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Everything posted by kingxlnc

  1. What's also crazy is that he's only 29, younger than Pope even. Definitely got time to sort himself out here and gain in value and confidence. Normally when you're getting a freebie out of season it's a 38 year old Maik Taylor type.
  2. Swansea are great at spotting good up coming managers, they’re just terrible at being patient with them. Rodgers Laudrup Potter Cooper
  3. Potter May be first choice for a Man City when Pep goes if he continues progressing at Brighton as he plays similar complex tactical football so would be a good appointment at a semi sensible club who operate similar to Brighton but on a huge scale. chelsea are extremely unstable and therefore very risky
  4. Genuinely a brilliant read, and insight into the genius mind. He is actually criminally underrated, probably due to the fact he’s so humble. A great example of us doing what we should do with players, get young talented but experienced players under the radar but with elite potential and best years in front of them. Isak, Bruno, Botman, Howe is the managerial equivalent of them. I honestly love this model way more than the Man City and Chelsea model in their early days.
  5. Let's hope He Got Game and he can lead us to Glory
  6. Cooper surely can’t be near the bottom, he’s a bit further back in his career but many rate him as the next Potter and Howe in the making. He’s got a decent track record to be fair…
  7. kingxlnc

    Alexander Isak

    On the last few FM’s Isak was always my go to striker signing as he was only at Sociedad so in theory was accessible. Even though it was completely unrealistic for any version of NUFC we’ve known in the last decade. He scored 20+ for 5 years before upgrading so let’s hope that is the reality!
  8. Why don’t they play Scammaca? Antonio is decent but not really his level, Scamaca was bought as their Isak this year
  9. Both were wrong calls by Rafa as he replaced them with the likes of Joselu. Rafa is a systems manager so he needs players to fit his system but both of these, particular Mitrovic it was clear there was a quality player there that just needed support. We bought Rondon but Mitrovic was our own player and he could have easily have played that role, he also was a good character in that he's had no problem playing in the Championship, even though he's at his peak. Plus he supported Newcastle when he was younger. Both are probably 40-50M players now.
  10. I don't know why people lump him in with Murphy, Wood and Fraser. He is genuinely a class above. Even deserves his place more than Longstaff and Willock. Speedy, hardworking, pressing, quick feet, good chemistry with Bruno. He's an international who is the key player for his team, who are not a bad international side. Yes we need to get better evenetually but there's too much hate for him. Part of the problem is this inverted winger system. I'd like to see him on the left with ASM on the right. Getting crosses in and genuinely being more comfortable I think he would be better. The other issue is that he's not actually a winger! He's a number 10. I'd also like to see him as the other number 8 instead of Willock. Think that could be decent, perhaps when Isak goes to the right and Wilson is up top.
  11. That's a great stat, and watching the performances, it's reflective and makes sense. I don't remember a time since SBR's time actually where I'd expect to dominate the game and know we're better than the opposition. This season has definitely felt like that, even if the results aren't there yet. The 5th season was a great bunch of players cobbled together without a game plan, so it was a nice bonus we finished 5th rather than expectation.
  12. kingxlnc

    Alexander Isak

    That one on one was great though, in that he made it all by himself. His long legs intercepted a pass and opened the opportunity up. I can't remember the last time we pounced on a mistake and an individual had enough pace and legs to make the opportunity for themselves and finish it.
  13. Moyes had a PFM style strop about his VAR call, very aggressively showed his dissent. Howe is too measured and calm for that, no point in being overly passionate etc as it may show weakness in leadership to your team. Whereas I think he is highly respected by his group because he's a proper calm leader and spokesman and gets on with it, with integrity. Makes you respect him more and put in extra effort for the man
  14. Their team looks bang average though considering all that money. 250m should be making you title contenders especially from their strong base and a decent manager in Tuchel. I don’t think they’re anywhere near.
  15. kingxlnc


    Still don’t understand why he’s not the number 6 instead of the 8
  16. If we had Paqueta we would have won that game in all seriousness after Anderson, Wood needs to be first sub instead of Murphy. Murphy literally offers nothing, Wood has the pedigree at least if not the form. Lewis genuinely could do a job on the left as he is pacy and athletic. He could whip crosses in and work well with Targett. Maybe needs to be considered in the absence of other options.
  17. kingxlnc

    Kevin Keegan

    Tbh no one is a better story teller than KK, you can’t help but be captivated when he speaks, even if you’ve heard the story ten times before
  18. Instead of Murphy can’t we get Lewis on as LW and Anderson as RW? Lewis can’t be as bad surely as Murphy
  19. kingxlnc

    Kevin Keegan

    Did anyone go that can summarise what he said?
  20. kingxlnc

    Alexander Isak

    When you think Dominic Calvert Lewin and Ivan Toney were both quoted as £50m - paying just £8m more to get someone with Isak's potential and pedigree is an absolute no brainer. Just goes to show the value to be had abroad. I'm glad the board have a clear stance not to be seen to be overpaying that English premium. Ditto with Gordon vs someone like Diaby. Think about how much Bruno cost vs how much someone like Rice would cost.
  21. kingxlnc

    Alexander Isak

    He is grounded as anything, no emotion at all. All of the interview questions were aimed at getting hyperbole-type statements out of him, I want to score x many goals, I want to perform well for the fans, and be a legend here, I want to have the impact of Haaland etc but he was very Howe-esque in that he was cool, almost nonchalant and no, I dont want to add pressure, I'll just do what I'm going to do etc.
  22. You just know when he signs the headline will be Angel of the North
  23. I’d rather be this hated than universally liked like the most important English manager of the last 100 years Mr Bruce
  24. Between him and Pedro, Joe and Bruno it’s gonna be Brazilliant! Interested to see how Lodi gets on at Forest as he’s a long term target, and in a year he’ll have PL experience too
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