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Everything posted by kingxlnc

  1. Paqueta on deadline day pulisic on loan Ramos or Pedro permanent murphy shortstaff and Anderson out on loan
  2. kingxlnc

    João Pedro

    Wouldn't mind Pedro as the backup AM, and Ramos as the back up CF. Both are under 21 so won't count in the 25. I think can use the 40m we have as 20m upfront payments each with more in installments later. Pulisic and a CM (you know who) would be a great bonus.
  3. Pulisic is game changer the same way Diaby would be. Can definitely see us interested as we seem to be going for very highly rated talents. Pulisic, Pacqueta and Pedro. Perfect. All the P’s.
  4. I’m hoping the strategy the NUFC heads are using is the Ali Rope a dope. After some early promise, take a pounding throughout the window, and with that saved up energy (cash plus fake bids of those they’re not interested in), they can go on a flurry in the last few days of the transfer window getting their first choice targets at less than expected as teams don’t see them coming, become desperate and time is ticking. And we end August the newwwwwww transfer window champions of the woooooorldddd something like that anyway
  5. Out of everyone who lefts clubs and been transferred that we were linked to, are there any that we think omg that’s a huge miss, if only we had gotten them in instead of x club? I can’t think of many, especially ones where they went somewhere else INSTEAD of us. Ekitike is the only snub we’ve really had, and it’s just potential really no idea how good he is. The ones we all really wanted, Paqueta, Diaby, Maddison, Harrison, Isak, Osimhen, none of these kind of names have actually gone anywhere. And so I do believe NUFC have a long term approach to signing the specific people they have earmarked, and are prepared to wait accordingly. I think we are frustrated because it’s a no brainer where we lack depth and anyone decent would help but I think they have a plan of action on how to jump to 4th using certain profile of players, and would rather not fill out the squad with ones which do not fit and take up resources. If you said take Cornet or Dennis now vs Isak or Osimhen in January or next summer it’s a no brainer, get someone on loan and wait. The one seemingly obvious frustration is that of Paqueta as he is someone potentially world class, within our budget and would definitely come to us, and also an area we need. So it makes too much sense and the fear is that he has plenty of interest elsewhere. the 80/20 rule, if only Paqueta was signed that would satisfy most.
  6. Nah you can’t be that productive in one place and drop off a cliff to that extent… can you?? Ok yes at one he played with Haaland but it’s the equivalent of saying Diaby being overrated if he had similar numbers after moving to a dysfunctional team. How many good calibre players have flopped with our dysfunctional teams of the past. I think he’d solve the RW problem all day long, problem theyd never let him go so this entire post was pointless
  7. Wouldn’t mind putting in a cheeky bid for Sancho, give him a way out of this mess
  8. Well technically she’s also Meg from Family guy so you wouldn’t be able close your eyes during the process etc etc something like that?
  9. Honestly think Howe is the British Nageslmann, probably one of the most well rounded professional modern young coaches in the game. Actually was a huge coup in hindsight.
  10. I would buy it on pay per view
  11. A good way of determining this: do we have or have we had anyone who is capable of or who has won the Ballon D’Or? That is the measuring stick most of the world uses so why shouldn’t we? We know Owen won it in 2001 (but it is largely accepted he is one of the weakest ones to have won it). Keegan won it twice but before his NUFC days. Shearer finished 3rd in 1996. No one has come close, since. Do we think Bruno has that potential to make this shortlist one day?
  12. I do think Shearer is probably the ultimate elite performer we have ever had, but we only got one season out of that version. Bruno is not on that level yet and it is premature to even compare. Potential is not the same as actually performance, Ben Arfa for example perhaps may be the most talented in terms of raw potential and talent. Obviously he had his flaws, too. But Shearer at his peak had sustained proven success, the world after him, leadership, mindset, longevity, the works. Love Bruno and am excited to see him grow with us but he’s only played 20 or so games so far. He definitely has elite potential but let’s see what level he can take us to first.
  13. Have to say RB Leipzig for whatever you may think about those Red Bull franchises, seem to be extremely well run and have a great business model and scouting network.
  14. kingxlnc


    Self discipline is the key though, and it why we correctly laud the Ronaldo's and Milner's of the world, whilst the Rooney's and Alli's fall by the wayside eventually. Joelinton seems very good in that regard.
  15. kingxlnc


    Owen actually not a great example to cite, he was done by age 25-26. That 2006 World cup injury ended him as a genuine force. That purple patch with Keegan was more a good run of form over 10 games but it was alarming how little interest there was in him on a free transfer, which is why he had to create that brochure etc. Owen was world class from 1998-2005. Dyer also had a similar peak length wise (although not as high) - From 1999-2006. After that he joined West Ham and signalled the end. Alli achieved too much, too soon it seems. But the kind of player he was didn't rely on pace or physical, it was largely movement based. His issues seem mental, not physical. He has lost his drive. Not sure Lampard is the guy to help him get it back, if Mourinho couldn't.
  16. kingxlnc

    Kevin Keegan

    I'd rather it was the Fulham game as that way he can still see us win!
  17. It's a shame if that Sesko news is true. He along with Sulemana were the two youngsters I was hoping for as it would make us the fastest team in the PL.
  18. Well that might be a good thing on past form, wasn't it said the takeover was deader than a dead thing from dead land one week before it was announced? Welcome to Newcastle Benjamin Sesko!
  19. Don't think I know of a physical striker known for their heading prowess to not be injury prone? Duncan Ferguson, Andy Carroll, DCL. It must be like tall fast bowlers in cricket who get injured because of the impact of the landing from the jump.
  20. Yeah the Athletic mentioned Palace a lot, and have been bigging up their signing of Cheick Doucure on a par with the likes of Bruno Guimaraes in terms of impact.
  21. I do feel many of the papers are predicting between 7th to 9th for us. Seems overly optimistic. Mostly based on last seasons second half showing - but that was unsustainable as it was very close games and the pressured siege mentality that contributed. The team hasn't strengthened enough compared to the other teams near us as they already had huge head starts, eg West Ham, Leicester, etc. If those 2-3 signings are brought in, I would definitely agree 7th to 9th is doable - right now it seems a stretch as it's a long season and we do seem light in areas.
  22. At this stage, Cornet seems straightforward and a bit of a no brainer. As we have a bloated squad, I’d love the two signings we make to be highly rated youngsters under 21 who will be phased in and get decent game time, Sesko and Sulemana. That might cost in excess of 60-70m but you could get that back for just one of them with Howes coaching ability and the higher platform to showcase their abilities on within 2-3 years. All of these improve the squad considerably. As for directly transforming the first XI I’d be ok with getting an AM like Paqueta or Maddison the following summer as well as a new marquee striker as long as the above happened.
  23. This place would go into meltdown. With good reason tbh, I would be fuming too haha
  24. To be honest with Almiron and Anderson both able to play that number 10, I'd be fine with spending on a top top class ST, like Osimhen or Sesko or even Zapata as a short term option
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