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Everything posted by PRL

  1. Most of the country are not overtly political, and it's incredibly clear from the reaction that this transcends politics. There's plenty of pros and cons to argue in relation to monarchy; politically, economically, ethically and beyond. But I think you can say fairly definitively that most people in the country do not feel negatively towards the Queen herself, that most wish to pay respect to our Head of State who spent 70 years serving the country. I don't see that as controversial at all, like I don't see any issue with the recommencing of a debate regarding monarchy commencing in the coming weeks, particularly with Charles in charge, I just don't think those on the republican side of said debate do themselves many favours using an old lady's death as a negative trigger. As mentioned above, Wor Flags are in an utter catch 22 here, but may feel on balance that more folk who donate or who make the decisions within WF would like to see a tribute than not. Unfortunately I've no idea if that's true or not, but I trust them to make the right decision, and if they put on a display I don't deem it as political (going down that rabbit hole you could argue that no display in and of itself is a political statement). I don't expect this to open floodgates to party political flag displays or religious banners, simply an acknowledgement of the longest serving public servant in the history of our nation, which won't happen again in any of our lifetimes.
  2. PRL

    Dogawful Officiating

    People have paid and turned up to support their team and given up considerable time and money to do so. I really don't mind losing out to a fluke or a screamer but VAR has already taken away the ability to celebrate after a quick glance at the linesman, which has muted probably the most cathartic reaction I can regularly have in life. Now that we aren't only seeing bad decisions missed, but good decisions turned into bad ones as a result of VAR, I really don't know what the solution is. I agree that it's those using it rather than the tech itself and it has been fine in other tournaments and leagues, but I think I'm leaning to the view it should be scrapped as it's just too inconsistent and does not result in better decisions being made regularly. I think I'd rather go back to complaining about missed injustices and at least being able to celebrate properly again. No chance of this happening, sadly.
  3. But Pope wasn’t there at the start of the window?
  4. How is it weaker overall? Swapped Pope for Dubravka… seems stronger surely?
  5. West Ham fans don't seem pleased about prospect of him leaving
  6. He’s worth 1.5 Gordons
  7. No ‘here we go’s’ for a while tho. Pedro has scarred him
  8. PRL


    on the day we smash our transfer record... fucking priceless
  9. Got to go back to when we did Stoke 3-0 in the season we finished 5th for the last time I’ve seen us that dominant at home. Wilson looked a little unfit but still dangerous throughout. Pope had a couple of flaps. Other than that thought we were pretty much flawless. Atmosphere was great, ASM was absolute quality and forest could handle us from minute 1 to 90. Hot take - unless forest do something, they could be in running for a record low points total
  10. Posts like this are why it’s really worthwhile having educated fans of other teams on the forum. Been plenty of bollocks spouted about Leicester on this thread due to people getting precious about a Leicester forum - then you get insight like this that I’d garner 99% of us had no idea about but that gives visibility to some of the frustration for Leicester fans, and also empathy to the number of managers we have had follow this same path in the last god knows how many decades, then the frustration we have felt when other fans have discounted those frustrations.
  11. We've gone from spending zero, to being the third highest net spenders in Europe over the last few transfer windows (https://www.football365.com/news/arsenal-dominate-top-ten-net-spenders-in-europe-since-2020-but-spurs-not-far-behind). Folk want the club ran sustainably, they want us to bolster the squad by another striker, RW and potentially CM on top of the above spend, plus they want tickets to stay at the same price as under Ashley while we have little / zero increase in corporate revenues while current deals expire and a bunch of deadwood tied to contracts for the next 12-24 months. Something has got to give somewhere along the line.
  12. PRL

    Sven Botman

    Stabbing in dark, but does anyone know when ffp resets for each season? Maybe July 1?
  13. PRL

