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Everything posted by tom1988

  1. Bit of a strange one but how noticeable is the slope on the pitch at SJP in terms of does it feel like you're running up hill one way and down the other or is the gradient not that bad?
  2. tom1988

    Steve McClaren

    With the players we currently have (bar Aarons) we'd have to play very centrally with the forward players cutting inside & having the fullbacks providing the width and therefore the crosses. Krul Mbemba Colo/? Janmaat Haidara Anita Sissoko Wijnaldum Perez De Jong Mitrovic
  3. tom1988

    Steve McClaren

    I think that we will see a lot more of Anita this year and that he will be completely different. This is a guy that came through the Ajax set up, he can play - problem is he got pardewed! If, as has been stated, McClaren wants to pass it around rather than the kick and chase of Pards then I can see him using Anita as his DM collecting from the back and moving it forward. I still have hope that this guy has something to offer.
  4. This place is turning into reddit.
  5. Have we ever had any saga-y sagas that have actually resulted in us getting the guy? Debuchy. As per Wiki 'Seven months after their failed bid, English club Newcastle United signed Debuchy on a five-and-a-half-year contract on 4 January 2013, for an undisclosed fee reportedly in the region of £5.5 million. He made his debut for Newcastle on 12 January 2013 against Norwich City.' - Damn Lille and their love of hardball
  6. Have we ever had any saga-y sagas that have actually resulted in us getting the guy?
  7. Living in the states the time difference has a big impact on my weekend and what it means if I want to watch the game live. Saturdays match was at a very lie-in friendly 12.30pm and as I sat down to watch the latest installment of mind numbing mediocrity that is supposed to be competitive Premiership football unfold in front of my eyes a familiar glaze of almost acceptance swept over me and I found myself realising that I had come to expect us to lose and to lose badly. Now this was probably because it was Man City and away from home etc etc but it got me thinking about my relationship with the club that I have supported my entire life. I'm pretty sure that I have reached a point now where I don't really celebrate the wins anymore, because, frankly, they're meaningless. I love it when we score and hate it when we conceed (especially a last minute Peter fucking Crouch headed equaliser against Stoke!) but as for the overall result I find that it bothers me less and less. I will check the table for two things at the end of the weekend, firstly to see who's in the bottom three and secondly to see if we're still above the mackems. Where we are in relationship to the top or Europe has no bearing because as long as we're not in the bottom three nothing will change. I've tried to think of an analogy to describe how we approach the league and the season overall and I toyed with 'treading water' but ultimately felt that that was inaccurate because to tread water you'd have to put effort in and need to know the basics of being able to swim in order to stay afloat. What MA appears to be doing with Newcastle is the opposite, he's making cuts at every opportunity in order to 'streamline' everything whilst hoping that the bargain basement staff he has collected have enough between them to coax 40 points out of our depleted and ever shrinking squad. Ambition doesn't even come into the equation. I was asked the other day by my flatmate why I had bought the new FM this year given all the bugs in it etc and my answer was a simple one - I told him that on FM I manage Newcastle and I do this so that I can make them try and win games and try to finish higher up the league and try to win the cups and try to get in to Europe (not to mention try not to get dicked on by the mackems four times in a row!) It doesn't matter if I don't manage to do these things and that I have to try again the following season because I know that the ambition is there and that regardless of who we're playing we'll be trying to win. I know this doesn't really reflect much on the sporting ambition of the club and is, on the whole, a rambling mess, I am merely vocalising my own particular way that I have begun to deal with it - it appears I care more what happens to my club on a computer game than in real life and that is really quite depressing.
  8. Marcelo Bielsa, We should have gone for him when he was free after leaving Bilbao - doing well at Marseilles now too. Get Carr down there and lets get another bargain from France!
  9. Love the way he's visibly celebrating scoring free kicks while kicking around with his mates (who could easily have saved some of those shots by the way) The celebration at 1.15 - How many different pairs of boots does that lad have???
  10. tom1988

    Alan Pardew

    do you think that if we had a whip around we might be able to come up with enough money to hire someone to off pards, jfk and ashley?
  11. The attitude on the pitch tonight speaks volumes of the attitude at the club in general. No ambition, no desire and no heart. Worst part is, it doesn't look like it's gonna change anytime soon.
  12. I've changed mine a few times so far - took bale out today as I reckon its dead set that he'll leave. De Gea Boruc Ivanovic Baines Shaw Koscielny Mapou Bellamy Schurrle Coutinho Cazorla Britton Rooney Anelka Lukaku Will probably change it a few more times yet like
  13. We could always hope that Dortmunds DOF makes up as much shite as ours does?
  14. tom1988

    James Perch

    You've got to think that last season was exceptionally bad in terms of injuries. We now have (probably) less games and (probably) less injuries as well. Oh definitely, I think it was an extreme case but one that really highlighted the limitations of an over stretched squad. If I was asked to make a prediction for this coming season I would say that we probably won't have as many injuries but still higher than the average as well as finishing mid table but no higher which is by no means a reflection of the ability or inability of the playing staff more an indictment of the coaching staff. DOF included.
  15. tom1988

    James Perch

    We had the more injuries last season than any other team, a lot more. Our squad wasn't big enough or good enough to cover these, using Europe as an excuse for the fact that the squad wasn't big enough/good enough/fit enough is ridiculous. Look at Chelsea for example, played more games than we did, had fitter players than we did. Won a trophy. Now obviously we're not Chelsea and don't have the resources that they do but surely it would make sense to keep hold of players that are capable of slotting in now and again when needed so that we dont end up playing half fit players that will then be out for longer as a result (see HBA at fulham).
  16. tom1988

    James Perch

    Despite the fact that he was no more than a willing back up his attitude and work rate for the team after such an atrocious start speaks volumes. A really decent bloke that deserves to be at Newcastle a lot more than some others. I really think it's a mistake to let him go, just as it was a mistake to let Guthrie go and a mistake to let Routledge go and a mistake to let Best go. Yes they weren't setting the world alight but they would have been damn useful at points last season as well as being good guys to have around the place. All the best Perchinho. On a side note, why is Ashley not demanding that that cunt Whelan pay through the nose for Perch, it's well known that they hate each other and after what happened last season Wigan are the last team that I'd want to be doing any favours for in helping them get out of the championship, here's hoping those inbreds crash and burn and we never have to go to that mostly empty rugby ground again.
  17. Hmm.. reasons for positivity.. Pardew will be one year closer to the end of his contract I suppose.
  18. tom1988

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He seemed really sluggish and was out muscled and run off the ball far too often today, I really hope the injuries haven't diminished his powers. I really hope he manages to stay fit for the majority of next season.
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