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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. There are a few of the current squad that are more than likeable imo. If things were different would be fun with some of this lot at 'our' club. Definitely, this is also where I am in regards to the squad. The players have done nothing wrong to find themselves in this mess, it's all down to fatty as usual. Rafa's put together a decent group and the new additions seem like a decent bunch. Not sure that this is true at all. Plenty of them have publicly supported both Ashley and Bruce, and equally have had little digs at Rafa. Hopefully they'll get relegated and this time there will be huge penalties financially for them all.
  2. Last game as well. He's not actually good enough for Leicester unless they have lots of injuries.
  3. He should leave, as quickly as possible and try and get a move to a side that wants the ball and knows how to get the best out of its attackers. So should Joelinton.
  4. When was the last time we had the majority of the possession or tried to actually get on the ball and do something with it? Can you remember the last time we actually tried to impose ourselves on a game? Hardly ever the last few seasons I reckon. Today 24% and one shot on target. Absolute waste of fucking time. Please get relegated
  5. Give the opposition the ball (81%) in the first half, sit back and defend, what could go wrong? Hate watching this negative shit.
  6. When the people who didn't already know he's crap caught up with the other ones who had known for years. Plus he's a highly dislikable twat.
  7. I think it's the difference between caring, not being bothered but still interested and trying to distinguish between the three. I care about NUFC the club I've followed since the early 1970's, but not at all about this version that Ashley has created. I'm not bothered about the results or what happens until Ashley sells, but I am interested by the process that will get us there. You can certainly be interested in what's going on and post about it, it doesn't mean you care.
  8. I think he's probably our best player and hopefully the goals and assists will follow soon. At some point they will need to and he needs to replace at least some of Perez's goals.
  9. Away Toon


    So his name is pronounced Jo-elinton rather than Joe-linton? Sounded like that on NBC anyhow.
  10. I'm a great believer that the only way to get rid of Ashley is relegation and a prolonged stay out of the premier league, consequently I'm not fussed at all what our results are. Today though I'm quite happy we won, as Spurs were so shit and bereft of ideas that it's good they got what they deserved.
  11. Fulham have 85% possession after 80 minutes, what's the record in a game, that must be close.
  12. Saw a very dull Mallorca against Real Madrid with Ronaldo playing. My Spanish is not great, Catalan even less and Mallorquin inexistent but apparently they were singing some very rude songs about Mourinho who was manager at the time.
  13. First game Huddersfield against Birmingham maybe in 1966 as we lived there at the time. Lots of A.S.Cannes games, saw both Viera and Zidane when they were really young. Used to go and watch Marseilles play at Monaco just to watch the annual invasion of the principality.
  14. Away Toon

    Paul Dummett

    Dummett back to shite again, that would imply at some time he wasn't shite. He's the most limited player I've ever seen in the premier league.
  15. On the bench today for Chelsea, thought he has gone to Reading?
  16. Oh do fuck off. I’m sick of this attitude of trying to say how much people hate Newcastle United and want them to lose. Are the owners curbs? Yes. Is the manager out of his depth? Yes A lot of us have with a heavy heart given up our season tickets etc. We still want us to win though. People coming in here and rubbing our faces in it isn’t helping and it’s exactly that attitude why theirs 47k there today and not less. You want to support teams who play us, we’ll join there forums, better still sign up for an account on RTG. Fuck you too if you think us doing well and staying in the premier league will help us get our club back. I don't hate NUFC, I hate Ashley's version of it.
  17. Well I didn't actually cheer the Arsenal goal as I don't want to wake the dogs up, but it certainly didn't upset me.
  18. Until I'm watching the game on TV tomorrow morning I'm not sure how I'm going to feel if we score or they score. Under Pardew I definitely wanted us to lose for quite a long time and I'm leaning that way for tomorrow.
  19. If Rafa was still here we'd be winning this game against a very weak Arsenal missing half of their starting team. However Steve Bruce, so fuck knows.
  20. Colback must be laughing his ginger pubes off, he's going to get paid 40k a week for the last year of his contract.
  21. A successful season long boycott would alert Sky though I'm sure they know already, that Ashley is a cancer at our club. Empty stands would definitely help Ashley focus on selling the club at a reasonable price. However as the majority of match day supporters or either thick, deluded, selfish or just unaware of the futility of supporting a club that doesn't try to improve itself or be successful, the only answer is for us to be piss poor useless and quickly plummet back down into the championship. So its back to the good old Pardew days of hoping we get a tonking on a regular basis. With Bruce in charge of a team with no proven goal scorer hopefully this will happen quickly. This way Ashley will lose money, won't get the exposure for SD which is the only reason he owns the club anyhow, and maybe , just maybe we will get our club back.
  22. The likes of Almiron, Saint-Maximin and Joelinton are a big step up from the likes of Riviere and Gouffran. They are also more physically capable than the likes of Thauvin and Cabella. Unfortunately for a lot of people on here, the team is going to be an exciting one to watch, and are likely to do well this season. Best prepare yourselves. I don't how you come to the conclusion that we are going to do well. Even if we play the three of them, none of them has shown that they can get anywhere near the goals that Perez and Rondon scored. The rest of the team is looking pretty much the same as last season, with crap wingbacks and only Longstaff that should be starting for a decent team in midfield, most importantly without Rafa's organization and defensive ability, all adds up to another struggle not to get relegated. We might be saved by three really useless teams being worse than us, but I wouldn't put any money on it.
  23. Until the transfer window closes there is no point at all trying to predict anything.
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