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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. Dangerous strategy hoovering up talent just so other clubs don't get them. Especially with agents involved. Boehly really thinks you can just throw 11 good players together and win every trophy going doesn't he
  2. We really want this kid it seems..
  3. This works absolutely perfectly, we've hardly seen him this season but with him going out it would mean we can definitely bring another player in who can bring more to the side than Jonjo can. I think without this bid we maybe would have closed business and settled with him being in the team but now we can definitely upgrade. Killing two birds with one stone as the saying goes.
  4. Some bits in here meeting Howe etc
  5. Ahh so he started off at Liverpool... Now I understand why Everton fans are all "happy" he's left them! Hope they spend the money wisely... He's going to be an exciting player for us
  6. Both Brentford and Brighton were desperate to sign him as he was top of the list on both owners moneyball strategy. It clearly works and identifies some real talent who can be snapped up without paying 50/60m fees.
  7. Take the Wood money into account and this is a nice deal for us.
  8. Making our home grown players list a lot stronger with this lad and Gordon. Foundations for the future are being well and truly laid
  9. Erikson left on crutches after the Carroll challenge. Not sure how bad the injury is yet though.
  10. Earliest link I've seen of Gordon was some writer for the telegraph in July 2022
  11. Clayton Blackmore isn't it? (behind Hughes)
  12. How the fuck did that photo get leaked?!
  13. Is he a shitbag and does he like shithousing
  14. It has to be ASM's defensive workrate that is keeping him out of the team, I love him but when he's laying on the floor faking an injury while we're getting hit on the counter it's so bloody annoying.
  15. Who is he going to replace in the starting 11? Longstaff maybe with Joelinton and Willock in the middle and Gordon on the wing? Eddie loves Longstaff though doesn't he
  16. "It'll be one of those staggered and structured payment plans" No, no it won't.
  17. IMTTS was so against the takeover I'm sure his username meant "I'll make the takeover stop"
  18. Good afternoon Mr. Gordon, welcome to Eddie's shit bag mags, I see you'll fit right in. Now let's get started..
  19. The takeover was always going to happen one way or another. Even if it meant making a court decide. Edward said they walked away for good and would not be returning. He also said a nice man called Henry Maurice was about to buy the club. Honestly, he's the absolute worst Newcastle reporter there is and constantly winds up the fans offering nothing but his poor opinion and fake rumours.
  20. Edwards is an absolute wanker and if you read his twitter posts during the takeover saga you'll know exactly why. He knows fuck all and is desperate to be an ITK now his pal Bruce has been told to fuck off, even though he was telling everyone the takeover isn't happening. (unless your name is Henry Maurice)
  21. Just been catching up on some posts and wanted to add about the Wi-Fi signal. Unfortunately living so far away I've only been to St.James once (well twice but only seen 1 game) and I was pretty shocked how bad the wi-fi/phone signal was when I was there. Even after the game outside the stadium I was having problems and I genuinely thought 02 had gone down for a few hours. I wanted to check the scores at half time and have a 5 minute scroll through twitter to see any incidents of the game and thoughts on how it was etc. This is perfectly normal and I can't see it effecting the atmosphere during the game. The stuff to do with updating your Instagram and YouTube etc is valid but people would still do that anyway as it only uses the phone camera. Uploading can take place when the phone is in your pocket and if not they'll just wait until after the game. Personally the only time I would use the Internet signal is half time and when I went I still had my phone out taking a few pictures and videos, and that was because it was a rare occurance for me. I just think that considering 99.9% of people in that stadium own a phone, it really should offer full signal and Wi-Fi. Turning the signal on just at half time is a very good idea although I don't know if that would cause connection issues given the mass amount of connections at once.
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