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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. Oliver one of the better refs but that looked soft...
  2. Last replay looked a goal... Defenders standing foot was on the line...
  3. Black socks for away I'd say I'm going to do a Cruyff...
  4. Ordered my £2.95 T-Shirt and found some old shin pads... Now just to wear in those boots I picked up off eBay for £8.34 and collect my brothers footy socks...
  5. Hardly shocking, man. Thought he was OK. Apart from the Hummells thing - maybe Mourinho was right about that, or he just didn't see it. Missed quite a few dirty elbows, one or two penalties, that nasty stamp from Coentrao. There's quite the difference between letting the game flow and missing quite clear-cut decisions. Can't think of any penalties in his defence and he gave Coentrao a yellow for the stamp so he must of seen it... Thought it was a yellow myself...
  6. Not a fan of him myself but I thought he had a very good game and let it flow... Even the handball was fair because if you are falling on the ground and it hits your hand its very debatable it was intentional...
  7. Based on football quality played ... The amount of games we've been totally outplayed... Summer of inactivity... Arrogance that we were safe after the Stoke win... Yes...
  8. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Is it just me, or does the photo look photoshopped? Like they stuck his head on someone elses body The clue is in the byline below...
  9. Was planning on skipping the dye and just wash with my orange socks...
  10. I think he will stay unless someone offers silly money... Pretty sure he has a bairn on the way also...
  11. Elliot Simpson Colo Williamson/Taylor Haidara Tiote Cabaye Jonas Gouffran Cisse HBA That's what I think he'll play... He might be tempted with Williamson to compete with Carroll...
  12. That would be fine as I've plenty of white T-Shirts already...
  13. A plain coloured T-Shirt is my shout... £3-5... Though happy to borrow a top if people have spares...
  14. Brian Moore (RIP), absolutely brilliant commentator. Loved him. Brian Moore (RIP), absolutely brilliant commentator. Loved him. Always preferred Barry Davies...
  15. It's happened a few times over the years... All depends how quick the ref blows the whistle... As he can't give goal if he has blew for penalty...
  16. Damn right it would be. That's a guy i would take a risk on. Perfect appointment. I'd be over the moon for next season if that happened Is he not Chelsea bound though?... Think he will have bigger suiters than us...
  17. LFEE

    St James' Park

    Even though there are camera's they only act as sensors, there is no need for a view of the goal. I'm aware of that but as I said in my post... I believe part of agreeance of goal line technology is the crowd must see the decision... As they didn't want a TV audience finding out before the paying public... So I'm guessing we will need a couple of screens... No? I'm sure in the trial tests for the systems they didn't need screens. I know they don't for the results... Just seem to recall they were going to show something on screen like they do in cricket... I may be wrong...
  18. LFEE

    St James' Park

    Even though there are camera's they only act as sensors, there is no need for a view of the goal. I'm aware of that but as I said in my post... I believe part of agreeance of goal line technology is the crowd must see the decision... As they didn't want a TV audience finding out before the paying public... So I'm guessing we will need a couple of screens... No?
  19. LFEE

    St James' Park

    I wonder where they will put the screens for the goal line technology next season... IIRC it's part of the agreement that the crowd seen the replay also(?)...
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