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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Potentially win win. PSG don't pay his wages, we get the benefit of temporary cover. If he does well his value increases. If he doesn't do well his value stays the same.
  2. My team won 4-1 today. Newcastle won 4-1 I won £10 from one of the lads whose a Chelsea fan. Got home after my game and watched the full match. Don't think we were at our best today which is mad all things considered.
  3. Decidedly average. Started off playing up front as a kid as I was quick. I remember being through on goal frequently and having no idea how to finish. Played for my school mostly on the bench as our PE teacher was a dick. Once made me run the line for the whole game after school. We played the year below us as our last game and I scored two and put on two. Had a season with my village team who were shit and finished top scorer. It has dawned on me that at no point were we ever coached anything at all during school . Played Rugby up to 16 and played County at that, was invited to Welsh Exile trials and then tore my hamstring a couple of times which took away all my pace. Net result was quite a break from sport. Got back into football second year of Uni. Moved down the pitch to full-back and then centre-half in my second season. Won player of the season for my pretty rubbish college team as a centre half. Not much ability at all, but able to read the game well, interceptions aplenty and good positional sense. There were a couple of lads who had done very well who I played a bit with whilst at Uni though only on the same side during a tour to Dublin. One lad was a reserve at Wednesday (then in the championship) before he came to uni, head and shoulders above anyone else. The other played youth football to Chesterfield and was exceptionally fast and strong. He now lives in Sedgfield and some of you may have played against him at some point as he plays Saturday and Sunday league. After uni spent about 6 years playing 6 a-side as a sort of Moussa Sissoko (athletic, good at transistioning from defence to attack, not much of a goalscorer). Most of the 6 a-side was with Romanian lads most of whom are really very good footballers. This year we have formed an 11 a-side team which is almost exclusively Romanian. One lad played Futsal at the top level in Romania and is probably the best footballer I have played with. One of the younger players recently represented Romania in European 6 a-side and he is also very good. One of our players was on the books at Galatarasy but a badly broken leg stopped that. A fair few of the lads played 11 a-side at the top end of the Romanian football pyramid. Some of the goals that get scored in training are pheneomenal. I play full-back and sometimes centre-back, im one of our older players, one of our most limited players and seemingly constantly carrying a knock.
  4. So Branko a large boys would probably be the best fit.
  5. Same way you felt with La Bamba and Rafa.
  6. Think we really see the benefit of the way he trains the squad in games like these. Everyone bang up for it can only be because of the intensity of our training.
  7. Like a Pinocchio vibe, the more he lies the more his mortal flesh is replaced with cabbage
  8. Maybe we knew about this before we bought him. Maybe it’s how we signed him.
  9. Games forum is akin to the vulnerable persons wing.
  10. No just the games forum. He is allowed to view the Saudi thread for educational purposes only.
  11. To be honest less about the length of the ban (going on the assumption it’s going to write him off for this season and at least some of the next). More about whether he can engage in football related activities.
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