atomic bomb, that grinds my gears more than anything, giving the shitty rags fuel for their poisoned letter writing, probably why they haven't been piling pressure on Pardew.
  11. I was just gonna say the 'no' votes must either be WUMs or have Parkinson's!
  12. Thought about this as I was coming out the ground. Probably the worst team we could have left to face. Any team that can pass and move to a vaguely competent standard can basically score as many as they like at the moment. It's gonna be a full on Mandingo!
  13. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I wouldn't have minded letting in another couple of goals if it meant seeing the back of the coward, looking back, we should have all walked out at 3 or 4 - 0 to send the club a message. I really think we missed an opportunity and should think about doing it against arsenal if we go a couple of goals down. Unfortunately by then I fear it'll be too little too late, we've missed that opportunity and if he's still here by the Arsenal game I'm pretty damn sure that game will be irrelevant.
  14. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    It was a sad indictment that after the first 2 goals went in, rather than hope and wish for a fight back I actually wanted us to capitulate, I've NEVER felt like that in a game before but it felt like it was the only way we were going to get shot of this joker.
  15. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Anyone seen the Taylor interview on NUFC.cock? He's a shell of a man, looks defeated. The negativity is burning through the whole club like wildfire, it's sickening.
  16. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I can't see MA happy with relegation, yes he may be set to trouser some money in the short term with sales of our 'purples' however we don't know what clauses they have in their contracts and whether we would make any decent amount of profit from them especially after this season. Even so the damage to the club's bottom line in the long term would be far more damaging to his pocket. Every man and his dog can see what is wrong with the team, now whether Pardew is stupid/arrogant/proud he clearly cannot and will not make the required changes to move us forward, I know it's risky changing manager at this point in the league and at this threat level (see Shearer) but it could also have a catapult effect (Roeder) and must be worth the risk after that gutless, pointless performance. I've never seen such a display in B&W in all my 35 years, it was beyond embarrassing. After our wake up call against the Makems it should have been a humbling moment for Pardew, but he obviously slept through his wake up call because rather than rectify our deficiencies he seems to have exsaserbated them to the Nth degree! There's no moving on from here, he's lost it, the teams lost it and most people have completely lost all faith in him. Pack your bags and fuck off Pardew, thanks for the 5th place finish and European football but you've been found out now and nobody wants you anymore!
  17. He's never going to know. Won't live to tell the tale?
  18. What's it like standing in the dole queue?
  19. So glad I'm not watching this today! Perfect opportunity for Pardew to show some intent and prove to us he can handle it and change our fortunes and he bottles it AGAIN with his containment philosophy, he's just a joke! Fuck off out my life Pardew you cockney bullshitting tosspot!!
  20. Do you even know our history? To understand that all we ask for is free flowing, attacking football. Just look at the managers past, it's clear to see the successful ones are the ones that impose our game on other teams and the managers who have been hounded out play, well, your kind of football!
  21. Mattoon

    Papiss Cissé

    I've had a few cracked ribs in years past, very painful, even a sneeze or a cough will floor you. So kudos to Papiss if he's playing through one, though I imagine he'll be on better painkillers than I was!
  22. That was an embarrassing dive, Bayern are good for their win but this ref has been useless! One offside goal, one blatant foul before the third goal! Feels like watching one of our matches!
  23. Mattoon


    Divvent be daft marra 6th next year!!
  24. I just can't see anything in Pardews locker but a flat 4-4-2 with Carroll in the team, there's no way he'd be on the bench as a plan b. it'll be the first half if the season all over again only worse as I rate Ba over Carroll IMO.
  25. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Nothing to do with formations there is more to do with football than formations..... Its due to how little movement and how the players are completely and utterly shackled by Pardew's tactics. We never have more than a couple of a players in the box at a time, that is the reason we struggle to create we are always too deep and trying to cross to two players who have no aerial power in the box and just watching the ball come back at us time and again. http://i71.servimg.com/u/f71/16/55/20/10/nufc10.png Out of all that playing in our own half is the key reason why we struggle to create and score goals, the formation is irrelevant what is relevant how ever is the tactics and mentality of the manager. Everton and Liverpool hardly have bigger and stronger squads but what they do have vastly superior coaches. I know that man and I agree with you. Exactly what I've been saying all week, there's no movement, no outlet, Pardew screams at the players to get back, there's nothing they can do but hoof it forward. It's the manager who is responsible for the lacklustre displays cuz there's nothing they're allowed to do!
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