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Everything posted by Neil

  1. This Lee Ryder bloke seems to think Beye would definitely stay if you went down. Is he usually this idiotic in his analysis?
  2. Neil

    Feel The Hate

    Actually, theres more than just makems Sometimes a good deal worse than the makems. And from journos too Theres an Everton fan journo who every two years or so does a big "expose" against Newcastle, city, fans, team and probably new born babies too - really is astonishing the spite he pours out. Its almost a religous hatred. Bill Barkely or something his name is - normally in that arch-Newcastle hating rag the Mirror. But it is true that other fans seem to think (with no evidence whatsoever) that we are our own biggest fans, similar to the Liverpool mirror kissers - who amazingly never get the abuse we get, yet actually deserve it, because with them it's accurate ! But at the same time, there do seem to be a few (even from comments I've seen on this board) who do play the "we're victimised" card a bit too much. There's a lot of unnecessarily (and inaccurate) scathing articles about the club, fans, or whatever, but it's got to a point that some people seem to see any negative comment about Newcastle as "ZOMFG THEY PROPER HATE US!" I'd say the general bias towards Liverpool etc is stronger than the 'hatred' of Newcastle, among others.
  3. Already 3 steps ahead of you. In the Red Team, we don't waste time. I'm confused. I thought we were just wasting time. Not to worry: we'll just assume everything will work out fine. The tactical anarchy will turn itself into free flowing continental brand of football.
  4. Already 3 steps ahead of you. In the Red Team, we don't waste time.
  5. There were about 9ish each for each team the last I heard. Think there's a few who hadn't been assigned, officially.
  6. The blue team won't know what's hit them until they finally come up against the force of the Red Team.
  7. I'm not happy if there is someone good playing. Not happy at all. I'm getting apprehensive and scared of being s***, someone comfort me please. Be glad the opposition this time won't be randomly bringing someone who was one of the best academy prospects in America, or something along those lines. Either way, he was head and shoulders above anyone. [/swipe]
  8. Reminds me of Stelling's 'A Trialist' jokes
  9. Aye, chuffed to bits. As soon as Bruce delivered the "we've already reached 40 points" line, I should have stuck £100 on us.
  10. I love how casual you were about, I just stuck £70 on this. You enjoy winning via last-gasp goals, never simple! Well done again
  11. Have to give Sir Alex a f*ck load of credit for that like. Chasing a goal to win the match with two kids who've hardly played in the Premiership, and look what happens. He has belief in their ability and has the stones to whack them on. He has massive balls, MASSIVE! I don't know who was on their bench but I don't know what other options he had. He's naturally going to stick a forward or 2 on.
  12. Fair play to Villa, they're doing their best to commit men forward still. Excellent game for the neutral.
  13. Di Canio against us, about 8 years ago. Legendary act. wasnt against us. unless your 'us' isnt nufc. Everton. I ought to change my avatar really.
  14. Di Canio against us, about 8 years ago. Legendary act.
  15. I can testify that listening to this made me Jizz, in, my pants.
  16. They do it because they can get away with it, time and time again.
  17. Neil

    Maintenance Updates

    Strange. The usual connection problems message.
  18. You've obviously had a rough week.
  19. It is, hence why he'd be better suited in a side like, without sounding like a twat, ours. Come to think of it, we desperately need a decent winger. I'll loosen Bill's pursestri-.... Forget it.
  20. why thank you very much, net profit of £92.50 aint bad for a saturday £20 treble Everton Man U Cardiff wins me £105 I just need a biggish win (£60+) so I can start putting a tenner or so on 'likely' doubles/trebles, and thus the cycle is likely to continue. Btw, over 5/1 is very very good value for those 3 games. I'd imagine we're something like 5/6, Man Utd 1/2, and Cardiff are at home, maybe 5/6 again?
  21. I honestly think Johnson (how old is he, 21?) needs to play at a more stable club, at least at first; albeit a better one than Boro. I can see him folding under the inevitably disproportionate pressure that will be placed on him, to destroy all teams. That said, would be a cracking purchase if people give him time.
  22. Ronaldo you lucky tw.... Well done
  23. You mean a Brede Hangeland header from a corner, silly. At least make it an overhead kick.
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