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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. So the money wasn’t even coming from the Middle East, has anyone messaged that dentist on Twitter who thinks he is in ITK
  2. Lee Ryder’s name on a flag, jesus, add to the fact the quotes.......then we went down! Strange as fuck
  3. Darlow Yedlin Lascelles Clark Dummett Murphy Shelvey Merino Atsu Mitrovic Gayle
  4. Best fans in the world. :lol:
  5. People who hate Ritchie dear me, he’s bang average but some of the shite that gets lauded on here who have never shown 1% the effort of Ritchie, makes me laugh really
  6. I’d imagine he’s dropped a massive clanger and asked his source if the Sky story is true, to which they have said yes (meaning a bid made) and he’s incorrectly presumed that the source was verifying the full story, including the price. Probably not even got a source to ask, he’s just on the twitter bandwagon and thought he better post summit from the under 23 game so people think he’s in the loop. Backfired this time though, jokers
  7. Best thing is Ryder saying the club sources said it’s true, obviously lying out his front teeth and he knows nowt as per
  8. Pahahahahh You ok lad? He's either a mackem or f***ed in the head mate, ignore him. He is a Mackem supports newcastle though
  9. I don't have Aston Villa fans and Tony Xia on here to interact with. How’s frank
  10. t_c16 coming across very differently to his twitter alter ego
  11. Lives in the Middle East, mates with the skunkers journo, same source as paully etc.
  12. Who are you on skunkers btw? Nobbys uncle
  13. We are going to press with it tonight... keep toot on thenational.ae website for the jist. How it worked out is better than you think, get your tissues ready
  14. Nope, he’s a journalist who now lives in the middle east
  15. Of course he f***ing is Just boring.. Nah he’s not like, he will know something Jesus christ man don't be so gullible. The bloke of skunkers is 100% a journo and he’s also pals with Paully, he’s not gonna stitch him up is he
  16. Of course he f***ing is Just boring.. Nah he’s not like, he will know something Edit the bloke off dkunkers not Clements on Twitter Although Clements is on skunkers
  17. Tbf the bloke on skunkers is a journo (I know most of them talk shite) but he has no reason to go on there and do so especially considering he knows the likes of paully
  18. Get yourselves joined up to skunkers, this is where it has came from, the bloke who posted it is a journalist, who now lives in the Middle East, if said before apologies
  19. It's a wind up. He's an arsehole. He's a canny lad actually, just loves a good wind up. He does actually know the same source in the Gulf, so he's not totally bullshitting this time. Well f*** a duck! All through skunkers
  20. Haha biggest wum on Twitter, it’s defo off now
  21. f*** knas what the original song is. Probably some nursery rhyme like most songs Was Liverpools Torres song originally wasnt it? Man united when Jonny goes marching down the wing o Shea o Shea etc etc
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