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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. My Mrs brought me last seasons black one but it's such a tight fit with sleeves far to short/high up. Was really uncomfortable wearing it. Sent the first one back and then ordered an even bigger size and it was just the same. Haven't worn it since
  2. Barca should have lost that. Inter had to square the ball for a tap in and they fucked it up. Mental header by Lewa though.
  3. Is Nuno Santo still out of a job? Surely Wolves should go for him again
  4. I think PIF just want to plough as much money into the club as possible to catch up to the big clubs. This is another way of doing that. If there was no FFP I don't think they would bother but they are doing everything possible to legally put as much into the club as they can.
  5. Wtf? But you can still score if you get a rebound off the keeper?
  6. Scotty66

    Dan Burn

    I'm sure it was always Man City before they got the money though by sky etc. Can't ever remember them being just "city". Outside of Manchester anyway.
  7. Midfield maestro. Dem chances created
  8. We've got some proper smilers at the club now. Him, miggy, JT, Bruno.
  9. I wonder if Sky will change their "United" stance if (when) in 5 years we're buzzing around the top of the table and Man U are clinging on to 6th and 7th.
  10. How on Earth are those surfer flags made man, just can't get my head around how it's done Awesome job though, something I look forward to on match days now, even if its watching though a TV screen.
  11. They have a game 3 days before us too. Probably the most confident I've ever felt for us going to face Man Utd at Old Trafford.
  12. Scotty66

    Dan Burn

    Have only seen the pen incident once but wasn't it soft as fuck?
  13. They're missing their captain who is their CB. Hopefully that may cause some defensive errors from them. Any more in depth scouting missions you need from me hit me up.
  14. I'll never give in lads I'm with you untill the end, we stand together we die together, we're a team. Unless of course someone offers me a better job with more money and I'll be fucking off pronto. What a cunt.
  15. Scotty66


    Had a good read through that thread on RTG. Some absolute classics in there. Love how it slowly starts to unwind, first "it won't be done deal by January" with them being smug and having a chuckle that it will still take months. To then happening the next day and they are all "I dont care anyway"
  16. Teared up when it was finally confirmed. Had put so much time and effort into listening to podcasts, reading articles, searching twitter, reddit, here etc for 2 years. The lows of them pulling the plug, court cases, PL dragging it out, and the highs of it being back on track and then finally stamped. Just incredible. We're only at the start and it's going to be one hell of a ride.
  17. Exactly the same here. I had a chuckle at that post and then scrolled down, watched the video and couldn't believe he actually said all that word for word. While smirking through the entire interview!! "we go again tomorrow" gives me fucking nightmares.
  18. Always makes me laugh when I look at the line ups and old Stevey boy here playing his 4-2-3-1 like he's some sort of cool swarve continental manager. Just play 4-4-fucking 2 Steve, I guarantee you would have more success as it compliments your management style.
  19. We've had so many managers in the past put out piss poor starting lineups because they have no idea what they are doing. Eddie does it for a reason and that's because he's done due diligence on the opposition not because we need "more fret" or because they speak Dutch or because they've rolled their sleeves up in training. It'll just take us a while to fully get used to that
  20. Just seen a clip of Haaland scoring the second for Man City, why was Erikson marking him on the corner? That has to be a mistake right and not what the game plan was?!!
  21. Scotty66

    Jacob Murphy

    Played well yesterday, one point we had a 5 on 3 I think and he decided to shoot from outside the box which was a real poor decision. My Norwich mates said he was just a championship player right back when we signed him and it's spot on. Even as an impact sub I don't think he's that effective. I like him and wished he had made it here but with the likes of Anderson breaking through we really need to move him on.
  22. Rumours Spurs are keeping an eye on him. Hope we can sign him up quick as we would lose out if they bid.
  23. To be fair to him he said on deadline day a big player is coming iirc. It was later confirmed that we went for pulisic and moura but both Chelsea and spurs pulled the plug late on. I mean it wasn't 100% bullshit, it just didn't work out like many many transfers.
  24. His organisation of our defence away to Leicester not long after he joined is something I'll never forget. We had been in such a mess for so so long at the back and he had us so tight and compact, every player in perfect positioning right across the line. Somethings even on TV you can spot clearly, like how it is now with Eddie. And how is never was under Bruce
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