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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Amir_9

    Alexander Isak

    The very definition of dynamic Great movement, great legs. Intelligent cool fucker.
  2. Amir_9

    Alexander Isak

    Great feet, intelligent player. Always good to see a striker with more than just finishing or physical presence to their game.
  3. Missing our chances to get a second goal before their equaliser went in is the biggest issue today, equally was Trippier's howler.
  4. Would have preferred Almiron over Murphy and Targett over Burn but other than that can't really complain about that line up
  5. Bloke is perfectly entitled to airing his views on his social media as a citizen first and foremost as long as it isn't harming anyone directly, not that I agree with all of them. Shame can't say the same about the Tory government in its record for harming its own citizens.
  6. That penalty given away is the most Shelvey'esque foul give away I have ever seen Gotta love it.
  7. Today would have been a good chance to demonstrate that, it was clear to everyone we needed a completely different approach for a while now. I felt today he had enough players to at least attempt that, fuck the result either way but it was more of the same. Hope Isak, ASM and Targett start the next game.
  8. Sorry but, he got it wrong today. We may have lost either way but did nothing for our chances with that starting line-up.
  9. Amir_9

    Dan Burn

    Love the lad, great CB that can be relied on when needed. Most definitely not a LB that has any attacking ability and really weakens us when getting involved in attack.
  10. @Boycott Saudi Most of your fans couldn't care less either lad. You keep fighting the good fight though, sure you'll be off to Qatar demonstrating how you really feel if they buy yous, just like billy big balling it on message boards. https://www.facebook.com/www.JOE.co.uk/videos/597336001726465/
  11. Thought ASM was decent today - obviously with the exception of the occasion he fluffed the ball and it went out for a GK. There are other upgrades we need to be making far more important than replacing him to be honest anyway. As mentioned in weeks previous, it does not help having to play with Burn on that flank as his partner attacking back up.
  12. The frustrating thing is teams know exactly how to play against us now and we do not have quality in depth for a Plan B Everyone knows Almiron/Trippier link-up, everyone knows Dan Burn is the weak link and has nothing to contribute in terms of attack on that side, everyone knows if you nullify Bruno then that massively stops our attacking pulse. I do feel for Howe because I can't fully state he should be rotating more or have alternative solutions as he was simply overachieving with the best he had at his disposal and even manage to get a tune out of some other very mediocre players. January was a month we really should have done a lot better with. If its really to do with FFP for us to go all out again in the summer then that's great but this massively relies on us finishing in a European position.
  13. Teams have figured out we struggle to break down teams that defend in numbers as we don't have the quality for it. The amount of draws we have had speaks volumes for that fact. Will be a tense second half of the season just hoping there is no fall off.
  14. Looking forward to the day Dan Burn is not playing for us at fullback anymore Seriously.
  15. Neither are glaring goalkeeper errors. Felt the foul for their first goal was soft as fuck in a bad place to give it.
  16. There is a circular debate on here at the moment that anyone claiming we had not taken the best chance at consolidating a top 4 position at this point to the very end as "season over" Top 7 is great but there's been more than a couple of missed opportunities this season despite how great it has been so far. Acknowledging both is not bed-wetting.
  17. Shame really as Top 4 was ours to lose - draws against the likes of Leeds and Bournemouth (x2) has come back to bite us. Spurs are still choke artists.
  18. Hope he's worked with a Psychologist to fully get over what happened against Madrid
  19. Not gutted at that performance tbh considering it's only our second league defeat of the season and a red card to a goalkeeper 20 mins in. Trippier has been well below average (pure crap tonight) the last two months. Nick Pope with the brain fart to end all brain farts. Didn't see us winning the final next week even with our best 11. Feel Man United hitting form and their squad being better (and more expensive anyway) was going to just edge it. Still, it is a final so anything can happen. Priority either way after next weekend is a top 7 finish please, hope we do not go on to fully implode.
  20. Had enough chances to nick a point here
  21. Trippier's form has fallen off a cliff, really need a competent challenger for his place. Shame really as solid and reliable his free kicks and deliveries are as well as his general play - the last 2 months he has been piss poor.
  22. If there was ever a time to redeem your career as a Goalkeeper, this is it lad
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