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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. Not sure we should risk Burn in this, the fact he can play LB and CB would be a big loss if he got injured.
  2. Just imagine Arsenal scored last night in the 80th minute, their shithousing would be off the scale. It's been around for years, mainly just getting the ball in the opposition corner flag and holding it, winning a corner then repeat. Perfectly legitimate in order to get a result. Come the end of the season it could be the difference between a title win or European qualification considering things can come down to a single point or goal difference. It's not pretty and it's horrible when it's done against your own team but you would be naive and quite a poor manager if you didn't employ it when you need to hold on to a result. Certainly in the big games at the very least.
  3. Eddie's extra weight is all the Premier league points he's been eating.
  4. Yeah I've listened to that but from what I remember he didn't give to much away apart from the rugby team iirc. Edit - think he said he went to see Eddie Hearn too?
  5. Is there anywhere that says exactly what he did after leaving Bournemouth? Obviously he went to see Simone and I think he went to visit one of the rugby teams to view their training? Would love to know what else he did in that 6 months as it had a huge influence on him.
  6. Do you think we would have signed him if we got our main man Carlos as we went all out for him didn't we? Botman is just incredible, just a complete wall and so so composed.
  7. My mate is a Brentford fan and apparently their chairman has made his money from some high roller/invite only betting stats site or something. They have used the model to identify players who are undervalued and perform well above their playing club/level/reputation. Think their sister club is a Danish team which is why they have a lot of Danes and have good control over that region. Quite impressive and it's how they've worked their way up through the leagues.
  8. It is absurd. I don't think I've found a simple explanation as to why and regardless, it's obviously a massive loophole. Also can't see why a big deal isn't being made of this from the media as they are spending like absolute crazy. Imagine it was us, there would be BBC panorama investigations etc within days
  9. 2023. The year of the Howe.
  10. Targett was an absolute wall for RW opponents last season but Burn has been very solid this season and more importantly can fill in at CB to make a 3 in the middle, something Targett just can't do. Harsh on him but considering our form, results and how we play its good to see Howe sticking with Burn consistently.
  11. Even if everything is above board with their spending, surely this is just suicide for the future transfer windows and eventually they will need to make massive sales to be able to spend again? Seems an absolute joke though, they're hurling minimun £60/70m bids around everywhere.
  12. Merino under Howe would be pitch porn.
  13. Elliot Anderson. Starts his career scoring the winner in the Carabao final, 12 years later hangs up his boots after scoring the winner in the Champions League final to make it 5th time winner with the club
  14. Scotty66

    Dele Alli

    Was absolutely class for a few seasons, really good passer who found space and could score goals as well. Hence why he found himself in the England team. I used to dread seeing his name on the team sheet when we played Spurs as he seemed to always have a good game vs us. Seemed a complete knob with a massive ego after watching that spurs documentary. To think of the players him and wilshere really could have been, it is a massive shame.
  15. Love how programmes are so finely timed down to the last second with adverts etc but they casually get the cup draw wrong by 15 minutes plus ffs.
  16. Man City or Liverpool would field the kids wouldn't they?
  17. Maxi to come on after an hour and either tear Bournemouth apart or his muscles
  18. Just noticed Mbappe's 15 year old brother plays for PSG. Imagine he turns out to be the better one
  19. Not sure if this was actually said by him but found this.
  20. It don't think it'll even be available until after the Euros. The FA have already said they want Southgate to remain regardless of tonight's result and I really can't see him walking away yet.
  21. He's the one that toon mouth tyne desperately wanted to be so I'm glad it's Adam and not him. Toon mouth tyne was wanking off just because Mehrdad followed him on twitter. Bet he has Sunderland levels of poison about the attention Adam P gets
  22. Can't see a link on my Web page. I click on nufc TV tab and its just joelinton interview and the Chelsea highlights Edit - scrap that it's now appeared
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