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Everything posted by LV

  1. LV

    In-house media

    That was under Ashley though, not PIF/ PCP/ Reubens
  2. Someone was saying earlier that he’s moved back and is back training with us. No idea what’s gone on but he’s not our player any more that’s for sure.
  3. I reckon a few will be keeping them for next season
  4. Great result Forest Think Arsenal’s spirit was already broken tbh
  5. Look, it’s technically possible that even if we do qualify for the Champions League it could be taken away from us by a points deduction for something.
  6. So many had this week down as us getting humped by Brighton and Liverpool winning against Villa This is a great result for us.
  7. Can I just say I’ve always loved the brummie accent and it categorically does not make them sound thick at all. Up the Villa
  8. I’m actually pretty hopeful Bournemouth will get at least a point too
  9. Had to go and fetch his leg out of the crowd
  10. My take on that was that he wasn’t talking about having 22 strong players for 2 different starting elevens but that he wanted enough players to be able to rotate from one game to the next so that each starting 11 was equally as strong. Some players may play both games but he could rotate in equally good players if some players needed a rest. If that makes sense.
  11. It’s always about them.
  12. They’ve moved over here haven’t they?
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