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Everything posted by sixx

  1. This is the thing I really don't get with the English football media. There seems to be a very strange system of mutual insurance between the media, which is in some part made up of ex-footballers and managers, and current PL managers. No one who has belonged to the game at professional level seems to have the guts to criticize Pardew. Which provides a fertile soil for the alternative and social media to rest the blame on deluded Geordie fans and other shameful cliches.
  2. Everything really is bad forever isn't it? In relation to NUFC I have nothing to look forward to. No player I'm excited to see shine, no transfer rumors interest me, not a decent cup run to hope for. I barely notice come match day. Never before felt such indifference towards Newcastle. I thought I was maybe losing interest in football altogether if it wasn't for going seeing Iceland beat Turkey couple of weeks a go. Haven't felt hopeful and excited like that towards NUFC for a very long time. I really can't be bothered about club football these days, just seems empty and hollow.
  3. I'd absoulutely settle for Moyes and a club of our pedigree should suit him very well. He'd get the results in guaranteed. However I can't overcome my envy of Everton, Southampton, Tottenham, Swansea and Liverpool employing young managers with continental and attacking approaches. I want to gamble on a manager with an attacking philosophy and I honestly don't think that's a lot to ask for. Aforementioned Tuchel would be perfect and a club like ours could be a good start for him outside of Germany. Laudrup I would also like very much and I've heard good things about Eddie Howe. I think realistically they would all relish the opportunity here even though they had to endure working under Ashley. We're not short of options and at least I'm still positive. I suppose it's fools hope nonetheless as we're going to end up with Tim Sherwood.
  4. I'm still sort of optimistic. Ashley is running a business and Pardew is seriously deteriorating its value and hurting its image. He must see pretty soon that it's in his best interest to find a replacement, it could very possibly elevate the worth of NUFC in a reasonably short period of time. With that being said, no one should show up at SJP next weekend. The crowd is really turning against Pardew en masse, for the seemingly first time, and boycotting home matches surely must send a strong message. Pardew isn't a manager who leaves his post. He's been fired from all his clubs (bar Reading) and he will hopefully sooner rather than later also be fired from here.
  5. Probably won't bother watching this. If we lose I hope we get a hammering. Other than that I don't really care.
  6. Gerrard is so awful. Fuck off Stevie!
  7. Goddamnit those Poles know how to do it.
  8. Where on earth is Roberto di Matteo?
  9. Welbeck isn't even considerably better than our current lot. A centre back should be a priority. Liverpool are looking to offload Agger
  10. Di Maria is a good but not a great winger. However as a left sided midfielder in an Ancelotti 4-3-3 he's phenomenal and completely reinvented himself last season. Before Ancelotti he wasn't much to talk about and nowhere near the worth he is right now.
  11. sixx

    Paul Gascoigne

    Was hoping not to see something like this when I opened this thread. Poor sod.
  12. I wish he would have just f***ed off to Argentina in the beginning of the summer. The club would've had to buy another centre back and we need to build a solid partnership for the future. He just doesn't seem to care as much these days and he's not going to get any better. Don't get me wrong he's been a great servant for the club and on some occasions he was among the best centre backs in the league. But he is a useless captain as his antics proved mid season with homesickness. How he still is a captain is absolutely beyond me. Well most things concerned with Alan Pardew's decisions are I guess...
  13. sixx

    Emmanuel Rivière

    He is strong. He outmuscled Kompany at least on two occasions which is not to expect in a Premier League debut. Other than that Kompany had him covered all yesterday, which was to expect. Looking forward to see more of him, especially if he gets some assistance from de Jong.
  14. What have I missed? Where can I see this banner/flag?
  15. sixx

    Shola Ameobi

    Couldn't make this shit up. Just 60miles north from Aleppo.
  16. Will he still be a nailed on starter this season? Kelly, Flanagan and Manquillo can't be worse?
  17. Don't know about that. All my Liverpool friends hate him.
  18. I would assume the loan deal involves first option to buy him.
  19. I see Pardew opting for Willo over Saylor, but yeah that's more the way I expect us to play as well. Agree. But I also surely expect Pardew to somehow squeeze Gouffran into that lineup. I'm fine with that as long Gouff gets chances up top, not on the wings and surely not behind a striker.
  20. Even if de Jong would be a catatonic he'd still be more mobile. Still agree with your point. Colback, Anita, Sissoko and Tiote won't have more than five goals between them this season.
  21. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/2278977/kevin-nolan-duck-dance-o.gif
  22. Don't see the point in loaning him out unless he's on huge wages.
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