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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. http://13h.imghost.us/VV/biteyls.jpg EDIT: Not mine, I hasten to add. I'd have done it a bit better
  2. Am I right in thinking Allardyce cracked out a surprise 3-5-2 that day? Think so. Beye at CB. Stephen Carr coming on at left-wing back at 3-0 and having a good old giggle about something or other, if I remember it.
  3. Pilko

    Alan Pardew

    Never mind Dr. House, one of Mr. House's securitrons would do the trick.
  4. Pilko

    Alan Pardew

    Well actually, if people can be arsed to break 'everything else' down that's even better tbh, it's just a bit quicker grouping it all.
  5. Pilko

    Alan Pardew

    Here's one: If you had to allocate marks out of 100 regarding 'the blame' for this shitty season - how would you split it between Pardew and then 'everything else' as a two-way split? So would it be 50-50, 70-30 Pardew, etc? Everything else of course including injuries, tiredness after the EL, bad refereeing, the players, even sheer downright back luck and whatever else.
  6. If you mean Pardew then aye, he's spectacularly unfit for purpose.
  7. Also, Dzeko FGS at 6/1 (DD/HH potential)
  8. Two draws in today's Premier League fixtures comes in at over 10/1, I'll be having me some of that.
  9. Pilko

    Alan Pardew

    I feel really sorry for Vurnon Anita, being bought and then left out of the side every singe week because he doesn't fit into our shitty physical philosophy. Even the sheer symbolism of Gosling getting a few seconds of pitch time ahead of him says so much about how much of a clueless wanker Pardew is.
  10. Pilko

    Players in public

    I spy a new photoshop thread.
  11. Pilko

    Football pet hates

    Not so much that but the speccy Telegraph-reading prick who keeps saying the word on the Will Hill advert.
  12. He's far from a fraud. He never hides at all so you're letting your hatred of him get in your way when saying that I never accused him of hiding; he is a fraud though because he's not the player he's deployed to be, in the slightest. He's supposed to relieve pressure, win physical battles without conceding too many fouls (obviously there will be some extent of those) and keep possession by giving the ball to the creative players. He certainly doesn't do the first, he overkills on the second and as for the third, he can't fucking pass the ball five yards. Add in his complete lack of discipline, the stupid bookings and occasional sendings off and he's an absolute liability. He's shit, and I really hope someone else is stupid enough to buy him.
  13. Defeat here imo. I would instantly take a boring as fuck 0-0.
  14. Pilko

    Alan Pardew

    Steve McClaren got a significantly worse Boro team to the equivalent tournament's final and managed to finish in a comfortable mid-table position to boot. Not that much of an achievement now is it? Yes, you can only beat what's put in front of you, but the first genuinely decent side we played we went crashing out.
  15. He's an absolute fraud like. Everything positive he does is completely negated by his lack of discipline and inability to keep possession. Waste of a shirt, waste of a 'purple'. We can definitely find better for his position from the cheapo French bargain bin. There'll still be sides willing to pay around £8m for Tiote IMO and we could probably get an upgrade for half of that.
  16. It's a bit like when Roeder tried to use Scott Parker as his attacking/driving midfielder and sit Emre really deep. Infuriating and pointless.
  17. We were done over by a greenhorn manager who had a shitter team; it was all about desire and energy yesterday and they had it all. We had none. I still feel fucking terrible.
  18. I thought he was absolutely garbage. We seemed to lose the ball fucking loads when he went anywhere near it.
  19. Same here, I get the feeling every match this season will be like that. We need one win or a few draws from the remaining games and we'll probably just about scrape through.
  20. I hope to never see this prick wear the shirt again. He gives the ball away so fucking often, I couldn't give a shit about the 'battles' he wins or his 'presence'. Fuck off back to the Dutch league where you might actually appear to be slightly useful. This is not knee jerk, btw. I've been saying this for a good three or four months now - the bloke is a fucking dickhead and a liability. Get him out before he costs us any more goals or points. He's just shit.
  21. So I've been drinking for 14 hours since my initial comments about this game: Nothing has changed. Well done to the mackems, they fully deserve the bragging rights and the three points. We were garbage, from manager to coaches to players and we deserved to lose. We had a better 11 out on paper IMO but the mackem 11 wanted to win and our lot didn't, and that's what mattered in the end. Pardew should be fucking ashamed. He was outdone by a greenhorn manager; shit as he may be, he has more experience than PDC and the manner in which we were dismantled by his ramshackle squad was really embarrassing. I had to take flak from my mates all afternoon long, even from the ones who aren't football fans, and it makes me fucking angry. I still maintain that today is the straw that breaks the camels back. I hope Pardew is sacked; I'm well on board with the lot that want the cunt slung out ASAP. Partial exceptions go to the two goalies we utilised, Marveaux and Cisse, who at least looked like they were trying. The rest of them can fuck off, because they showed no balls at all and were completely caned by a gutsy team that seemed to fancy the occasion a million times more than we did. And a word on our alleged 'superior' central midfield: Tiote and Cabaye - the former I hope we sell, I've said this since the Arsenal 7-3 and today highlighted it further. Absolutely garbage, shit, crap and please fuck off you liability of a cunt. As for Cabaye, he needs to fucking take some ownership. He captained the most pathetic powderpuff XI I've seen since the Roeder/Allardyce days and lead by his incredibly pathetic example. Awful.
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