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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Sent off in a friendly Edit: Just seen it. Awful tackle
  2. Grim indeed. What a fucked up world we live where this is allowed to carry on (along with scum like McKay being allowed to operate they way he does). Football and our society in general are nearing monumental collapse.
  3. His form has improved drastically since his sending off. He was appallingly bad before that and he's still not a very good player. Would do fine as the understudy to a better fullback.
  4. Didn't think Lerma's tackle was a red at first but having seen it a few more times he doesn't really connect with the one foot in the first phase, and definitely connects with both feet in the second. It was a shithouse tackle that deserved a red card IMO.
  5. Just here to say Mike Dean is a useless ugly troll. Loving karma lately.
  6. Stand to make a tidy sum of cash if we finish top 10 this season so hopefully beating this rabble will be a decent step towards that.
  7. I wouldn't take Andy Carroll back at the club even if he paid us. Actually wait that's madness. I'd take Andy Caroll back at the club if he paid us 20M a year to sit on the bench when fit. Any arrangement other than this one would be a comical farce.
  8. Absolutely bang on. It's freakishly spot on. The hype around him was exaggerated and he's nowhere near as good as he was made out to be. That tranfer fee ffs
  9. themanupstairs


    Oh my that squad is dire. Pretty good up front but nothing much else apart from Stones, Alli and TAA.
  10. Hahaha wasn;t he holding his abdomen as well after he got up? Chest beating fist pumping Benidorm lads in a pod.
  11. How is that fraudster Marco Silva still in a job? 3 pts ahead of us with the money he's spent?
  12. Still buzzing after that win. Think I've laughed my cock off already at England's Number 1 and I'll still be laughing at him, Marco Silva, Everton, Sunderland and the England team well into next week. Picturing him pleading with Mason not to send him off, claiming he was going for the ball makes it even funnier. Absolutely loving the fact that Rondon was offside for the winning goal. After the scouse mackems' histrionics early on and the way they went 2-0 up after Shitford should have been red carded and laughed out of SJP, I couldn't give a shit about the football. Just delighted we won with a goal that shouldn't have stood. How the hell that useless sack of shit is England's number 1 is beyond me.
  13. So we are suggesting Carrick didn’t reach his potential? The £100m is a mad statement at this point. 7 starts. That's not what I meant. I just think he's more attack minded than Carrick was. Not suggesting he's better or even close to him yet. If he were to reach that level though, he would be scoring and assisting more simply because he's a more attack minded player.
  14. I need some Longstaff baby this evenin I want some Longstaff baby tonight
  15. Nothing about him reminds me of Carrick. Not that he wasn't an immense player in his own right. He's just a different midfielder with a different style of play. Longstaff is more attack minded and would score/assist many more than Carrick did if he went on and fulfilled his potential. Longstaff will be the first 100M English player in the next few years.
  16. LWB being a thing is the only reason he's playing in the PL now IMO. He's done very well recently but we definitely need an upgrade in the summer.
  17. Exactly. He’s great at taking crosses so why on earth should he change. Yup It's one of his biggest strengths and people still want to convince me he wasn't fouled at Wolves by that great big heap.
  18. Kevin Friend is our friend. Always seems to be appointed to ref our games when we need to win. He's been so good to us IIRC it's almost as if he's on our side. Not that he was unfair on Huddersfield today at all. Thought he had a good game. Had a bet that shithouse Hogg would be the first player to see red against us but can't complain.
  19. Probably the most defensive I've seen us all season. Huddersfield are shit and were down to ten men, and all we could manage was TWO goals? Something ain't right. - Dalai Crumpy -
  20. Genuinely could have had a hattrick - chip, sidefoot into the corner, run and shot from tight angle. Love that he's always moving to find space and seems to be available for a pass every time. Very promising full debut.
  21. Let's hope he keeps going unnoticed by the rest of the league and his national team. Not sure how that can happen though given his monumental performances week in week out. He's a fucking double fire-door with a sweet pass to boot. Easily a 50M player now even with his injuries.
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