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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Hudson


    It looks female'ish
  2. Top draw transfer target news, (weekend after bad defeat and fans generally rounding on Pards) shocker.
  3. What a load of shite, the kids got no future in football. FACT
  4. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    I think that's just human nature to be honest. I can sympathise because I'm terrible at it myself - if anyone criticises this post for instance I'm liable to have a right strop. Or maybe sulk. You should do with that sentence. Comma's boy use them
  5. You just need to look that the injurys we have had over the last 10 years to know this comes as no suprise. As a club we should have been prepared for this type of issue.
  6. You would have thought the same with us, guess what we went down. There all past there best, and have wasted shed loads on over payed players. Just like we did
  7. He's one of the main reasons that there doing so well. He's getting marked out of most games, but leaving huge amounts of space for others (nolan) to score from.
  8. The media are wanking over it at every opportunity too which doesn't help matters. We lost 1-0 in the game where Suarez scored 'The Greatest goal of all timeTM' right? Didn't we draw ??
  9. Erm last season we had 17 goal scorers in all comps 8 where midfielders 5 where strickers others where defenders They also scores 17 goals
  10. Fabrice ? I see what you did there
  11. What you on about, did you get told that via chinese wisper.
  12. Hudson


    At least Liverpool is a proper city. vs a Shitty ( note the capital.. meaning proper) Sunderland is the only city in the UK not to have a Cathedral Tramps
  13. WTF, Cabaye's goal was so better
  14. opps Nicky's got himself in trouble there. If it's a real account
  15. Hudson

    James Perch

    Mark Douglas ‏@MsiDouglas Perch out for month, Cabaye a doubt for next week & Colo out for 3 games. Rarely can a point have come with such collateral damage #nufc No news on Ba? Try the Ba thread
  16. Seen that earlier, he's still a cunt though
  17. Hudson


    Ive just sat and worked it out. NUFC all things said imho deserved one point off spurs MAX (-2). 0 off everton (-1). Barely one off villa but ill give the benefit of the doubt. Barely one off us but ill give them the benefit of the doubt. Fuck all off WBA (-3) fuck all off reading (-1). Fuck all today (-1) So thats 14 points when really had they not had some unreal fortune they would be on about 5 or 6 points in truth. I waited all last season for their luck to run out and quite simply it didn http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=740496&page=29
  18. Hudson


    shes only about 12 ffs 21 more like it, anyway nowt wrong with being a bannana.
  19. Hudson


    I so want to be that bannana
  20. Hudson


    It would make sense. I reckon MON is a last desperate throw of the dice, once that inevitably goes tits up I don't think there'll be any more subsidies for them, and if they have to be self-sufficient on their income and with that wage bill, throw a large debt in and it could be genuine meltdown time.... Hopefully it won't be. Where else will we get such a easy 4 points
  21. Hudson


    That easy Martin, your a s**** manager with a average squad and no goal strickers. simples
  22. Hudson


    The best thing is that it's probably true. He's actually worse than Bruce was, but then again it's not his squad.
  23. Hudson


    He is the best manager we've had in my lifetime Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=739524&page=2#ixzz2AswZZxW1
  24. Hudson


    1 win in 16 games, Doing a great job there marty
  25. Surely it must be someone else's fault?? - David , Surrey, 31/10/2012 06:55 This made me laugh
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