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Everything posted by LV

  1. Someone else on here was saying he’d been spotted playing golf nearby recently weren’t they? I can’t find it now. From a week or so ago.
  2. LV

    St James' Park

    What you say to him?
  3. I would be ill… He’s got Everton written all over him.
  4. LV

    St James' Park

    Yeah but then people will panic over that too
  5. Man U allegedly after Pickford, according to TalkShite
  6. Spurs have opened talks with him (or maybe with Leicester) according to TalkShite
  7. Hope he’s binned off once TNT fully take over from BT
  8. Personally think one big-ish signing of about 40-45m and then a couple of smaller bargain types maybe picked up from relegated teams. Would not be surprised to see ASM go either
  9. https://twitter.com/BigTerryChippa/status/1667095900571705344?s=20
  10. It’s just jealousy and hate being clothed in faux moral outrage
  11. LV

    Garang Kuol

    Sounds like a seafood platter. Maybe some olives.
  12. Can you even see anything where you are right now?
  13. No. But do you need any opinions on cities or landmarks? I could do you a good deal on Copenhagen
  14. Yeah totally. The food was amazing and I do miss that but I couldn’t leave quick enough. I think it’s an amazing place to be in your 20s and very early 30s if you can afford it. But after that, run like hell
  15. I’ve lived there. It quickly becomes very tiresome as you get older. I’ve conducted supermarket transactions without one word being said between cashier and me. Commuting is horrendous. People are competitive and everything is about money and status. It takes well over an hour to get out of central London to anything resembling the countryside. I agree that millionaires will have a different experience but let’s not kid ourselves it’s the Fields of Elysium here.
  16. Look, respect is earned and loyalty is returned, ok?!
  17. I’m sure it’ll be their starting position but they’ll def come down from that I’d have thought
  18. TBH I thought he was still someone we may be be interested in so I for one was glad to hear we’re not!
  19. I suppose the big question here is has he had respect and therefore is loyal or has he been disrespected and therefore isn’t loyal And is it even about the club
  20. No, St Maximin posting another cryptic message on Instagram: Respect is earned, Honesty is appreciated, Love is gained and Loyalty is returned. Followed by a peace dove emoji and a hands making a heart emoji
  21. LV

    St James' Park

    Schär and Botman
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