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Everything posted by loki679
Brexit Jim owns the club, he can do what he wants. Stop moaning, you ingrates, he saved you from the Glazers and he's a billionaire donchaknow?
But that doesn't matter anymore does it? I thought it was changing to squad cost vs revenue this year so we can only spend a maximum 70% of our revenue on wages / amortisation etc. Last figures I saw had us at 68%.
He's really good at manufacturing moves that will make him and his agent bank whilst being a dogshit striker.
Dude needs to learn to sort his data. 3/7 WNA.
Players have to leave at some point. I think we need to sit Young Eddie down and explain this to him in the nicest way possible.
Doesn't know all the words. Sell him.
Right lads, if we need to see it out, smack Dan in the face.
Two ways. First way is you need to be recommended by three geordies of good standing. You'll then spend 90 days in meditation considering the geordie faith and your place within it. Following that, you'll spend 3 months training with a master in the tibetan mountains where your only sustenance will be signed pictures of Kevin Keegan and boiled 96 home shirts. You then begin the trials. You'll be starved, beaten and forced to repeatedly watch replays of the mackems beating us 3-0. If your faith is still resolute after months of this then you'll be forced to sit in the East Stand for a whole season. Assuming you survive that, you'll be placed in a 4' x 4' cell for a period of six months where your only food will be cheesy chips, your only drink blue pop and your only gratification your own sister. This is followed by a period of meditation and recovery before you may finally present yourself to the council, confirm your true black and white heart and be accepted into the brotherhood. The other way is you send me your wechat id, I add you as a friend and add you to the group. Much like Allardyce, I'd recommend route one.
There's 120 geordies in the magpies in china weixin group
哈哈, 我不是中国人, 我是英国人
我目前住在深圳,尽管我们家在广州。很高兴这里有中国人 。小心 Mike,他不喜欢亚洲人。
Aye, I remember the last rumour about a virus in China. Whereabouts in China are you btw?
Does he do a handstand or something?
Why does it matter?
You've got a bird flu epidemic kicking off in the USA and HMPV breaking out in China too. Can't wait for the daily testing, masks and lockdowns to start again......
White collar criminals don't get real punishment anyway, he'll be grand.
Nice sentiments but ultimately there's no loyalty in football.
Are we talking normal left footed or Almiron left footed?
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