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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. What's he like with his long pass ability? Having one who's really good would be perfect for Isak and Gordon to run onto against a high pressing team.
  2. That can't be real. The sleeves are a complete mess. 3 straight lines, 2 random curves and at the bottom of the sleeve a complete white section that doesn't really match with anything. Kind of looks like two kits morphed into one. Shockingly overhyped if that's what it really is.
  3. Actually feel quite ashamed about how I used to think of him. Thought he was a bit shit and a grade A c**t before he signed for us. Thought we deserved better. In reality he's proper hard working, quality player and a real good lad. Just goes to prove that we don't really know fuck all about footballers apart from what we see on the pitch tbh Hope he scores a big goal for England this summer. Absolutely deserves it for the season he's had.
  4. The Newcastle united blood inside me now fears the celebrations of Man City will lose their focus in the cup final and cost us a place in Europe. It never sleeps. Great season though all things considered. PSG and Sunderland games seem a lifetime ago.
  5. "And if you do manage to beat us long term we'll soon limit your account to 50p max stakes or ban you completely" But lose 50k with them in a month and nothing is said.
  6. Why is Romano acting ITK when he's directly quoting the player Acting like he told Ramsdale himself what is going to happen. TBF he rarely gets it wrong, apart from Pedro to us typically which would have been an incredible signing imo.
  7. Said it last summer and I still think Edwards is used as their smokescreen. Drip feed him some "info" while actually going after someone completely different. Isn't this what happend with the Tonali deal, he said we were definitely going after someone else iirc.
  8. Norwich man what a mess. Sacked Farke who got them promoted twice and who eventually beats them in the play offs. If they go for former player Bruce they're absolutely fucked.
  9. Howes loyalty to shit players is really pissing me off. It's costing us games ffs.
  10. I just don't understand the curves on the side. Makes no sense what so ever on a shirt with so many straight lines. Clashes badly and looks awful. Maybe it will improve a little when being worn.
  11. Will always remember seeing him for the first time for us against Rangers in a friendly. Was sensational. Literally played like Pirlo that day.
  12. Did I hear correctly during the game that the stoppage time was sponsored by a local Burnley furniture supplier I mean if so we're missing a trick for not bringing in 100 million, getting different sponsors for every minute of the game.
  13. Not sure why but I get the feeling the name dropping about possible failure to agree with the council etc may be the plan from the start in order to build a new stadium. Maybe just trying to gently ease it through with fans who don't want it?
  14. By who?! No chance he leaves Real and absolutely no chance he comes here. He's the next golden boy for Madrid.
  15. Why are West ham so desperate to get rid of Moyes? Not great on the eyes and neither is his football but do they really think someone will come in and start getting them in the top six every season?
  16. Can't really bash a player while he's playing with an injury. We have no idea how the pain/discomfort feels while he's playing. He was a big part of our success last season and quietly went about his business under the radar at times. He's not elite of course but he's no Jack Colback either.
  17. I didn't think it was a foul tbh. Yeah he nudged him but he caught him off balance. Would that have been given as a penalty if it was reversed? I don't think so.
  18. Mate I really can't be fucked to keep going back and forward with you and it's not really a big deal. Why would I make it up?I've heard him myself say things like "city broke the rules" when at this moment they haven't been found guilty of that. Anyone that listens to him regularly can clearly see he thinks city are guilty and he digs them about it too. It's a dangerous thing to do involving court cases etc.
  19. It's not what he's written it's what he's said on talk sport. There's been numerous times it's come up in discussion and it's obvious that Jordan is having a dig and a snigger about it. Clearly implying they are guilty and will be charged to millions of people tuning in. I'm almost certain that if city go ahead with what they intend in that tweet I shared then Jordan's name will be one of those mentioned. He did it with us during the takeover, saying AS hasn't got the funds and that the Premier league will not ever approve the deal. He states his opinion as facts which can be very dangerous for things regarding the City charges etc .
  20. Yeah Simon Jordan and Carragher have been very aggressive about it. Remember Carragher saying something on sky or that American sports channel that he works on and it was very blatant. Usually I couldn't really care less but that made me think wow you shouldn't be saying stuff like that.
  21. I honestly think it's all to do with that Lingard loan deal. We were absolutely desperate for a player like him then and we got laughed at and told to hand over a shit load of over valued money or fuck off. There's no chance we were going to happily play ball when you came knocking
  22. They may have strong evidence but they haven't been found guilty yet. For professionals on TV and radio to insinuate that they ARE guilty is very unprofessional and a dangerous game to play.
  23. I've noticed Jordan has been very aggressive with his opinion of City being guilty. The way he voices his opinion with a sniggering laugh to those that dare have a different opinion to him is really fucking annoying. He does sometimes make some very good points about various subjects but the way he comes across is an absolute wanker.
  24. If true this could really be bad news and very costly for some. Mainly some of the talk sport LADS with their "banter".
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