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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. Is that 18 months left under his new improved long term contract that was offered due to him proving himself as the right man for the job?
  2. One of the worst decisions I've ever seen. Just can't see a single reason to think that you would give a pen for that.
  3. Was really impressed with Busquets, of course he's a snidy shit house and has been an elite player for years now but he's just so so good even now, always in the right place at the right time and keeps things simple. One of the best ever in his position imo.
  4. Noticed that, about 10/15 seconds left to play which is enough for the Spanish GK to kick it out and launch a counter?!
  5. Acted like a twat tonight, kept trying to play like he was in the neymar fives and just ended up giving the ball away instead of beating his man. Got crunch tackled a few times too thankfully.
  6. Scotty66

    Garang Kuol

    Twice now mooy has had a chance to play him down the right and mooy instead passes it inside and they lose the ball
  7. Imagine going to a World Cup and leaving him at home. Ridiculous. Has taken to the PL like a duck to water. Would have no problems playing in a World Cup. The little nudge he does to knock the opponent off balance is pure class.
  8. He said in that interview with Jake humphrey that he's a lot more conscious now about burning out and that he knows when to switch off at home with his family etc. I think this break will be great for him, it'll give him and the club a chance to overlook everything and really spend some time looking at players who we want to bring in. Also I keep thinking over the next 2 or 3 years we may see the end for Klopp and Pep. If those clubs get their next appointment wrong it will give us a massive advantage.
  9. Said it months ago,he should have gone back to Sporting and ended his career there. Would have been a fitting end to one of the games best ever players and would have made the Sporting fans overjoyed. He never needed the money so should have just took a low pay deal and enjoy his football. Would still destroy some players in that league unlike in the Premier league. Unfortunately his ego made him one of the World's best and ironically its now contributing to his downfall.
  10. Why on Earth are sky sports constantly tweeting about some YouTuber called speed?
  11. Was there a photo after Palace? Keep seeing people saying about how he wasn't smiling but I can't see a team photo from the Palace game on the nufc twitter?
  12. Joelinton on the left do you think? Or maybe a change in formation?
  13. Thought he was really impressive in his few cameos earlier in the season, hit the post in one I think and seemed very confident on the ball,always looking to try beat his man. Would like him to get 2 or 3 games in this league to make a true assessment of where he currently is with his ability but we've been so impressive you can see why he hasn't had a look in. Personally I think he would perform better than Murphy over a 5 game period in the league.
  14. Great tackle by Burn there, nice pass into Shelvey who hits a lovely 40 yard ball to maxi who takes on 4 players before just hitting it wide. I'm guessing that's what's happening right now.
  15. But on the flip side we'll miss a 4-3 win with Anderson getting a hat trick
  16. Got a EFL ifollow channel but it's only Liverpool match and the Shrewsbury match listed. Will check once everything kicks off though.
  17. I still believe Ottmar Hitzfeld would have turned us into a European powerhouse.
  18. Got a feeling it will be one of the bidders who wanted Chelsea. I don't really see Liverpool having "oil club" owners. The whole idea is surely to buy a club a lot lower on the elite level, and then you can make a huge profit once they become elite. At Liverpool can they really make someone a huge profit considering they're already at the top of the elite level? It's a big risk when you can buy a club for much much cheaper and muscle your way in. New owners at Liverpool coming in and getting it wrong, crashing out of Europe, Klopp leaving etc. The value could plummet.
  19. Sure someone said its available on peacock? No idea what that is though.
  20. Something about long walks for managers to their seats at stadium's like at Villa and Man Utd that makes me really uncomfortable . When things are going really really bad it must be absolutely awful getting hurled abuse while the rest of the stadium boos. Glad Bruce has had to do the walk of shame at Villa though.
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