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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. We were far too skint to sign him But we can sign him in a heartbeat now That’s the thing with Isak He scores at every ground So he can smash it past your keeper Leave him spent with nowt to offer He scores the goals that hurt you He scores them like they’re nothing Alexsander Isaaaaaaaaaaak, wohhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sign me up for an Ivor Novello, a Brit award and a motherfucking Grammy right now
  2. Whatever happens it’s just reassuring to know we’ve got a team of talented industry experts leading our acquisitions and disposals, I’ll put my trust in them to make the right decisions on how much to spend, who to recruit and why. It’s the polar opposite to the previous regime.
  3. We smash our club record signing, Sam's St James Park gigs are happening AND their manager gets poached off Stoke. Oh my days. It's feasible that the fewm on Wearside could be so powerful that their minging little city actually takes off and leaves the atmosphere.
  4. He's been trying to line it up for a year or so, that's for sure Was always going to be harder to get an agreement under the previous regime after he called Ashley a "zero hour contract cunt" or something similar to that. Ashley was very pissed off.
  5. Obviousthly errrrr…..I might get mesel……obviousthly errrrr…….a packet of Percy Pigs……obviousthly errrr……for a little treat……obviousthly errrr…..on the drive home…….obviousthly errrrr…..
  6. Watched it on holiday in a Spanish bar, mainly City fans and some Leeds stragglers. Both groups were positive about us and what Howe’s achieving with that squad. They were impressed by the quality of football we played. City fans said it’s rare a team goes after them the way we did, they were shocked by how up for it we were and there was plenty of panic when we scored the 3rd. Ended up getting mortal, gatecrashed the mini disco, tried to play basketball with some local yoots, got chased off a chihuahua, drew a knob in the dust on a car windscreen and am sweating like a bastard today. My kids are taking the piss out of me.
  7. Never thought I’d gobble a mouthful of spunk after a 3-3 draw at home, but today it happened
  8. bobbydazzla

    João Pedro

    Breaking news #NUFC. Sources close to the club say Man City are planning an audacious 3 nil win over Newcastle. Final details still to be ironed out but both clubs aim to have the situation concluded later today Is how these journo / ITK Twatter cunts present such speculation
  9. Neville, what a whinging cunt he is
  11. Plane Spotter Thread Motto: Better to be following planes, than to be followed by Dark Justice
  12. Anyone know if Paqueta is into fresh water fishing ?
  13. Anyone questioning the value of the sleuth work carried out by the aeroverts in this here Plane Spotting thread should get an instant ban from the forum. It's as offensive as wandering into the Vatican and asking if God exists. Can Admin prepare the launch codes for the ban hammer please.
  14. Bed Wetter - Calm Nice 90’s footage of Tynemouth too
  15. Some would say you’ve missed a C before the Q
  16. You ever tried hockling or pelting stuff whilst sat down, it’s impossible
  17. Got to be Howdon Aldi Death Queue 50,000 football fans singing “Skitzy fucking Tory cunts are off to kill yer nan” would be epic
  18. I see the Saudi’s want to build a 75 mile long mirrored skyscraper in NEOM that will house 5 million people. Getting us a bigger football stadium will be a piece of piss. Maybe they’ll move Leazes Terrace to NEOM too…. https://interestingengineering.com/75-mile-long-skyscrapers-saudi-arabia
  19. He’s a toon fan who grew up on the mean streets of West Denton
  20. St Cuthy’s Burgundy Blazer Kru innit
  21. Catholic lad from West Denton done good
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