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Everything posted by kingxlnc

  1. Actually - reports are suggesting Chelsea have won the race to sign TBH. Hence the comment. We are being linked with this other Turkish winger - Gokdeniz something or other - surely one would much rather have proven quality in Guily, for the same price?!! Hope this clarifies aforementioned comments.
  2. kingxlnc

    Bye Bye

    He'd be awesome in that 4-3-3 formation that was so deadly at Deportivo. Picture this: Given Solano / Dyer - Taylor - New CB - New LB (Baines?) Barton - New DM - Emre Martins - Owen/Viduka - Luque Owen/Viduka would be the Makaay role, Martins the Tristan, Emre the Valeron, Luque the Luque, etc etc... Watch, we're going to beat AC Milan 4-0 this season too with this system...
  3. We could definitely get Lassana Diarra on loan from Chelsea - would calm N'Zogbia down, having his bessie mate here! I would like to go for Appiah too tbh - him and Emre and Barton - deadly. Tomashek is a good shout too though, as is Yaya Toure.
  4. Is it just me or has Big Sam's halo tilted ever so slightly today? I mean, before today he could do no wrong, he was making the right move in everything he did, saying the right stuff etc - to be crude, the sun casically shined out of his crack. Today - he's said we are NOT in for Guily, Tuncay and Baines (so, the only three players I had actually heard of that we've been linked with, and the three I was genuinely excited about!) and also look to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory so to speak with regards Tal Ben Haim and Rozenhal - both were thought to be in the bag, but seem to be slipping away... Grrr. Very Roeder-esque day tbh. Reminds me of when Roeder said he didn't want Campbell last year, then Kuyt was lost to Liverpool after we were seemingly favorites... Before you all jump on my back - telling me not to worry, stop being so negative etc etc - its just an observation - not happy with the speculation today. Oh well - I'm sure he knows what he's doing.... :hmh:
  5. kingxlnc

    England v Brazil

    How much is Vagner Love valued at? Good potential Newcastle signing? Especially if Owen goes. Would prefer him as a replacement to Ameobi though.
  6. Emre is world class on his day. If anyone, he should be a definite starter, and the team built around him tbh. An Appiah type midfielder alongside him, to the dirty work, a Tuncay in front of him, with Owen / Martins / Viduka to choose from up front. Milner / Duff on the wings. Quality.
  7. WHAT?! Speed is the most ridiculously over-rated Newcastle player of the Premiership era. He was decent, no more, no less. People take the mick out of Parker and his pirouettes, Speed was similar in that respect. He'd also give the ball a fair bit, wasn't a great tackler, and how often would the wingers (in particular Robert), have to stop a forward run because rather than play the ball in front of them, Speed would play it to feet or even behind? The only thing that made him stand out was that he wasn't as attacking as the other three midfielders and didn't bomb forward all of the time. Want my true view, Acuna was much the better player. Hmmm. Not sure I agree with that - Speed was a slow starter, but pure class. He was what Parker should have been. Speed was a box to box attacking midfielder throughout his career, except at Newcastle where SBR turned him into a quality DM. Nothing spectacular - but consistent as they come mate. I think he made Jenas look good tbh. If Parker could have adapted his game like Speed did, he could've been a legend too. Not only that - scored his fair share of goals too. Acuna was underrated btw - I thought he was pretty good, did the job as a squad player. We need more depth and players of that quality as backup, as opposed to the likes of Amady Faye!
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