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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. Maybe with the exception of Celtic's 1967 European Cup winning side it has always been thus. It’s just the figures involved have grown exponentially following Abramavich using Chelsea to launder his dirty cash
  2. The problem is the prices I’ve seen quoted for up and coming wingers/wide forwards in the likes of Bakayoko, Soule, or Doue seem to be almost as high or at a similar level tbh.
  3. Well as others have asked how often have you seen him play? I’m also wondering how often you’ve watched us play as I can think of a few matches against us, where Mbuemo has run us ragged, the first hour of the game at their place last season for one. Ive said this before and I’ll reiterate it again, those making recruitment decisions at the club have generated enough good will that they know how to spot players that will elevate our first 11. With the exception of Wood, who was bought as much to weaken a rival as strengthen us (Although he still did do a job for us for those 12 months) I wouldn’t say they’ve bought badly at all. You could argue they might’ve prioritised the here and now rather than the future last summer, but it’s too early to call the wisdom of that currently. Basically, I’m saying those making recruitment decisions at the club, have proven more knowledgable than know-it-alls on internet forums (myself included), if they’ve identified Mbuemo and we sign him, I trust them enough to think he’s the best option that they can realistically obtain this summer.
  4. You do realise that everything you’ve just written for Mbeumo, could’ve applied to Isak at Sociadad don’t you? We don’t have the FFP wriggle room to buy top level proven players, we have to buy players with potential to grow. Mbuemo has that and is also proven in the premier league, unlike some similar prospect in the Erdevise or Bundesliga
  5. Looks more like Stevie Watson to my eye tbh
  6. Sadly, that gap was also there prior to Pope's injury
  7. I see him as a Ruel Fox type, a player that really helps our first 11, before a Gillespie/Ginola type arrives a few years later
  8. The ones in Thumrait in Oman I lived in for several months at a time, were a touch warmer than cosy if memory serves me right 😂
  9. Think the fact he scored the goal that sent them to the third tier and then celebrated like fuck (deservedly) may have influenced that tbf
  10. Have we played a clubs youth set up in a final yet? FFS they needed penalties to beat us in the same competition when we could only field 11 players. So all I can take is you think they’re a luckier club than us, but they still failed to win. So by all means mate keep shouting at the clouds if it makes you feel better
  11. Eh they got to the same stage we did the year previous and couldn’t beat Liverpool's youth team. Give your head a wobble man
  12. Do you think the fact that the whole defence had to play 10 yards deeper to accommodate a keeper welded to his line, who goes down in slow motion stages may have also been a factor too? Dubs coming back into the team changed the way the whole team was set up man. If you couldn’t see that clear as day with your mark 1 eyeball in real time (not post-hoc), I dunno what to tell you
  13. Remind me what position old whisky nose played again? You know given he's considered the best British manager ever!
  14. Gordon that January was abysmal as well 🤦🏻 FML
  15. I'm pretty sure he'd scored and assisted a few, but the few Swans fans I met over the years have always been an odd bunch
  16. Was it not going well at Swansea until he suffered a major injury?
  17. I tell you what, there’s one upside of yesterday's result. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to decide who to whack on the ignore list ?
  18. Everybody wants their club to win something, expecting it 30 months after a takeover of a hollowed out club on its knees. Having to deal with new financial rules designed to maintain the current status quo, isn’t just entitled it’s fucking deluded. Not mention we got to Wembley last year, and the quarters of both domestic cups this year; despite very cruel draws. I mean does it look to you as if the club isn’t trying or something?
  19. It literally means we could sign people before then and it having minimal impact on this years accounts, providing with have slight headroom in this years figures to do so.
  20. I doubt you will, you’ll have moved on to something else to piss your pants about by the time he signed for anyone.
  21. It'll also reduce actual pressure on the squad though no? We can’t be as unlucky with domestic cup draws next season either surely
  22. Honestly no idea, the way the PL seems to schedule the hearings for PSR seemed to have no rhyme or reason for Forrest and Everton this year tbf? Also UEFA aren't the PL
  23. Have they got away with the hotel thing? I thought the PL we’re still yet to approve it
  24. Would you sign for Man Utd currently, given you don’t know which manager you’d be playing for? Honestly, I don’t know how some people on this forum function day to day. The level of negativity and anxiety about everything outside of their control must be crippling
  25. Is there still a chance that Chelsea get booted out due to not complying with UEFA's PSR rules? #clutching
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