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Everything posted by cubaricho

  1. Are you fucking mad? Had the same thought (the one about him being mad) - saying something like that is fucking out of order.
  2. All of these chants of "no one will want to take over where they don't have total control" is bollocks - that's how shit is run on the continent. We will have to get a European manager and hopefully Ashley is willing to splash the cash to get someone like Bilic in. To me, Bilic is the European version of Keegan - loves attacking and flowing football with the panache of a continental manager. I am shattered that Keegan is gone but we really need to get the reins of this whole mess together and get a new, high profile and classy manager in to right the ship as quickly as possible. We are doing ourselves no good sitting around bitching about Ashley and the like, we need to start moving forward again as quickly as possible.
  3. lol, I hope you don't actually believe any of that? No wonder the press have a hayday with us. Most gullible fans in the Prem.
  4. I would love for him to be the man to help take this club forward within the current set-up, but if he can't handle a continental style management structure, we'll get someone in who does.
  5. The new owners will pour tons of money into Man City, realize they can't buy the league as easily as they thought, and then get bored and pull the plug (and in their wake will be massive amounts of debt and wages to pay).
  6. I was surprised too, honestly. I thought we Geordies had better morals than wanting to buy the trophy, you know by doing stuff like hard work, perseverance, flair, all that non-sense. Also if you really think KK will stick around with dodgy foreign investors owning the club you are seriously mistaken.
  7. Would really hate to be a Man City fan myself. Not only because they're a shit team, but because I would hate to be owned by such scummy fucks no matter the amount of dough they are willing to throw around. It's not good for football and I would hate to be the poster children.
  8. What if KK wants to walk but helps choose his successor?
  9. This thread is like a bastion of sanity in the midst of a shitstorm. I agree with a lot of what has been said in this thread. Ashley's vision for the club is one I can really get behind and I really admire doing things the right way. That being said, I really hope Keegan has a part to play in this because I really love the way his football teams play on the pitch - no fear and 110%, a rare thing to find in a football team. Also, I'd really hate to see this whole thing boil over due to Barton and Smith talk. The people that run this club are adults and should be able to sit around a table and hash these kinds of things out like men and not, as you all say, throw their toys out the pram. One of my favorite posts from this thread is the I MISS MORT post - don't we all. He seemed a really level headed and genuine guy and I feel like him and Kevin had a much better relationship than Llambias(sp?) and Kevin do which might be the focal point of this whole debacle and where it all stems from. So overall my main point is that I love the direction this club is going and I love the football being played on the pitch (4 points out of six not-so-easy matches!) and I hope everyone involved (except perhaps Llambias) can stick around and keep this ship headed to the promise land.
  10. I'm sure the club will come out with a statement when something happens they need to comment about. As far as we know, Keegan is still our manager just like he was yesterday so there is no reason for a statement. Just because everyone is getting in a hissy fit on some message boards doesn't mean the club is required to release a statement saying "hey guys calm down keegan is still here!"
  11. This is getting way out of control for it only being a rumor. Why wouldn't the club make a statement? Because they're sitting in a meeting right now and nothing has changed, why would they make a statement? This would've been taken care of if Owen had been resigned? Who says it's Wise not offering or giving him a good enough contract and not Owen who just doesn't want to resign a new contract just yet? Chill out dudes, this whole situation is spiraling out of control based on rumors and the media are having a field day with us and loving every second.
  12. We're moving forward for sure. Sometimes it may not look like it but if you look at the overall picture we've moved ahead from where we were when Big Sam was a manager here. We may not be Man City, but then again, who would want to be?
  13. They won't announce any signings until midnight or even until tomorrow, everyone get over it. We're obviously in for people and I am glad we don't necessarily know who - our board is being run much more professionally now and I for one love it.
  14. Doesn't look to shabby to me though, the minutes he's played that is. Looks like he would start and then be subbed off after 60 or so minutes for a "super sub" type to come on.
  15. You're surely taking the piss right? The problem with the past few England managers is that they don't care about building the best team but about getting the "best" players - or more precisely the players the media thinks are the best - which they end up regretting afterwards (albeit after taking a huge chunk of change). I'm not going to act like I know where/when Bullard should be played but I can argue the fact that he was instrumental in Fulham's "great escape" last season and ads a lot of passion to a squad. He may not be as fashionable as Mr. Gerrard or Lampard but he can add a lot to a team that is built in the right way. I don't necessarily agree with the rest of the squad (ie: Young should definitely be in it and probably Owen too) but I do feel like Bullard has earned his place in the England setup. Obviously the same shit we've seen for the past 6-8 years has produced fuck all - it's nice to try and get a bit of freshness to the squad and if Bullard is the start of that then I am a happy man.
  16. Our team has no clue what to do when they don't have the ball. Everyone stands around ball watching. It has been our most obvious problem for quite some time now I am surprised KK hasn't "fixed" the problem yet - hopefully he's working on it (by doing more than buying Argentinians).
  17. Because he's a striker at heart. It's hard to hold yourself back from saying stuff like that when the instinct is in your bones.
  18. Zoggy didn't even score a goal and he knew it, hence the no celebration.
  19. Truest quote in the post.
  20. So he's coming here on loan after signing for Valencia?
  21. Milner is a frustrating player to watch, fact. I am "conflicted" about his selling to Villa to say the least. I feel like, for him personally, moving to Villa was a great move and he will do well there, maybe even thrusting them into the upper echelon of the Prem but couldn't do the same job for us. Playing for us though, is a different story. At AV he will be under less pressure and allowed to play freely like we would've/could've never let him play - all the negativity about his speed and (supposedly) lack of crossing ability will be washed away at Villa where they appreciate him and like they are saying on their forum: he only has room to improve. That being said, 12m (although this is the only place I've seen it placed at 12m, every where placed it at 10m) is an extraordinary amount for Jimmy and we could not afford not to let him go at that price. We can splash that money elsewhere (and I am confident that we are or else we would've not let him go).
  22. Agreed. SAF is a very hands off manager, focusing more on the backroom moving and shaking and CQ was the guy who ran the practices while Fergie would watch/tap up people/try to justify a Scholes tackle or handball. Obviously I'm taking the piss, but the part about SAF being hands off and CQ running training is true.
  23. cubaricho

    Nile Ranger

    Who said it was "hero worship" - we're all just having a laugh.
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