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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. Think this is the worst I've seen CFC in the modern era. They look like they've never played together before.
  2. Honestly love seeing this happening to Spurs based on their season. They'd be CFC without Kane.
  3. Not watching this one but for no other reason than it's bottom Saints, I think we'll win.
  4. Sounds awfully familiar mind Stiffster.
  5. I'm not sure anyone was figured out his end game yet. They just agreed another stint of Cov playing in his stadium that didnt have any drama surrounding it.
  6. Wouldn't mind Boro but don't want those cloggers anywhere near our purples.
  7. I was born on the day Cov won the FA cup and went to uni there. Would love to see them promoted.
  8. Just when you think the season couldnt possibly get any better. Paully memes in the wild.
  9. She really is awful. Personality of cardboard.
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