    Sven Botman

    It’ll be confirmed Friday. Will be something accounting related meaning no confirmation until July
  14. April 2019. Lost to Palace. Came up to see my uncle as my auntie wasn’t well at all. Was supposed to be with my dad as well but he collapsed the morning he was due to travel up. All I wanted to do when I found out was travel back to the hospital to see him (he lives in Wales these days) but he called me from his hospital bed and made me promise to stay and look after his brother. Turned up at the ground with tears streaming down my face having not seen my uncle in a long long time, and had to tell him about my old man. Watching the game that day, miserable fucking shit that it was, confirmed to me I was completely out of love with football and more so Newcastle under Ashley. Two and a half years later (cannot fucking believe it’s that long), and I spoke to my dad with us both in tears for almost an hour earlier this evening, planning our trip up for the Burnley game, with my uncle. My auntie passed during covid and I wasn’t able to attend her funeral due to covid restrictions, it’s fucking lovely to have a positive reason to go up. He was a season ticket holder for most his life until Ashley ground him down. Feels great I can take him there with at least some hope.
  15. Close to tears here, old man has just text me exactly the same. Been watching this thread non-stop for the last 36 hours. Heading to the Cock & Lion around the corner for a quick beer, heading up as soon as possible for a game. Win, lose or draw I don't particularly care right now, just need to celebrate the pure relief at the end of that shitty fucking era.
  16. Nah, shows a complete lack of decency in the current situation to say something like that. You know that most likely there are people here struggling financially who could use the money yet you decide to write that instead of just keeping your opinions to yourself. Err, it was ManDoon making the comment not me, I'm saying why some of us can't stand sections of our support. And yeah, keep talking about 'decency' in a thread where everyone's frothing at the gash for their football club to be owned by baby bombers. My heart bleeds. To be fair to Kasper, he hasn't been "one of those frothers" at all, quite the opposite. He just knows the comment was lifting. The relentless pearl clutching over our stoic and noble fans, man. You know fine well there are cunts in our support who were openly antagonistic towards Sack Pardew/Ashley Out and its members. If it's disrespectful to not give a shit about those same people losing out after you watched the way they went on, then it's disrespectful. Who cares. What have the cunts who abused Sack Pardew have to do with any of this? We're just talking about people who've renewed season tickets and might now be in financial difficulty because of covid and needing that money back. You seem to be talking about something completely different. Unless I've missed something ManDoon's was talking specifically about those people. Genuinely love the fact they aren’t getting ticket money back. Weird that you deleted a fairly substantive part of the quote you’re using to back up your argument there, almost as if you’re editing post-event to attempt to prove your point. The full quote changes nothing about it, I formatted it so the people ManDoon was talking about was clearer. Here's the full thing, it changes nothing. Genuinely love the fact they aren’t getting ticket money back. I mean, it clearly does. It distinguishes between different groups, in particular "just straight abusing the fans trying to defend the club and those who renewed their season tickets". The inference from the catch-all response that followed was that enjoyment would be gained from even those who simply renewed their season tickets with no agenda whatsoever being made to suffer financially. I know you see that or you wouldn't have edited in the first place. I don't really care a great deal about the argument itself but your presentation is making you look like an idiot right now, particularly as you seemingly consider yourself some virtuous and intellectual poster - you've come up short this time, just let it go.
  17. Nah, shows a complete lack of decency in the current situation to say something like that. You know that most likely there are people here struggling financially who could use the money yet you decide to write that instead of just keeping your opinions to yourself. Err, it was ManDoon making the comment not me, I'm saying why some of us can't stand sections of our support. And yeah, keep talking about 'decency' in a thread where everyone's frothing at the gash for their football club to be owned by baby bombers. My heart bleeds. To be fair to Kasper, he hasn't been "one of those frothers" at all, quite the opposite. He just knows the comment was lifting. The relentless pearl clutching over our stoic and noble fans, man. You know fine well there are cunts in our support who were openly antagonistic towards Sack Pardew/Ashley Out and its members. If it's disrespectful to not give a shit about those same people losing out after you watched the way they went on, then it's disrespectful. Who cares. What have the cunts who abused Sack Pardew have to do with any of this? We're just talking about people who've renewed season tickets and might now be in financial difficulty because of covid and needing that money back. You seem to be talking about something completely different. Unless I've missed something ManDoon's was talking specifically about those people. Genuinely love the fact they aren’t getting ticket money back. Weird that you deleted a fairly substantive part of the quote you’re using to back up your argument there, almost as if you’re editing post-event to attempt to prove your point.
  18. Absolutely nothing new, but asked a Saudi broker their view: From an Arsenal fan’s perspective, I hope it doesn’t go through.. we need to stay in the top half of the table at any cost! On a serious note, there is a lot of hype on the ground and it seems it will go through. If you look at the Kingdom’s investments in the international market as of late (PIF increasing stakes across), it is likely they follow through and it materializes. From a geopolitical standpoint, Qatar’s sudden backlash on the issue might be an extra incentive to make it happen! The Sheffield United experience has brought extra attention to the league from a local base who are already fanatics of the game, and I personally believe the noise materializes! Let’s wait and see!
  19. You have given £540.95 as a donation to the Newcastle West End Foodbank The donation ID is T637252742968591276U565396C324972-8118b £125.00 Gift Aid has been added to your donation For you HTT. No worries if you don’t wanna play bet now, i wouldn’t have taken the bet if you’d not suggested
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