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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Watching the game last night, it’s clear the club is moving in the right direction. Hall is a part of that.
  2. Ultimately we are not yet where we want to be. Soon will be though. We are only a couple of players short.
  3. Joelinton not celebrating the best goal of his Newcastle career is the sexiest thing I’ve seen.
  4. Weeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllll…….. well it’s a big Joe!!!!!!!
  5. Really don’t think any player takes that on his weaker foot like.
  6. It’s amazing how shit we were at appointing managers. Constant acts of self harm.
  7. Trippier is also able to do what he does because Almiron is effective.
  8. most of this forum is obsolete tbh.
  9. When you stop to think, it’s so weird seeing Hatem being mobbed by Kevin Nolan and Joey Barton.
  10. You can see how much growth we have had in this competition from our performance against Milan to this game. We were seriously good at times tonight.
  11. Jenas trying to hand Howe a note as though he doesn’t interview Llamas on prime time.
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