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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. Gutted!... Been playing there practically every Saturday morning for the last 16 year... Had to cancel the pitch a few weeks ago due to the wall but wasn't expecting this... Hopefully all the current and ex-pros will provide the cash required... You'd like to think so at
  2. Smith went quiet there when Tyler mentioned the Henry incident... Silence!
  3. Valencia is a better crosser of the ball than Giggs... Always thought its the weakest part of his game despite most of his career being essentially a winger... Still a great dribbler...
  4. LFEE

    Papiss Cissé

    was a shocking miss by demba like It wasn't shocking... Was a tricky height...
  5. Nope, I was there and he took it between his between his index finger and thumb, at arms length as if it were a dirty rag and thew it to another player. Talking to people in the away end on the day, that action turned a lot of people against Dyer and made the refusing to play incident a lot worse than it was. I seem to remember Dyer, Bellamy, Jenas and I think Bramble behaving like right little bastards towards the end of SBR reign. For me, they were a siginficant reason he was sacked, so I hope Dyer really does feel bad about it. This. I remember seeing it at the time and I went mad. Hated the t*** ever since then. This... Was there... Dyer was a disgrace... No defending him... Says more about SBR trying to... Glad karma intervened...
  6. LFEE

    Ravel Morrison

    Early days... They've made an enquiry thats all...
  7. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,75996.msg3465749.html#msg3465749 Let me know if you find out and book an extra two tickets for me. It's not like we're asking for a shuttle to the moon. f***ing hell, annoying like. I hate Arsenal. Tbf when it comes to the away section I don't think it's much of Arsenal's fault. I reckon for losers like us [if you're in the similar boat as me] it'll just be a matter of wait and see if the away tickets get snapped up before people without any loyalty points and all that shizz can get them. Sucks Is there much demand for away tickets for people from this forum?... I can normally get 3 tickets for any match... Would involve collecting from Gateshead...
  8. Hopefully we get him... I'd be over the moon... But I guess only if he WANTS to come too... Thats the great thing about the Cisse deal... To do a 24hr round trip from Dakar and subsequent quotes shows a great attitude to work with... Fingers crossed we push the boat out again and maybe pickup Morrison and a young CH... Would be a fantastic window...
  9. Is that 22:00 KO in English time? Sorted it above mate both games on ITV4 Saturday is 21:00 here and Sunday 16:00 Sweet thanks alot mate. Was looking forward to watching Ba anyway, but now my excitement has grown to unprecedented proportions! the game (Senegal v Zambia) on Sat is not on ITV4... Its on Eurosport at 10pm...(UK)
  10. LFEE

    Papiss Cissé

    Would definitely have him over Gervinho and Erdinc like. I'm not sure if I'm reading it right, but do you want Carlton before Maiga? Sorry... You seem to of picked up what i was getting up wrong... I'll try and be as concise as i can... (Though re-reading i realised i haven't again!) From what I've seen when he's been playing internationals I didn't see anything that really blew me away though to be fair the pitches weren't possibly not suited to him(?)... I also believe the more desperate we got in the summer to fill the number 9 shirt the further down the list of targets we got... With him at best being 3rd or 4th but more than likely 5th... Since then we are performing beyond everyones expectations... And I include owners and management in that... So I feel the club has a dilemma... Restart search as we are in a greater bargaining position theoretically and aim higher... Or revert to type and go along the purely value for money route... In my opinion they are thinking the later rather than the former so i was making the comparison on relative value that if Carlton Cole became available at overall smaller cost I wouldn't be surprised him being considered... Which i know is frightening... But if the logic is Maiga (Now at £8m than the original £5m) over Cisse at an estimated £10-12... Then surely this logic applies lower down the scale... And the difference in quality not the biggest... It's like the Cissokho was number one target but a poorer Pieters was deemed adequate and now that we are doing well the management are talking up Taylor as performing better than Jose and might make do... I was never expecting or calling for a trophy signing... I just feel this is THE key signing/addition to push the team forward and was hoping we would push the boat out for one of Carr's higher choices... I.E. Cisse... Over the moon they've pushed the boat out... Maiga a smokescreen all along...
  11. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    Looks happy to be signing for us i'll say that for him...
  12. LFEE

    Papiss Cissé

    Was my first choice... Unreal fee... Over the moon if it goes through...
  13. I agree... I think we are looking for a 1st choice LB that will allow Santon to swap flanks to RB and provide cover for the CH positions if required. Can't see us buying anyone who could be bullied like Perch/Simspon find at CH... So great physicality along with ability obviously must be the remit...
  14. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Interview with him in today's Parisian...
  15. LFEE

    James Tomkins

    Not in the team today...
  16. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    At the Boro match today...
  17. Ive just listened to it, where did he hint he wont play? He didnt even mention him? Exactly When the question was posed about him starting after scoring a great goal and Ba being away etc... AP said something along the lines of nothing is certain... Workrate/discipline... and had to think of the structure of the team or words to that effect... Possibly being a little coy at the same time sending out a little message...
  18. ... But if it's the signing that perhaps convinces Colo put pen to paper then it the fee kind of balances itself out... Along with maybe Erdinc and Morrison...
  19. Nice touch by the club to have an Italian food day at the canteen due to his good form... Apparently already had French and Argentian days with 2 more to follow...
  20. Getting a 2nd game to impress... AP says he likes him and wants another look...
  21. Wenger said in his PC Thur/Fri he was closer to signing a LB than any other position...
  22. I see their private detective got arrested due to his actions in the stadium row...
  23. LFEE

    Darlington FC

    Iirc didn't it all begin to unravel because the local council refuse to let the stadium be used for concerts and other sporting events etc? ... Due to a safety certificate issue perhaps and also a personal/political grudge against G?... So the extra income the club had budgeted on was blocked... And the free fall began...
  24. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Listening to AP today I wouldn't be sure of him starting anywhere... Hopefully he does be it on the right or up front with Best...
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