AM who doesn't score goals, hold up the ball, or create chances... stick Krul there he'd produce the same result.
Spot on. When will people f***ing realise that Jonas is f***ing s***. f***ing make no mistake, he's f***ing useless. He's never helped our cause ever. Lived off a good game at manure opening day last season. f*** off Jonas you useless c***. f*** him. Some humsn on here tell me WHAT he adds to the team? Does he set up goals with half=decent crosses? Does he f***. Does he score 1 or 2? Does he f***. Is he now in the habit of falling tothe ground as if he's been shot by a sniper? Yes he does. Does he help 'the' (our) cause? Does he f***. He's f***ing s***. Full-stop. Good bye Jonas and f*** off. Over-rated lump of f***ing s***.
Good player.
Based, the f***, on what? Your disillusioned view? Tell me what makes him a 'good' player?
I'm taking the piss.
Anyway, we should keep him atleast until we have guarenteed replacements.