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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Townsend played on the right last time I watched you lot, and he played on the right for Spurs and England. If he starts on the left I'll be happier. Anyway, I'm a little more nervous today than I have been. It's off to the pub at 12 for a good session as I'm off work tomorrow . I'll be back on here Monday or Tuesday win, lose or draw. I'd like to say may the best team win, but I wouldn't mean it. I don't care if we play the worst football the Premier League has ever seen and get a scabbie, fluke of a goal for a 1-0 Hopefully it all goes off without the usual numpties having their 15 minutes of infamy, especially after what we seen at Old Trafford midweek. Rattled. Have a good 12-1.30pm.
  2. You'll get all these musings on Palace. If only there was one person who had overall responsibility for their footballing shortcomings.
  3. Neither Ba or Remy spent large swathes of time stood near the halfway line with their back to goal.l
  4. Think he's dropping too deep so he's knackering himself out trying to join in with the final stage of an attacking move. If he could stay higher up the pitch I suspect he'd attack the ball more. A combination of fitness and mentality.
  5. Yeah have altered my travel plans to accommodate this fixture. Can't wait for it.
  6. Looks like a promo for the new thunderbirds.
  7. I get his Derby and Kinnears mixed up.
  8. We were pretty uninspiring under hippo head in the Derby.
  9. Probably because they have won the last six, they've usually been s*** over that period. I'm hoping their players will be similarly over-confident.
  10. Lets be honest. That Uncle Ben probably doesn't exist.
  11. He's in a premier league relegation battle now, not the champions league. Not to mention he looks nowhere near match fit. No problem with him getting longer as a impact sub and building up sharpness but it would be a mistake to start him on sunday in my opinion. You asked. I suppose we should go off Benitez's relegation record too? I'm not advocating he starts, just a bit of sensibility.
  12. It was a decent effort that Butland saved.
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